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67 lines (49 loc) · 8.12 KB


The endpoint-configuration-service is the central service to manage and provide configuration about the endpoints to be handled by the sidecar-proxy. The service stores information about the endpoints and provides them via REST-Api. It generates dynamic resources for configuring listners and clusters on envoy and ServiceMeshExtension's for applying the configured auth via the sidecar-proxy in Openshift Service Mesh.


The project uses maven for build and dependency management.


The endpoint-configuration-service is part of the endpoint-authentication-service, so that the other components also need to be taken into account. It uses a SQL-Database as backend, currently are MySQL and the in-memory db H2 are supported.

How to run

Start the service through its container: docker run


Since it is built using the Micronaut-Framework all configurations can be provided either via configuration file (application.yaml) or as environment variables. For detailed information about the configuration mechanism, see the framework documentation.

The following table concentrates on the most important configuration parameters:

Property Env-Var Description Default
micronaut.server.port MICRONAUT_SERVER_PORT Server port to be used for mintaka 8080
micronaut.metrics.enabled MICRONAUT_METRICS_ENABLED Enable the metrics gathering true
endpoints.all.port ENDPOINTS_ALL_PORT Port to provide the management endpoints 8080
endpoints.metrics.enabled ENDPOINTS_METRICS_ENABLED Enable the metrics endpoint true ENDPOINTS_HEALTH_ENABLED Enable the health endpoint true DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_URL URL for accessing db jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
datasources.default.username DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_USERNAME Username to be used for db connections sa
datasources.default.password DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_PASSWORD Password to be used for db connections
general.updateDelayInS GENERAL_UPDATE_DELAY_IN_S How much delay until the config generation shoudl start 2
envoy.enabled ENVOY_ENABLED Should configuration for envoy be generated. true
envoy.externalAuth.address ENVOY_EXTERNAL_AUTH_ADDRESS Domain of the auth-provider auth-service
envoy.externalAuth.port ENVOY_EXTERNAL_AUTH_PORT Port of the auth-provider 7070
envoy.listenerYamlPath ENVOY_LISTENER_YAML_PATH Path to store the generated listener.yaml ./listener.yaml
envoy.clusterYamlPath ENVOY_CLUSTER_YAML_PATH Path to store the generated cluster.yaml ./cluster.yaml
envoy.wasmFilterPath ENVOY_WASM_FILTER_PATH Path the cached-auth-filter wasm-file. /cache-filter/cache-filter.wasm
meshExtension.enabled MESH_EXTENSION_ENABLED Should configuration for Openshift Service Mesh extensions be generated. true
meshExtension.authProviderName MESH_EXTENSION_AUTH_PROVIDER_NAME Name to access the auth provider, as defined by the service mesh.
meshExtension.workloadSelector MESH_EXTENSION_WORKLOAD_SELECTOR_(NAME/VALUE) Label to be used in the mesh extension for selecting the workloads to be handled app/app
meshExtension.filterVersion MESH_EXTENSION_FILTER_VERSION Version of the cached-auth-filter to be used in the extension ${project.version}
meshExtension.extensionName MESH_EXTENSION_EXTENSION_NAME Name of the extension resource to be created inside Openshift cached-auth-filter-extension
meshExtension.extensionNamespace MESH_EXTENSION_EXTENSION_NAMESPACE Namespace(Project) to create the resource at inside Openshift extension-namespace
meshExtension.meshExtensionYamlPath MESH_EXTENSION_MESH_EXTENSION_YAML_PATH Path to generate the ServiceMeshExtension yaml-file at. ./service-mesh-extension.yaml


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Static analyzes

Static code analyzes("linting") are provided via Spotbugs. Reports can be created via: mvn -B verify spotbugs:spotbugs -DskipTests


The code is documented in the Javadoc comments format.