Blocks created in the Jedi Hardware academy
- Download the collection: stable or development
- Install the collection: Tools > Collections > Add
- Load the collection: Select > Collection
- Comb
- Codificadores
- cod-2-1
- cod-4-2-bus
- cod-4-2
- cod-5-3-bus
- cod-8-3-bus
- cod-8-3
- Decodificadores
- decod-1-2
- decod-2-4-bus
- decod-2-4
- decod-3-5-inv-bus
- decod-3-6-inv-bus
- decod-3-8-bus
- decod-3-8-flip
- decod-3-8
- 7Seg
- Anodo-comun
- displayBit
- displayBit2
- displayBit3
- displayDEC
- displayHEX
- Catodo-comun
- displayBit
- displayBit2
- displayBit3
- displayDEC
- displayHEX
- Anodo-comun
- Demux
- 1-Bit
- Demux-1-2
- Demux-2-4
- Demux-3-8-bus
- 1-Bit
- Mux
- 1-Bit
- Mux-2-1-flip
- Mux-2-1
- Mux-4-1-flip
- Mux-4-1
- Mux-8bus-1
- 16-bits
- Mux-2-1
- 2-Bits
- Mux-2-1-flip
- Mux-2-1
- Mux-4-1
- 24-Bits
- Mux-2-1
- 3-Bits
- Mux-2-1-flip
- Mux-2-1
- Mux-4-1
- 4-Bits
- Mux-2-1-flip
- Mux-2-1
- Mux-4-1
- 5-Bits
- Mux-2-1
- 7-Bit
- Mux-2-1
- 8-Bit
- Mux-2-1-flip
- Mux-2-1
- Mux-4-1
- 1-Bit
- Puertas
- and
- nand
- nor
- not
- or
- or6
- xnor
- xor
- 02-bits
- and-2-1
- 03-bits
- and-2-1
- and3
- or3
- 04-bits
- not
- or4
- 05-bits
- and-1-4
- not
- or5-bus
- or5
- 08-bits
- not
- Tablas
- tablas_bin
- 1bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-1-1
- tabla-bin-1-2
- tabla-bin-1-3
- tabla-bin-1-4
- tabla-bin-1-5
- tabla-bin-1-6
- tabla-bin-1-7
- tabla-bin-1-8
- 2bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-2-1
- tabla-bin-2-2
- tabla-bin-2-3
- tabla-bin-2-4
- tabla-bin-2-5
- tabla-bin-2-6
- tabla-bin-2-7
- tabla-bin-2-8
- 3bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-3-1
- tabla-bin-3-2
- tabla-bin-3-3
- tabla-bin-3-4
- tabla-bin-3-5
- tabla-bin-3-6
- tabla-bin-3-7
- tabla-bin-3-8
- 4bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-4-1
- tabla-bin-4-2
- tabla-bin-4-3
- tabla-bin-4-4
- tabla-bin-4-5
- tabla-bin-4-6
- tabla-bin-4-7
- tabla-bin-4-8
- 5bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-5-1
- tabla-bin-5-2
- tabla-bin-5-3
- tabla-bin-5-4
- tabla-bin-5-5
- tabla-bin-5-6
- tabla-bin-5-7
- tabla-bin-5-8
- 6bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-6-1
- tabla-bin-6-2
- tabla-bin-6-3
- tabla-bin-6-4
- tabla-bin-6-5
- tabla-bin-6-6
- tabla-bin-6-7
- tabla-bin-6-8
- 7bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-7-1
- tabla-bin-7-2
- tabla-bin-7-3
- tabla-bin-7-4
- tabla-bin-7-5
- tabla-bin-7-6
- tabla-bin-7-7
- tabla-bin-7-8
- 8bit_entrada
- tabla-bin-8-1
- tabla-bin-8-2
- tabla-bin-8-3
- tabla-bin-8-4
- tabla-bin-8-5
- tabla-bin-8-6
- tabla-bin-8-7
- tabla-bin-8-8
- 1bit_entrada
- tablas_hex
- 1bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-1-1
- tabla-hex-1-2
- tabla-hex-1-3
- tabla-hex-1-4
- tabla-hex-1-5
- tabla-hex-1-6
- tabla-hex-1-7
- tabla-hex-1-8
- 2bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-2-1
- tabla-hex-2-2
- tabla-hex-2-3
- tabla-hex-2-4
- tabla-hex-2-5
- tabla-hex-2-6
- tabla-hex-2-7
- tabla-hex-2-8
- 3bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-3-1
- tabla-hex-3-2
- tabla-hex-3-3
- tabla-hex-3-4
- tabla-hex-3-5
- tabla-hex-3-6
- tabla-hex-3-7
- tabla-hex-3-8
- 4bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-4-1
- tabla-hex-4-2
- tabla-hex-4-3
- tabla-hex-4-4
- tabla-hex-4-5
- tabla-hex-4-6
- tabla-hex-4-7
- tabla-hex-4-8
- 5bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-5-1
- tabla-hex-5-16
- tabla-hex-5-2
- tabla-hex-5-3
- tabla-hex-5-4
- tabla-hex-5-5
- tabla-hex-5-6
- tabla-hex-5-7
- tabla-hex-5-8
- 6bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-6-1
- tabla-hex-6-16
- tabla-hex-6-2
- tabla-hex-6-3
- tabla-hex-6-4
- tabla-hex-6-5
- tabla-hex-6-6
- tabla-hex-6-7
- tabla-hex-6-8
- 7bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-7-1
- tabla-hex-7-2
- tabla-hex-7-3
- tabla-hex-7-4
- tabla-hex-7-5
- tabla-hex-7-6
- tabla-hex-7-7
- tabla-hex-7-8
- 8bit_entrada
- tabla-hex-8-1
- tabla-hex-8-2
- tabla-hex-8-3
- tabla-hex-8-4
- tabla-hex-8-5
- tabla-hex-8-6
- tabla-hex-8-7
- tabla-hex-8-8
- 1bit_entrada
- tablas_bin
- Codificadores
- Const
- 7Seg
- Anodo_comun
- Digitos
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- Letras
- G
- H
- I
- J
- L
- N
- NN
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- U
- Y
- Digitos
- Catodo_comun
- Digitos
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- Letras
- G
- H
- I
- J
- L
- N
- NN
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- U
- Y
- Digitos
- Digitos
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- Letras
- G
- H
- I
- J
- L
- N
- NN
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- U
- Y
- Anodo_comun
- Bits
- 0
- 1
- Bus
- 01_bits
- Generico
- 02_bits
- Generico
- Valor_0
- Valor_1
- Valor_2
- Valor_3
- 03_bits
- Generico
- 04_bits
- Generico
- Valor_00
- Valor_05
- Valor_10
- Valor_15
- 05_bits
- Generico
- 07_bits
- Generico
- 08_bits
- Generico
- Valor_000
- Valor_085
- Valor_170
- Valor_255
- Char-A
- Char-J
- Char-L
- Char-LF
- 10_bits
- Generico
- 16_bits
- Generico
- 01_bits
- 7Seg
- Varios
- adc
- Accesorios
- Baliza-1
- Baliza-2
- Beep-kbd
- Beep
- Init-tic
- Sirena
- beep-flash
- flash
- CircuitScramble
- Button-off
- and
- Aritmetica
- Sumadores
- 03-bits
- sum-1op
- 04-bits
- sum-1op
- sum-2op
- 08-bits
- sum-1op
- 09-bits
- sum-1op
- 03-bits
- Sumadores
- Biestables
- Cambio
- Dato
- Set-Reset
- D-Flip-flops
- D-rst-load
- T-Flip-flops
- T
- system
- Dato
- Bombeo
- Corazon_Hz
- Corazon_Seg
- Fijos
- Corazon_10Hz
- Corazon_1Hz
- Corazon_1KHz
- Corazon_2Hz
- Corazon_2KHz
- Corazon_3Hz
- Corazon_4Hz
- Corazon_5Hz
- Corazon_7Hz
- Corazon_DO4
- Corazon_MI4
- Corazon_RE4
- Tics
- Heart-Hz
- Heart-Sec-ena
- Heart-Sec
- Heart-baud-rx
- Heart-baud
- Heart-ms-ena
- Heart-ms
- Heart-tics-ena
- Heart-tics-num
- Heart-tics
- Heart-us-ena
- Heart-us
- heart-N-tics
- Fijos
- Heart-1Hz
- Bus
- 02_bits
- Agregador
- Separador
- mult-1-2
- 03_bits
- Acoplador-3-8
- Agregador
- Separador-1-2
- Separador
- 04_bits
- Agregador-1-3
- Agregador
- Agregador4
- Separador
- Separador4
- 05_bits
- Agregador-3-2
- Agregador-5
- Separador-1-4
- Separador5
- 06_bits
- Agregador-1-5
- Agregador
- 07_bits
- Agregador
- 08_bits
- Agregador
- Extract-bit
- Separador-1-7
- Separador-3-4
- Separador
- 09_bits
- Extract-bit
- Join-8-1
- split-1-8
- 10_bits
- Join-8-2
- 16_bits
- Agregador
- Agregador4
- Separador
- 17_bits
- Extractor-bus-1bit
- Extractor-bus-2bits
- Extractor-bus-4bits
- Extractor-bus-8bits
- 02_bits
- Comparadores
- 05-bits
- Comp-1
- Menor-1
- 09-bits
- Less-1
- Less-eq-1
- grt-eq-1
- 1-bit
- Comp-1
- Comp-2
- Menor-1
- Menor-2
- 10-bits
- Comp-1
- Less-1
- Less-eq-1
- grt-eq-1
- 16-bits
- Comp-1
- 2-bits
- Comp-1
- Comp-2
- Menor-1
- Menor-2
- 3-bits
- Comp-1
- Comp-2
- Menor-1
- Menor-2
- 4-bits
- Comp-1
- Comp-2
- Menor-1
- Menor-2
- 8-bits
- Comp-1
- Comp-2
- Menor-1
- Menor-2
- 05-bits
- Contadores
- 02-bits
- cont-basic-+1-ini0
- cont-basic
- cont-up-down
- cont-up-mod-M
- cont-up-system
- cont-up
- system
- cont-basic
- cont-max
- 03-bits
- cont-basic
- cont-up-down
- cont-up-rst
- cont-up-system
- cont-up
- blocks
- cont-up-down
- system
- cont-basic
- 04-bits
- cont-basic-+1-ini0
- cont-basic
- cont-up-down
- cont-up-system
- cont-up
- system
- cont-basic
- 05-bits
- cont-up
- 06-bits
- cont-up-system
- cont-up
- 07-bits
- cont-up
- 08-bits
- cont-basic
- cont-up
- blocks
- cont-basic
- 09-bits
- cont-max
- cont-up
- 10-bits
- cont-up-rst
- cont-up-system
- cont-up
- system
- cont-max
- cont-up
- 11-bits
- cont-up
- 12-bits
- cont-up
- 13-bits
- cont-up
- 17-bits
- system
- cont-basic
- system
- 02-bits
- Flancos
- Bajada
- Detector-2
- Subida
- blocks
- Bajada
- Detector-2
- Subida
- IR
- IR-tic-sound
- IR-tic
- Input
- Debouncer
- Pull-up-5
- Pull-up
- Tri-state
- jelly-kbd
- key-beep
- key
- sync-bus5
- sync
- Maquinas
- Basicas
- Wait-ms
- Componentes
- Machine-state
- Basicas
- Motor
- SM-S4303R
- MotorBit
- SM-S4303R
- 02-bits
- pwm
- 04-bits
- pwm
- blocks
- pwm-92Hz
- 08-bits
- pwm-100Hz
- pwm
- blocks
- pwm-100Hz
- pwm-92Hz
- 02-bits
- Pegatinas
- Agujero-negro
- Jedi-collection
- Academia-Jedi
- 22-Caballero-Jedi
- 00-Pre
- 00-Observador
- 01-Aspirante-a-Cadete
- 01-Primero
- 02-Cadete
- 03-Cadete-N1
- 04-Cadete-N2
- 05-Cadete-N3
- 06-Aspirante-Padawan
- 07-Aspirante-Padawan-N1
- 08-Aspirante-Padawan-N2
- 09-Aspirante-Padawan-N3
- 02-Segundo
- 10-Padawan
- 11-Padawan-N1
- 12-Padawan-N2
- 13-Padawan-N3
- 14-Aspirante-Jedi
- 15-Aspirante-Jedi-N1
- 16-Aspirante-Jedi-N2
- 17-Aspirante-Jedi-N3
- 03-Tercero
- 18-Jedi
- 19-Jedi-N1
- 20-Jedi-N2
- 21-Jedi-N3
- Emojis
- Smiley
- caca
- like
- Prescaler
- pres-basic
- blocks
- 09-bits
- pres-basic
- 09-bits
- Pulsador
- pulsador-cambio
- pulsador-tic-sound
- pulsador-tic
- Recreo
- comecocos
- Registros
- 01-bit
- 02-bits
- reg
- sreg-load
- 03-bits
- reg
- sreg-load
- 04-bits
- reg-rst
- reg
- sreg-load
- 05-bits
- reg-rst
- reg
- sreg-load
- 06-bits
- reg
- sreg-load
- 07-bits
- reg
- sreg-load
- sreg-rst
- sreg
- 08-bits
- reg-rst
- reg-system
- reg
- sreg-load
- sreg-r-load
- sreg-rst
- sreg
- 09-bits
- reg-system
- sreg-r-load
- 10-bits
- sreg-load
- sreg-r-load
- Retardo
- Tortuga-2
- Serial
- Serial-rx
- Serial-tx
- Serial-tx16
- serial-tx-str
- blocks
- Serial-tx
- Serial-tx16
- serial-rx
- serial-tx-srt32
- Servos
- ServoPWM-8bits
- Emax-ES08A
- ServoBit-90
- ServoBit
- Futaba-3003
- Servobit-90
- Servobit
- TowerPro-SG90
- Servobit-90
- Servobit
- blocks
- ServoPWM-8bits
- Sonido
- note
- Timers
- timer-10usec
- timer-msec
- timer-sec
- timer-system
- timer-usec
- blocks
- timer-10usec
- VGA-retro
- Monster-LED-green
- Sync
- Test-FPGAwars
- VGA-LED-2v
- frame
- VGA-retro
- icebot
- Icemove4
- Icemove9
- memory
- Memory-8x5
- 01-Potentiometer-LEDs
- 02-Potentiometer-serial
- 03-Potentiometer-servo
- 04-Potentiometer-BCD-7Seg
- 05-Potentiometer-8LEDs
- Alhambra II_adc-test-01
- 01-Brillo-LED-pulsador-2bits
- 02-Brillo-LED-pulsadores-4bits
- 03-Brillo-LEDs-pot-8bits
- 04-Brillo-LEDs-serial-8bits
- Teclado
- 01-Key-test
- 02-Jelly-kbd-test1
- 03-Jelly-kbd-seleccion
- 04-Jelly-kbd-calculator
- 05-Jelly-kbd-control-acceso
- 06-Jelly-kbd-consola-serie
- VGA-retro
- 00-Plantilla
- 01-Test-and-Adjust-VGA
- 02-Fondo-verde
- 03-Fondo-verde-parpadeo
- 04-MonsterLED-blink
- 05-MonsterLED-button
- 06-MonsterLED-IR
- 08-Barra-1-ON
- 09-Barra-1-boton
- 10-Dos-Barras
- 11-VGALED2-Botones
- 12-VGALED2-Contador
- 14-VGALED2-Ruleta-IR
- Icezum-Alhambra
- 00-Plantilla
- 01-Test-and-Adjust-VGA
- 02-Fondo-verde
- 03-Fondo-verde-parpadeo
- 04-MonsterLED-blink
- 05-MonsterLED-button
- 06-MonsterLED-IR
- 08-Barra-1-ON
- 09-Barra-1-boton
- 10-Dos-Barras
- 11-VGALED2-Botones
- 12-VGALED2-Contador
- 14-VGALED2-Ruleta-IR
- VGA-retro
Licensed under GPL-2.0.