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Gregor Leban edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 30 revisions

Event Registry is a Python package that can be used to easily access the data available in the Event Registry ( through the provided API.


Event Registry package can be installed using Python's pip installer. In the command line, simply type:

pip install eventregistry

and the package should be installed. Alternatively, you can also clone the package from the GitHub repository at After cloning it, open the command line and run:

python install

Validating installation

To ensure the package has been properly installed run python and type:

import eventregistry

If you don't get any error messages, then your installation has been successful.

Updating the package

As features are added to the package you will need at some point to update it. In case you have downloaded the package from GitHub simply do a git pull. If you have installed it using the pip command, then simply run

pip install eventregistry --upgrade

Authentication and API key

When making queries to Event Registry you will have to use an API key that you can obtain for free. The details on how to obtain and use the key are described in the Authorization section.

Four simple examples to get you interested

Print a list of recently added news articles or blog posts mentioning phrases "George Clooney" or "Sandra Bullock"

from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
q = QueryArticlesIter(
    keywords = QueryItems.OR(["George Clooney", "Sandra Bullock"]),
    dataType = ["news", "blog"])
# obtain at most 500 newest articles or blog posts
for art in q.execQuery(er, sortBy = "date", maxItems = 500):
    print art

Search for latest events related to Star Wars

from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
q = QueryEvents(keywords = "Star Wars")
q.setRequestedResult(RequestEventsInfo(sortBy = "date", count = 50))   # request event details for latest 50 events
# get the full list of 50 events at once
print er.execQuery(q)

Search for articles that (a) mention immigration, (b) are related to business, and (c) were published by news sources located in New York City

from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
q = QueryArticlesIter(
    # here we don't use keywords so we will also get articles that mention immigration using various synonyms
    conceptUri = er.getConceptUri("immigration"),
    categoryUri = er.getCategoryUri("business"),
    sourceLocationUri = er.getLocationUri("New York City"))
# obtain 500 articles that have were shared the most on social media (Facebook, G+, LinkedIn, ...)
for art in q.execQuery(er, sortBy = "socialScore", maxItems = 500):
    print art

What are the currently trending topics

from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
# top 10 trending concepts in the news
q = GetTrendingConcepts(source = "news", count = 10)
print er.execQuery(q)

Learning from examples

We believe that it's easiest to learn how to use our service by looking at examples. For this reason, we have prepared examples of various most used features. View the examples grouped by main search actions:

View examples of searching for articles

View examples of searching for emails

View examples of obtaining information about an individual event

Examples of how to obtain the full feed of articles

Examples of how to obtain the full feed of events

Where to next?

Depending on your interest and existing knowledge of the eventregistry package you can check different things:

Terminology. There are numerous terms in the Event Registry that you will constantly see. If you don't know what we mean by an event, story, concept or category, you should definitely check this page first.

Learn about EventRegistry class. You will need to use the EventRegistry class whenever you will want to interact with Event Registry so you should learn about it.

Details about articles/events/concepts/categories/... that we can provide. When you will be requesting information about events, articles, concepts, and other things, what details can you ask for each of these?

Querying events. Check this page if you are interested in searching for events that match various search criteria, such as relevant concepts, keywords, date, location or others.

Querying articles. Read if you want to search for articles based on the publisher's URL, article date, mentioned concepts or others.

Trends. Are you interested in finding which concepts are currently trending the most in the news? Maybe which movie actor is most popular in social media? How about the trending of various news categories?

Articles and events shared the most on social media. Do you want to get the list of articles that have been shared the most on Facebook and Twitter on a particular date? What about the most relevant event based on shares on social media?

Data access and usage restrictions

Event Registry is a commercial service but it allows also unsubscribed users to perform a certain number of operations. Non-paying users are not allowed to use the obtained data for any commercial purposes (see the details on our Terms of Service page) and have access to only last 30 days of content. In order to avoid these restrictions please contact us about the available plans.