We have basically 2 types of tests: Acceptance tests and Unit tests.
We're using terraform-plugin-testing Golang module for writing acceptance tests.
For more information, please refer to the acceptance tests documentation.
In order to run the acceptance tests, several environment variables should be present. BA_API_URI
to communicate with the Biganimal API.
We also use the BA_TF_ACC_VAR_<resource_type>_<variable_name>
environment variables to run the acceptance tests. Example variable names can be found in the .env.example file.
You can run the acceptance tests with the following command:
$> make testacc
or if you would like to run an individual test, For example:
$> TF_ACC=1 go test -timeout 600s -run ^TestAccResourceCluster_basic$ github.com/EnterpriseDB/terraform-provider-biganimal/pkg/provider
For more details, please refer to Running Acceptance Tests.
When you want to introduce a new env var for your tests, please make sure to pay attention to those points:
- The environment variable name is in the form of
- Add the variable to the
. - Make sure that the
is called in the PreCheck function of the test. For example:
func TestAccBiganimalRegionResource_basic(t *testing.T) {
var (
acc_env_vars_checklist = []string{
projectID = os.Getenv("BA_TF_ACC_VAR_region_project_id")
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() {
testAccResourcePreCheck(t, "region", acc_env_vars_checklist)
- Also, add the new env var to the .env.example file.
Especially for isolated functions, unit tests are essential to ensure that the plugin code works. Please refer to Unit Testing page of the official terraform documentation for further details on the topic.
You can run the acceptance tests with the following command:
make test
- Official Golang Docs on Testing
- Testing Patterns: Official terraform documentation that covers some test patterns that are common and considered a best practice to have when developing and verifying your Terraform plugins.