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File metadata and controls

234 lines (183 loc) · 8.35 KB


This is a brief tutorial on how to use hypero. We demonstrate how the library can be used to log experiments, sample hyper-parameters, and query the database for analysing results.


Let's start off by connecting to the database server :

require 'hypero'
conn = hypero.connect{database='localhost', username='nicholas'}

The conn variable is a Connect instance.


Define a new Battery of experiments to run :

batName = "RNN Visual Attenion - MNIST"
verDesc = "fixed bug in Sequencer"
battery = conn:battery(batName, verDesc)

This allows us to group our experiments into batteries identified by a unique batName string. We can also optionally keep track of the different versions of the code we are using by providing a unique verDesc string. This is usually a description of the changes we made to the last version of code to obtain the new one. Making changes to our code often influences the results of our experiments, so it's good practive to log these.

Grouping experiments by battery and version will come in handy later when we need to retrieve the results of our experiment (see below).


Once we have our versionned battery defined, we can use it to instantiate new experiments:

hex = bat:experiment()

Think of each such experiment as an entry into the hyper-optimization log. The experiment log is organized into 3 PostgreSQL tables, where each row is associated to an experiment :

  • param : hyper-parameters like the learning rate, momentum, learning rate decay, etc.
  • result : experimental results like the learning curves or the accuracy (train, valid, test), etc.
  • meta : meta-data like the hostname from which the experiment was run, the path to the saved model, etc.

These database tables can be filled with Lua tables. For example, given the following Lua tables :

hp = {startLR = 0.01, momentum = 0.09, lrDecay = 'linear', minLR = 0.0001, satEpoch = 300}
md = {hostname = 'hermes', dataset = 'mnist'}
res = {trainAcc = 0.998, validAcc = 0.876, testAcc = 0.862}

Using the hex experiment, we can update the respective database tables as follows:


Internally, the Lua tables are serialized to a JSON string and stored in a single column of the database. This keeps the database schema pretty simple. The only constraint is that the Lua tables be convertable to JSON, so only primitive types like nil, string, table and number can be nested within the table.


The above example, we didn't really sample anything. That is because the database (i.e. centralized persistent storage) aspect of the library was separated from the hyper-parameter sampling. For sampling, we can basically use whatever we want, but hypero provide a Sampler object with different sampling distribution methods. It's doesn't use anything fancy like a Gaussian Process or anything like that. But if you do a good job of bounding and choosing your distributions, you still end up with a really effective random search.

Example :

hs = hypero.Sampler()
hp = {}
hp.preprocess = hs:categorical({0.8,0.1,0.1}, {'', 'lcn', 'std'})
hp.startLR = hs:logUniform(math.log(0.1), math.log(0.00001))
hp.minLR = math.min(hs:logUniform(math.log(0.1)), math.log(0.0001))*hp.startLR, 0.000001)
hp.satEpoch = hs:normal(300, 200)
hp.hiddenDepth = hs:randint(1, 7)

What did we create a Sampler class for this? Well we never know, maybe someday, we will have a Sampler subclass that will use a Gaussian Process or something to optimize the sampling of hyper-parameters.

Again, if we want to store the hyper-parameters in the database, it's as easy as :


Training Script

If we have a bunch of GPUs or CPUs lying around, we can create a training script that loops over different experiments. Each experiment can be logged into the database using hypero. For a complete example for how this is done, please consult this example training script. The main part of the script that concerns hypero is this :

-- loop over experiments
for i=1,hopt.maxHex do
   local hex = bat:experiment()
   local opt = _.clone(hopt) 
   -- hyper-parameters
   local hp = {}
   hp.preprocess = ntbl(opt.preprocess) or hs:categorical(opt.preprocess, {'', 'lcn', 'std'})
   hp.startLR = ntbl(opt.startLR) or hs:logUniform(math.log(opt.startLR[1]), math.log(opt.startLR[2]))
   hp.minLR = (ntbl(opt.minLR) or hs:logUniform(math.log(opt.minLR[1]), math.log(opt.minLR[2])))*hp.startLR
   hp.satEpoch = ntbl(opt.satEpoch) or hs:normal(unpack(opt.satEpoch))
   hp.momentum = ntbl(opt.momentum) or hs:categorical(opt.momentum, {0,0.9,0.95})
   hp.maxOutNorm = ntbl(opt.maxOutNorm) or hs:categorical(opt.maxOutNorm, {0,1,2,4})
   hp.hiddenDepth = ntbl(opt.hiddenDepth) or hs:randint(unpack(opt.hiddenDepth))
   hp.hiddenSize = ntbl(opt.hiddenSize) or math.round(hs:logUniform(math.log(opt.hiddenSize[1]), math.log(opt.hiddenSize[2])))
   hp.batchSize = ntbl(opt.batchSize) or hs:categorical(opt.batchSize, {16,32,64})
   hp.extra = ntbl(opt.extra) or hs:categorical(opt.extra, {'none','dropout','batchnorm'})
   for k,v in pairs(hp) do opt[k] = v end
   if not opt.silent then

   -- build dp experiment
   local xp, ds, hlog = buildExperiment(opt)
   -- more hyper-parameters
   hp.seed = xp:randomSeed()
   -- meta-data
   local md = {} = xp:name()
   md.hostname = os.hostname()
   md.dataset = torch.type(ds)
   if not opt.silent then
   md.modelstr = tostring(xp:model())

   -- run the experiment
   local success, err = pcall(function() xp:run(ds) end )
   -- results
   if success then
      res = {}
      res.trainCurve = hlog:getResultByEpoch('optimizer:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.validCurve = hlog:getResultByEpoch('validator:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.testCurve = hlog:getResultByEpoch('tester:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.trainAcc = hlog:getResultAtMinima('optimizer:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.validAcc = hlog:getResultAtMinima('validator:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.testAcc = hlog:getResultAtMinima('tester:feedback:confusion:accuracy')
      res.lrs = opt.lrs
      res.minimaEpoch = hlog.minimaEpoch
      if not opt.silent then

So basically, for each experiment, sample hyper-parameters, build and run the experiment, and save the hyper-parameters, meta-data and results to the database. If we have multiple GPUs/CPUs, we can launch an instance of the script for each available GPU/CPU, sit back, relax and wait for the results to be logged into the database. That is assuming your script is bug-free. When a bug in the code is uncovered (as it inevitably will be), we can just fix it and update the version of the battery before re-running our scripts.


Assuming our training script(s) has been running for a couple of experiments, we need a way to query the results from the database. We can use the export script to export our results to CSV format. Assuming, our battery is called Neural Network - Mnist and we only care about versions Neural Network v1 and above, we can use the following command to retrieve our results:

th scripts/export.lua --batteryName 'Neural Network - Mnist' --versionDesc 'Neural Network v1'

The resulting hyper.csv file will contain all the experiments (one per row), rows ordered by experiment id (hexId column). The columns are organized by hyper-parameters, followed by results and finally the meta-data columns :

That is a lot of data. We can filter the data by specifying the columns we would like to include in the CSV using the --[param,meta,result]Names cmd-line arguments. While we are at it, we might want to order rows in descending order of the validAcc column :

th scripts/export.lua --batteryName 'Neural Network - Mnist' --versionDesc 'Neural Network v1' --metaNames 'hostname' --resultNames 'trainAcc,validAcc,testAcc' --orderBy 'validAcc' --desc

The resulting hyper.csv file looks much better don't you think?