All major and minor version changes will be documented in this file. Details of patch-level version changes can be found in commit messages.
- more typing
- ruff linting
- code quality improvements
- Update deps
back in project
- Using pytest
- Fix
- Fix
- Bump pillow version (CVE-2022-22815, CVE-2022-22816, CVE-2022-22817)
- Update deps
- Minor update to tests
- Raise
for XcfDocument save methods #10 - Fix regression in flattenAll when using layer group masks #11
Thanks for those!
- Raise raise
in place of generalisedException
- Minor code quality improvements
- Use pre-commit
- Rename tests (snake_case module names)
- Code quality improvements (fstrings etc)
- Update pillow
- Feature: #6
- Brought
back in-house
- Tidy up
- pyupgrade
- rasterImageOffset -> blendmodes
- Work on tests a bit
- Fix #2
- Tidy up
Update Pillow >= 8.1.1 due to high severity security vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2021-27923
- CVE-2020-35654
- CVE-2020-35653
- CVE-2021-27921
- CVE-2021-27922
- CVE-2020-35655
8 failed, 34 passed in 6.76 seconds ...
Probably needs a re-write, but I don't have time.
- A bit of typing
- Update gpl reader to remove comments
- More work on saving xcf. Still doesn't work.
- Fix fatal read xcf bug (upstream)
is now an external dependencybinaryiotools
as it provides many generalized methods that can be used to read a whole range of binary streams
- Added
as a dependency
- Massive backend changes. This is to make the development and maintenance processes easier as code files are a little smaller and contain one class (in most cases). Making them that bit more logical
- API breaking changes:
- Lazy importing from gimpformats no longer works eg
from gimpformats import BinaryIO
you must import from the module file egfrom gimpformats.BinaryIO import BinaryIO
this will prevent the entire module from becoming unusable in the unlikely event of a serious bug in any of these module files - Module files with the exception of
are now in upper camel case egfrom gimpformats.binaryIO import BinaryIO
is nowfrom gimpformats.BinaryIO import BinaryIO
this is part of making the development and maintenance process more manageable. gimpXcfDocument is the exception as this is probably the reason you are using the module and should therefore mean that most will have an easier time migrating. This may change in the future - toBytes/ _encode_ (and other variants) are now encode_
- fromBytes/ _decode_ (and other variants) are now decode_
- Lazy importing from gimpformats no longer works eg
- Adding layers is now possible!
- Saving writes but is far from complete. This requires lots of the toBytes/ encode_ functions to be fixed and implemented. Currently, you will get an incomplete xcf with data such as the image version and size and that's about it.
- Fixed visibility issues
- Added more comments as I continue my 'onboarding process'
- Updated classifiers
- Added notes for development
- Added copy of xcf spec for dev
- Fix previously broken parts of BinaryIO
- Update author
- Attempted some fixes to
- Fix
- Added image compositor and added a new test for a 'complex' image
- Now going to release under gimpformats
- Added documentation
- Project icon 😄
- Used bracketree to process gtp tool preset
- Incorporated a fix from another fork
- Linting fixes
- Test fixes
- Put this on pypi