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Spleen 3D image segmentation (MONAI)

Version MIT License ci

pl-monai_spleenseg is a ChRIS DS plugin based off Project MONAI’s spleen segmentation exemplar. This plugin implements the training and inference phases as two distinct modes of operation. For training, input files are a set of training examples (images and segmented images) and output files are training plots and weight (model) files in pth or ONNX format. For inference, input files are a model file and an input image (or set of images) and the output is a segmented image (or set of images).


Based off Project MONAI’s spleen segmentation notebook, this plugin implements both the training and inference phases of the notebook, using data supplied in the parent plugin (see Implementation).

For the most part, the python notebook code could have been mostly used verbatim in the plugin; however, in this example considerable and deeper refactoring was performed. Other than of course now being a complete stand alone implementation, this plugin allows for continuous (or continued) training, as well as saving examples of all training/validation/inference datasets as NIfTI volumes to allow for better understanding of the process.

For the training phase, the parent plugin provides input images (training and labeled) and the output is a model (pth or ONNX format). For the inference phase, the input is a model file, an image (or more) to analyze, and the output is a segmented volume file.

An additional remote inference phase is available. If the mode is specified as <modelID>@<URI> where modelID is the name of a model and URI denotes a pfms server’s base URL, the plugin will transmit input images to the remote endpoint where the pfms service will run the inference and return a segmented volume file.


The original notebook is a largely self-contained monolithic application. Exemplar input data is pulled from the web, and the notebook proceeds from there. In the case of this ChRIS plugin, some straightforward organizational changes are necessary. The training data is assumed to already have been downloaded a priori and is provided to this plugin by its parent. Outputs of the training are model weight filesTh.


pl-monai_spleenseg is a ChRIS plugin, meaning it can run from either within ChRIS or the command-line.

On the metal

Despite being a ChRIS plugin, on the metal development/usage is supported. Simply check out the repository and do a pip install to either a local venv or an existing one:

pip install -U ./
spleenseg --help


To get started with local command-line usage, use Apptainer (a.k.a. Singularity) to run pl-monai_spleenseg as a container:

apptainer exec docker://fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg spleenseg_train \
            [--args values...] input/ output/

To print its available options, run:

apptainer exec docker://fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg spleenseg_train --help


    [--mode <inference|training>]
    The mode of operation. If the actual text "training" text has any additional characters,
    then the epoch training is skipped and only the post-training logic is executed --
    this allows the system to operate as if in training mode, but only perform the post
    training steps. For example, "--mode trainingPost" would invoke this mode.

    If the mode is specified as <model>@<remote> (e.g. splsegv1@
    then the pfms server at (in this example) with base route /api/v1/
    is used to perform remote inference. Here, the model called "splsegv1" on the remote
    pfms server will be used to run inference. The return from this call is a NIfTI
    segmented volume saved in the <outputDir>.

    If specified, print this help page and quit.

    If specified, print the version and quit.

    If specified, log a set of intermediary NIfTI volumes as used for training,
    validation, spacing, and inference.

    [--useModel <modelFile>]
    If specified, use <modelFile> for inference or continued training.

    [--trainImageDir <train> --trainLabelsDir <label>]
    In the <inputDir>, the name of the directory containing files for training
    with their corresponding label targets.

    In the <inputDir> the name of the directory containing images for inference.

    [--device <device>]
    The device to use, typically "cpu" or "cuda:0".

    [--determinismSeed <seed>]
    Set the training seed.

    [--maxEpochs <count>]
    The max number of training epochs.

    [--validateSize <size>]
    In the training space, the number of images that should be used for validation
    and not training.


spleenseg_train requires two positional arguments: a directory containing input data, and a directory containing output data (graphs and “model” files). In this plugin, data is downloaded from medicaldecathelon. To get this data, first set an environment variable pointing at the directory to contain the pulled and unpacked data:

export MONAI_DATA_DIR=/some/dir

now, you can pull the data with this python snippet:

# You probably will need to
#   pip install -q "monai-weekly[gdown, nibabel, tqdm, ignite]"
from monai.apps import download_and_extract

directory = os.environ.get("MONAI_DATA_DIRECTORY")
root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if directory is None else directory

resource = ""
md5 = "410d4a301da4e5b2f6f86ec3ddba524e"
compressed_file = os.path.join(root_dir, "Task09_Spleen.tar")
data_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "Task09_Spleen")
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
    download_and_extract(resource, compressed_file, root_dir, md5)

Or simply run the supplied script (which is essentially the above code):


Create some output directory, and using our $MONAI_DATA_DIR, we can run the plugin:

mkdir outgoing/
apptainer exec docker://fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg:latest spleenseg \
        [--args] $MONAI_DATA_DIR outgoing/


Instructions for developers.


Build a local container image:

docker build -t localhost/fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg .


Mount the source code into a container to try out changes without rebuild.

docker run --rm -it --userns=host -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v $PWD/spleenseg/ \
    -v $PWD/in:/incoming:ro -v $PWD/out:/outgoing:rw -w /outgoing \
    localhost/fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg spleenseg /incoming /outgoing


Run unit tests using pytest. It’s recommended to rebuild the image to ensure that sources are up-to-date. Use the option --build-arg extras_require=dev to install extra dependencies for testing.

docker build -t localhost/fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg:dev --build-arg extras_require=dev .
docker run --rm -it localhost/fnndsc/pl-monai_spleenseg:dev pytest


Steps for release can be automated by Github Actions. This section is about how to do those steps manually.

Increase Version Number

Increase the version number in and commit this file.

Push Container Image

Build and push an image tagged by the version. For example, for version 1.2.3:

docker build -t .
docker push

Get JSON Representation

Run `chris_plugin_info <>`__ to produce a JSON description of this plugin, which can be uploaded to ChRIS.

docker run --rm chris_plugin_info \
            -d > chris_plugin_info.json

Intructions on how to upload the plugin to ChRIS can be found here:
