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File metadata and controls

439 lines (334 loc) · 20.8 KB


ContractionHierarchy (CH) is an index-based speedup technique for shortest path computations. They work in two phases:

  1. Preprocessing (or index generation)
  2. Query

The preprocessing phase is slow but only depends on the graph and its weights but not on the source and the target nodes. The query phase uses the results of the preprocessing phase and is therefore very fast.

All classes and functions are defined in <routingkit/contraction_hierarchy.h>.

The central object is the index itself and is called ContractionHierarchy. The simplest way to construct it is as following:

unsigned node_count = ...;
std::vector<unsigned>tail = ...;
std::vector<unsigned>head = ...;
std::vector<unsigned>weight = ...;

ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight);

The build function copies its parameters. It does not store a reference to them, i.e., you can destroy them after it is finished.

The other important object is called ContractionHierarchyQuery and can be used as following:

ContractionHierarchyQuery query(ch);

unsigned source_node = ...;
unsigned target_node = ...;

unsigned distance = query.get_distance();
std::vector<unsigned>nodes = query.get_node_path();
std::vector<unsigned>arcs = query.get_arc_path();

The variable distance stores the shortest path distance from source_node to target_node. The other two variables nodes and arcs represent the path itself. nodes is a vector of all node IDs in the path whereas arcs is a vector of arc IDs. The ID of an arc is its position in the vectors used to construct the CH.

The reason why the query object is not integrated into the CH itself is to allow an efficient multi-threaded setup. You can have one global CH but a query object per thread.


The preprocessing has two optional parameters as illustrated in the following code snipplet:

std::function<void(std::string)>log_message = ...;
unsigned max_pop_count = ...;

ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight, log_message, max_pop_count);
// or build(node_count, tail, head, weight, log_message);

The important parameter is log_message. As preprocessing can take a long time you might want to have a status message that tells you what stage the algorithm has reached. To achieve this log_message is called periodically, i.e., to get logging you could use the following code:

ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight, [](std::string msg){cerr << msg << endl;});

The other parameter trades preprocessing time for index quality. It is best left alone, if you do not know the algorithm's internals. A small value should provide a fast preprocessing running time but a bad index quality, whereas a large value should give a good index quality but require more preprocessing running time. However, the world is not that simple. We have observed a too small value to be poor with respect to every criterion. Its default value is ContractionHierarchy::default_max_pop_count.

A central component of the preprocessing consists of computing a so-called contraction order. This is an ordering of the input nodes. A significant fraction of the preprocessing running time is spent computing this order. It can therefore be beneficial to store this ordering to accelerated the preprocessing. Further, two graphs that have similar arcs can have very similar contraction orders. If you need CHs for both graphs you may therefore compute only a single order and use it for both. You can access the positions of the nodes in this order using ch.order. The inverse permutation of the order is called rank and can be accessed using ch.rank. Given one of these two permutations, the preprocessing can be accelerated. The interface is as following:

std::vector<unsigned>order = ...
ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::build_given_order(order, tail, head, weight);

std::vector<unsigned>rank = ...
ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::build_given_rank(rank, tail, head, weight);

As computing a CH can be slow, we provide functions to save it to disk. Before we describe the details of the functions, we want to provide a clear warning:

Only read CHs from trusted data sources. Manipulated files can be used to execute arbitrary code.

That being said: We do not expect this to happen by accident. The most common unintentional corruptions are detected and others only cause segmentation faults. We do not fully validate the input for performance reasons.

The simplest functions to use are:

ContractionHierarchy ch1 = ...;
ContractionHierarchy ch2 = ContractionHierarchy::load_file("file_name");

However, we also provide a more complex interface that allow you to for example the standard iostreams:

std::ofstream out("file_name", std::ios_base::binary);


std::ifstream in("file_name", std::ios_base::binary);
ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::read(in);
// or ContractionHierarchy::read(in, file_size);

The input function read has a second optional parameter which indicates the file size. If the file size is present then it is checked against the claimed size from the file header and if they do not match then a graceful std::runtime_error exception is thrown. Otherwise the code will go ahead and allocate as much memory as the (possibly corrupt) header states, which can be more than the amount of physical memory and cause your system to become non-reactive do to the OS constantly swapping memory pages from and to the disk.

In some cases you neither want to store the file to disk nor does the data have a standard I/O-stream interface. For this case we provide the following functions:

std::ofstream out("file_name", std::ios_base::binary);
	[&](const char*buffer, unsigned long long buffer_size){
		out.write(buffer, buffer_size);
std::ifstream in("file_name", std::ios_base::binary);
ContractionHierarchy ch = ContractionHierarchy::read(
	[&](char*buffer, unsigned long long buffer_size){, buffer_size); 
	// an optional second file_size parameter exists

It is guaranteed that the callbacks are called only a constant number of times per call to read and write. You could for example use these features to stream the CH directly per TCP.


The basic query interface is

ContractionHierarchyQuery query(ch);

The chaining is pure syntactical sugar. You could write this code also as following:

ContractionHierarchyQuery query(ch);

Constructing a query object is heavy-weight. It can therefore be recycled to perform several queries. Note that the ch object is not modified by the query object. A typical multi-threaded server setup therefore consists of one global CH instance and a query object per thread.

The query object stores a reference to the ch object. If the ch object is destroyed then you must destroy the query object or call query.reset(new_ch) before using any other query method.

To reuse a query object you need to start by calling the reset function. You can then add the source and target nodes. Finally, you call run to execute the query. Afterwards, you can use the following functions:

unsigned distance = query.get_distance();
std::vector<unsigned>nodes = query.get_node_path();
std::vector<unsigned>arcs = query.get_arc_path();

to access the results. Note, that get_distance has a constant running time, whereas the two other functions actually need to do some additional computations, which can be as slow as calling run, i.e., store the vector in a local variable, if you need to iterate over it several times.

As already stated there can be several source and target nodes. You can write


which has the meaning that either a path from a to b or from a to c (but not both) should be computed depending on which is smaller. You can also have multiple targets and even combine multiple sources with multiple targets. In the later case the closest pair of source and target nodes is chosen for the path.

To figure out which nodes were the closest you can extract the path and look at it. This is also the fastest way if you need the path anyway. However, if you do not plan on querying the path itself, then you can use the following functions:

unsigned source = query.get_used_source();
unsigned target = query.get_used_target();

Note, that while being cheaper than the functions that extract the paths, get_used_source and get_used_target perform a partial path extraction and therefore do not have a constant running time.

It is possible that you do not want to compute the closest pair but want to penalize some nodes. You can do this as following:

unsigned dist_to_a = ...;
unsigned dist_to_b = ...;
query.reset().add_source(a, dist_to_a).add_source(b, dist_to_b).add_target(c).run();

The meaning of this is that every path from a is regarded as being dist_to_a longer than it actually is. If no penalty is provided then it is implicitly zero. You can do the same for targets.

This penalty is added to the value returned by get_distance. Note that if you sum up the weights of arcs returned by get_arc_path and use a non-zero penalty then the sum will not match the value returned by get_distance. The reason is that the sum does not account for the penalties while get_distance does.

Many-to-Many Queries

You can also use the normal ContractionHierarchyQuery object to compute one-to-many and many-to-one queries. Iteratively calling these gives you many-to-many queries.

Note that a design goal was to not use more memory per query object than was needed to answer one-to-one queries. This slightly limits what algorithms we can employ. It is therefore probably possible to design slightly faster specialized many-to-many query objects that use more memory.

The basic usage pattern is as following:

ContractionHierarchyQuery query(ch);
std::vector<unsigned>source_list = ...;
std::vector<unsigned>target_list = ...;

for(auto s:source_list){
	std::vector<unsigned> d = query.reset_source().add_source(s).run_to_pinned_targets().get_distances_to_targets();
	// d[i] contains the distance from s to target_list[i]

Instead of pinning targets, you can also pin the source nodes as following:

ContractionHierarchyQuery query(ch);
std::vector<unsigned>source_list = ...;
std::vector<unsigned>target_list = ...;

for(auto t:target_list){
	std::vector<unsigned> d = query.reset_target().add_target(t).run_to_pinned_sources().get_distances_to_sources();
	// d[i] contains the distance from source_list[i] to t

You can also combine this with multiple calls to add_source or add_target as the following code snippet illustrates:

unsigned dist_to_a = ...;
unsigned dist_to_b = ...;
std::vector<unsigned> d = query
	.add_source(a, dist_to_a)
	.add_source(b, dist_to_b)

d[i] then contains the minimum of dist(a, target_list[i])+dist_to_a and dist(b, target_list[i])+dist_to_b and dist(c, target_list[i]) where dist(x,y) is the the shortest path distance from node x to node y.

Experimental Query Extensions

The functions documented in this section are experimental. Contrary to other query object functionality, they are currently exclusive to ContractionHierarchyQuery and not replicated in CustomizableContractionHierarchyQuery. The following pseudo-code snippet provides an overview of the functionality:

struct SaturatedWeightAddition{
	unsigned operator()(unsigned l, unsigned r)const;
	int operator()(int l, int r)const;

template<class Weight>
struct ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight{
	ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight(const ContractionHierarchy&ch, const InputWeightContainer&extra_weight, const LinkFunction&link);
	ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight& reset(const ContractionHierarchy&ch, const InputWeightContainer&extra_weight, const LinkFunction&link);

struct ContractionHierarchyQuery{
	ContractionHierarchyQuery& get_used_[sources|targets]_to_[targets|sources](unsigned*dist);		
	std::vector<unsigned> get_used_[sources|targets]_to_[targets|sources]();
	Weight get_extra_weight_distance(const ExtraWeight&extra_weight, const LinkFunction&link);
	std::vector<Weight> get_extra_weight_distances_to_[targets|sources](const ExtraWeight&extra_weight, const LinkFunction&link, [TmpContainer&tmp, [DistContainer&dist]]);

get_used_sources_to_targets and get_used_targets_to_sources are a many-to-many version of get_used_source and get_used_target. If targets are pinned and multiple sources were added using add_source, get_used_sources_to_targets returns for every target the source node used to get to it. There are two versions of the method. One takes a pointer to an array as parameter and writes its output to it. The other returns the result as newly allocated vector. The parameter variant is guaranteed to not throw an exception. The following code snippet provides an example of how to use the functions.

	tail = {0, 1},
	head = {2, 3},
	weight = {1, 1},
	target_list = {3, 2};
unsigned node_count = 4;
auto ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight);
ContractionHierarchyQuery q(ch);
	used_sources = q.reset()
assert(used_sources[0] == 1);
assert(used_sources[1] == 0);

The remaining functions are related to extra weights. The query object has a primary weight that is optimized. However, several secondary extra weights can exist. These extra weights are not optimized. However, it is possible to compute the length of computed path according to an extra weight. The get_extra_weight_distance is the simplest of these functions. The following code snippet illustrates how it can be used:

unsigned node_count = 4;
	tail = {0, 0, 1, 2},
	head = {1, 2, 3, 3},
	weight = {1, 10, 1, 10},
	extra_weight1 = {10, 1, 10, 1};
	extra_weight2 = {-10, -1, -10, -1};
	extra_weight3 = {"foo", "bla", "bar", "hoo"};
auto ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight);
ContractionHierarchyQuery q(ch);


assert(q.get_distance() == 2);
assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight1, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == 20);
assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight2, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == -20);
assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight3, [](std::string l, std::string r){return l+r;}) == "foobar");

ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight<int>extra_weight4(ch, extra_weight2, SaturatedWeightAddition());

assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight4, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == -20);

The code first defines a graph with two paths from node 0 to node 3. There is a shortest path via node 1 with length 2 with respect to weight. The same path has length 20 with respect to extra_weight1. It is not a shortest path according to extra_weight1. The query object optimizes the primary weight and therefore picks this path. get_extra_weight_distance can be used to compute the length according to extra_weight1 without computing the sequence of arcs. The first parameter of get_extra_weight_distance is the weight according to which the length should be computed. As the function is a template, a lot of types of arrays are supported and not just std::vector. Indeed, everything with an operator[] works. This includes pointers. The second parameter is the link function. It is explained in the next paragraph.

extra_weight2 demonstrates that extra weights do not have to be positive integers. Negative integers work. More complex constructions are possible as illustrated with extra_weight3. To support this flexibility, a link function must be provided. It has the signature Weight link(Weight first, Weight second). It should compute the "length" of the path when first traversing first and then second. For the usually weights this is the addition. However, more complex operations such as string concatenation are needed.

SaturatedWeightAddition addition does not just perform an addition. It also handles overflows and underflows correctly. If for example, any edge along the path has weight inf_weight, the path length is inf_weight. Similarly, if the addition of two signed integers was smaller than INT_MIN, the result is capped at INT_MIN. Using SaturatedWeightAddition in combination with std::vector further has the advantage that the templates are explicitly instantiated. This reduces compilation times and if RoutingKit is build as shared object, the code is placed into the shared object.

ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight allows to accelerate get_extra_weight_distance at the expense of a higher index construction time. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the extra weight as follows:

ContractionHierarchyExtraWeight<unsigned>extra_weight4(ch, extra_weight1, SaturatedWeightAddition());
assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight4, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == 20);

Warning: It is undefined, what path is chosen when shortest paths are not unique. Consider the following code snippet:

unsigned node_count = 4;
	tail = {0, 0, 1, 2},
	head = {1, 2, 3, 3},
	weight = {1, 1, 1, 1},
	extra_weight = {10, 2, 10, 2};
auto ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight);
ContractionHierarchyQuery q(ch);


assert(q.get_distance() == 2);
// assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == 20) ???
// assert(q.get_extra_weight_distance(extra_weight, SaturatedWeightAddition()) == 4) ???

Both the paths via nodes 1 and 2 have length 2. However, they differ with respect to the extra weight. The algorithm is free to pick any of these paths. You can only assume that it picks one of both choices.

Finally, get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets and get_extra_weight_distances_to_sources are provided. These are the many-to-many versions of get_extra_weight_distance that can be used as follows:

unsigned node_count = 4;
	tail = {0, 0, 1, 2},
	head = {1, 2, 3, 3},
	weight = {1, 10, 1, 10},
	target_list = {3, 1};
	extra_weight = {"foo", "bla", "bar", "hoo"};

auto ch = ContractionHierarchy::build(node_count, tail, head, weight);
ContractionHierarchyQuery q(ch);

vector<string>d = q
		[](std::string l, std::string r){return l+r;}
assert(d.size() == target_list.size());
assert(d[0] == "foobar");
assert(d[1] == "foo");

get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets has two optional parameters, namely tmp and dist. Both are arrays. As the function is a template they can be anything with array-semantics, i.e., an operator[]. tmp is used to store temporary data. It must have size node_count and elements must have the same type as the weights. Providing tmp has the advantage, that it avoids a memory allocation in get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets. This can be beneficial if get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets is run in a tight loop. dist is an output parameter. If it is present the function does not return a std::vector but writes its result to dist.

If both tmp and dist are present and the link function allocates no memory, then get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets is also guaranteed to not allocate any memory. Further, if both tmp and dist are present and the link function does not throw, then get_extra_weight_distances_to_targets is guaranteed to not throw.


Contraction Hierarchies are described in:

  • Exact Routing in Large Road Networks Using Contraction Hierarchies. Robert Geisberger, Peter Sanders, Dominik Schultes, and Christian Vetter. Transportation Science, 2012.

The exact node ordering procedure is described in:

  • Customizable Contraction Hierarchies. Julian Dibbelt, Ben Strasser, and Dorothea Wagner. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 2016.

The Many-To-Many queries use ideas from:

  • Faster Batched Shortest Paths in Road Networks. Daniel Delling and Andrew V. Goldberg and Renato F. Werneck. Proceedings of the ATMOS'11, 2011.