diff --git a/docs/diagrams/c4-model/model.dsl b/docs/diagrams/c4-model/model.dsl index bb24608586..f3dc0fd215 100644 --- a/docs/diagrams/c4-model/model.dsl +++ b/docs/diagrams/c4-model/model.dsl @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@ # Read description in the 'views.dsl' file. +eSettDomain = group "eSett Exchange" { + eSettApi = container "eSett Exchange WebAPI" { + description "eSett exchange API" + technology "Asp.Net Core Web API" + tags "Microsoft Azure - App Services" "Titans" + } +} + frontendDomain = group "Frontend" { bffApp = container "BFF Web API" { description "Backend for frontend (BFF) combines data for presentation on DataHub 3 UI" @@ -9,6 +17,7 @@ frontendDomain = group "Frontend" { # Domain-to-domain relationships this -> wholesaleApi "Uses" "json/https" this -> markpartApi "Uses" "json/https" + this -> eSettApi "Uses" "json/https" } bffApi = container "BFF API" { description "API Gateway to BFF Web API" diff --git a/docs/diagrams/c4-model/views.json b/docs/diagrams/c4-model/views.json index bf7eb19834..7c46b027ce 100644 --- a/docs/diagrams/c4-model/views.json +++ b/docs/diagrams/c4-model/views.json @@ -1,1245 +1,1314 @@ { - "id": 1, - "name": "DataHub", - "description": "Description", - "lastModifiedDate": "2023-08-09T09:05:26Z", - "lastModifiedAgent": "structurizr-javascript", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl": 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System-to-system communication (B2B).", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "70", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "2", - "destinationId": "69", - "description": "Requests eg. 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"sourceId": "46", - "destinationId": "42", - "description": "Updates actors with external B2C id.", - "technology": "EF Core" - } - ], - "technology": "Timer Trigger", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "51", - "tags": "Element,Component,Microsoft Azure - Function Apps,Titans", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "markpartmaildispatcher" - }, - "name": "Mail Dispatcher", - "description": "Responsible for sending user invitations.", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "54", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "51", - "destinationId": "42", - "description": "Reads data regarding newly invited users.", - "technology": "EF Core" - }, - { - "id": "52", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "51", - "destinationId": "19", - "description": "Sends invitation mail", - "technology": "SendGrid/https" - } - ], - "technology": "Timer Trigger", - "documentation": {} - } - ], - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "56", - "tags": "Element,Container,Microsoft Azure - Function Apps,Phoenix", - 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"technology": "EF Core" - } - ], - "technology": "Http Trigger", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "62", - "tags": "Element,Component,Microsoft Azure - Function Apps,Phoenix", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "editimeseriesrequester" - }, - "name": "TimeSeries request component", - "description": "Fetches time series data from relevant domain", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "63", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "62", - "destinationId": "55", - "description": "Writes time series data to database", - "technology": "EF Core" - } - ], - "technology": " Trigger", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "57", - "tags": "Element,Component,Microsoft Azure - Function Apps,Phoenix", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "edipeekcomponent" - }, - "name": "Peek component", - "description": "Handles peek requests from actors", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "58", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "57", - "destinationId": "55", - "description": "Stores messages and business transactions", - "technology": "EF Core, Dapper" - } - ], - "technology": "Http Trigger", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "64", - "tags": "Element,Component,Microsoft Azure - Function Apps,Phoenix", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "editimeserieslistener" - }, - "name": "TimeSeries listener", - "description": "Listens for integration events indicating time series data is ready", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "67", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "64", - "destinationId": "62", - "description": "Triggers requester to fetch time series data" - }, - { - "id": "65", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "64", - "destinationId": "18", - "description": "Subscribes to integration events" - } - ], - "technology": "Service Bus Trigger", - "documentation": {} - } - ], - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "85", - "tags": "Element,Container,Microsoft Azure - App Services,Mandalorian,Titans,UI/UX Guild", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "bffapp" - }, - "name": "BFF Web API", - "description": "Backend for frontend (BFF) combines data for presentation on DataHub 3 UI", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "87", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "85", - "destinationId": "43", - "description": "Uses", - "technology": "json/https" - }, - { - "id": "86", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "85", - "destinationId": "79", - "description": "Uses", - "technology": "json/https" - } - ], - "group": "Frontend", - "technology": "Asp.Net Core Web API", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "19", - "tags": "Element,Container,Intermediate Technology,SaaS,Microsoft Azure - SendGrid Accounts", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "dh3.sharedsendgrid" + "sourceId" : "50", + "destinationId" : "23", + "description" : "Creates B2C App Registration", + "technology" : "Microsoft.Graph/https" + } ], + "technology" : "Timer Trigger", + "documentation" : { } + } ], + "documentation" : { } + }, { + "id" : "83", + "tags" : "Element,Container,Microsoft Azure - App Services,Mandalorian", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "wholesaleapi" + }, + "name" : "Wholesale API", + "description" : "Backend server providing external web API for wholesale operations", + "relationships" : [ { + "id" : "88", + "tags" : "Relationship,Simple View", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "73f2a296-187b-460f-aed8-3326d89bf906" + }, + "sourceId" : "83", + "destinationId" : "60", + "description" : "Sends calculations", + "technology" : "integration event/amqp" + }, { + "id" : "87", + "tags" : "Relationship", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "3bc663f4-df12-43de-b5b7-237bc87c3ae7" + }, + "sourceId" : "83", + "destinationId" : "79", + "description" : "Retrieves results from" + }, { + "id" : "84", + "tags" : "Relationship", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "6436fcca-887d-4149-8b83-b71d6768e254" + }, + "sourceId" : "83", + "destinationId" : "19", + "description" : "Sends calculations", + "technology" : "integration event/amqp" + }, { + "id" : "86", + "tags" : "Relationship", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "74d77e6a-3948-47e9-8ccb-f2ea3f2c4f7c" + }, + "sourceId" : "83", + "destinationId" : "80", + "description" : "Sends requests to" + }, { + "id" : "85", + "tags" : "Relationship", + "properties" : { + "structurizr.dsl.identifier" : "b5222b2f-59ae-49a6-ad5e-dced8397f366" + }, + "sourceId" : "83", + "destinationId" : "82", + "description" : "Uses", + "technology" : "EF Core" + } ], + "group" : "Wholesale", + "technology" : "Asp.Net Core Web API", + "documentation" : { } + }, { + "id" : "19", + "tags" : "Element,Container,Intermediate Technology,PaaS,Microsoft Azure - 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"name": "UI", - "description": "Provides DH3 functionality to users via their web browser.", - "relationships": [ - { - "id": "96", - "tags": "Relationship,OAuth", - "sourceId": "91", - "destinationId": "22", - "description": "Request OAuth token", - "technology": "https" - }, - { - "id": "94", - "tags": "Relationship", - "sourceId": "91", - "destinationId": "88", - "description": "Uses GraphQL and RESTful services", - "technology": "json/https" - }, - { - "id": "95", - "tags": "Relationship,Simple View", - "sourceId": "91", - "destinationId": "85", - "description": "Uses", - "technology": "json/https" - } - ], - "group": "Frontend", - "technology": "Angular", - "documentation": {} - }, - { - "id": "22", - "tags": "Element,Container,Microsoft Azure - Azure AD B2C", - "properties": { - "structurizr.dsl.identifier": "dh3.sharedb2c" + "sourceId" : "66", + "destinationId" : "59", + "description" : "Writes time series data to database", + "technology" : "EF Core" + } ], + "technology" : " Trigger", + "documentation" : { } + }, { + "id" : "68", + "tags" : "Element,Component,Microsoft Azure - 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