diff --git a/stac_dist/corine_land_cover/corine_land_cover.json b/stac_dist/corine_land_cover/corine_land_cover.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34b22761 --- /dev/null +++ b/stac_dist/corine_land_cover/corine_land_cover.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "type": "Feature", + "stac_version": "1.0.0", + "id": "corine_land_cover", + "properties": { + "license": "other", + "description": "The CORINE Land Cover (CLC) inventory consists of 44 land cover and land use classes derived from a series of satellite missions since it was first established.", + "providers": [ + { + "organization_name": null, + "organization": "EEA", + "comments": "The present 100m raster dataset is the 2018 CLC status layer modified for the purpose of consistent statistical analysis in the land cover change accounting system at EEA.\n\nCORINE Land Cover (CLC) data are produced from 1986 for European (EEA member or cooperating) countries. Altogether five mapping inventories were implemented in this period, producing five status layers (CLC1990, CLC2000, CLC2006, CLC2012, CLC2018) and four CLC-Change (CLCC) layers for the corresponding periods (1990-2000, 2000-2006, 2006-2012, 2012-2018). Pan-European CLC and CLCC data are available as vector and raster products.", + "doc_link": "https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover", + "organization_email": null, + "project_purpose": null + } + ], + "dataSource": "https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover", + "cube:dimensions": { + "x": { + "axis": "x", + "extent": [ + 900000, + 7400000 + ], + "reference_system": "3035", + "type": "spatial", + "unit": "metre", + "interpolation": null, + "step": 100 + }, + "y": { + "axis": "y", + "extent": [ + 900000, + 5500000 + ], + "reference_system": "3035", + "type": "spatial", + "unit": "metre", + "interpolation": null, + "step": "-100" + }, + "time": { + "extent": [], + "type": "temporal", + "values": [ + "1990-01-01T00:00Z", + "2000-01-01T00:00Z", + "2006-01-01T00:00Z", + "2012-01-01T00:00Z", + "2018-01-01T00:00Z" + ], + "step": "", + "unit": "day" + }, + "z": { + "extent": [ + null, + null + ], + "reference_system": null, + "interpolation": null, + "type": "spatial" + } + }, + "datetime": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", + "raster:bands": [ + { + "band_name": "landcover", + "unit": "1", + "data_type": "int16", + "nodata": -32768, + "definition": "https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover", + "description": "CLC code representing a landform feature (urban area, forests, etc). For more details about the classes see the CORINE Land Cover nomenclature guidelines: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/corine-land-cover-nomenclature-guidelines/html/index.html", + "category_list": "Multiple values", + "comment": null, + "interpolation": "" + } + ], + "title": "Corine Land Cover", + "datasource_type": "grid", + "keywords": "land cover, landscape, landscape alteration, land, land use", + "area_cover": "EEA-38+UK", + "documentation": "Source dataset DOI links: https://doi.org/10.2909/c89324ef-7729-4477-9f1b-623f5f88eaa1, https://doi.org/10.2909/ddacbd5e-068f-4e52-a596-d606e8de7f40, https://doi.org/10.2909/08560441-2fd5-4eb9-bf4c-9ef16725726a, https://doi.org/10.2909/a84ae124-c5c5-4577-8e10-511bfe55cc0d, https://doi.org/10.2909/960998c1-1870-4e82-8051-6485205ebbac", + "crs": "3035", + "start_datetime": "1990-01-01T00:00Z", + "end_datetime": "2018-01-01T00:00Z", + "personalData": null, + "provenance_name": "European Union's Copernicus Land Monitoring Service", + "preprocessing": null, + "source_data": "https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover", + "apis": "OGC WCS, WCPS, WMS, WMTS", + "modification": null, + "provision": null, + "use_case_S4E": 1, + "use_case_WER": 2, + "use_case_NHM": 1, + "use_case_NILU": null, + "use_case_NHM_2": null, + "ingestion_status": "Completed, year as integer, (1990,2000,2006,2012,2018)", + "platform": "Rasdaman" + }, + "geometry": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + -56.5051419017044, + 24.2841770079211 + ], + [ + -56.5051419017044, + 58.95275109308057 + ], + [ + 72.90613675900907, + 58.95275109308057 + ], + [ + 72.90613675900907, + 24.2841770079211 + ], + [ + -56.5051419017044, + 24.2841770079211 + ] + ] + ] + }, + "links": [ + { + "rel": "root", + "href": "../catalog.json", + "type": "application/json", + "title": "data-access catalog" + }, + { + "rel": "parent", + "href": "../catalog.json", + "type": "application/json", + "title": "data-access catalog" + }, + { + "href": "https://catalog:JdpsUHpPoqXtbM3@fairicube.rasdaman.com/rasdaman/ows?&SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=2.1.0&REQUEST=DescribeCoverage&COVERAGEID=corine_land_cover&outputType=GeneralGridCoverage", + "rel": "about", + "type": "text/xml", + "title": "Link to the rasdaman coverage description in XML" + }, + { + "href": "https://catalog:JdpsUHpPoqXtbM3@fairicube.rasdaman.com/rasdaman-dashboard/?layers=corine_land_cover", + "rel": "service", + "type": "text/html", + "title": "Link to the rasdaman web application to Access, process gridded data" + } + ], + "assets": { + "thumbnail_rasdaman": { + "href": "https://catalog:JdpsUHpPoqXtbM3@fairicube.rasdaman.com/rasdaman/ows?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetMap&layers=corine_land_cover&bbox=24.2841770079211,-56.5051419017044,58.95275109308057,72.90613675900907&time=\"1990-01-01T00:00Z\"&width=800&height=600&crs=EPSG:4326&format=image/png&transparent=true&styles=", + "roles": [ + "thumbnail" + ] + } + }, + "bbox": [ + -56.5051419017044, + 24.2841770079211, + 72.90613675900907, + 58.95275109308057 + ], + "stac_extensions": [ + "https://stac-extensions.github.io/raster/v1.1.0/schema.json", + "https://stac-extensions.github.io/datacube/v2.0.0/schema.json" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file