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{% hint style="info" %} This complete tutorial is fully covered in the video shown above. {% endhint %}

Before you begin

Deployment of the testnet software will be done using a program called «Docker».

Docker is compatible with Linux, MacOS and Windows, as well as with AWS-/Azure-cloud services. It creates a virtual container that contains and runs the software provided by Factom.

Step by step instructions will be provided for downloading and installing an ordinary node on Linux, MacOS and Windows, as well as for the Linux version of the Authority server.

The main support channel is in the Factom Community Discord channel under the category "COMMUNITY-TESTNET".

If you are an experienced user you may skip these instructions, and head directly to the instructions on the factomd-testnet-toolkit GitHub page.

Install Ubuntu Server edition

Download Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

{% hint style="info" %} If you are on a 32-bit system you need the 32-bit installer. {% endhint %}

Make a bootable USB by using a tool like Etcher or Rufus.

Boot from the USB-stick you made, and install Ubuntu

{% hint style="info" %} Include a graphical interface if you are not Linux savvy (Ubuntu-desktop or GNOME). {% endhint %}

Install Docker

Follow the excellent Docker install-guide here. The guide involves removing any old versions of docker, adding the docker-CE repository and then installing it.

After the installation is complete you need to grant your Ubuntu-user permission to actually use the docker program. This is done by executing the following commands:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

{% hint style="info" %} After running the commands above you need to log out of Ubuntu and log back in for the change to take effect. {% endhint %}

Verify that the command was successful by opening the terminal and running:

docker run hello-world

This should then generate the «hello-world» image.

Securing your node

{% hint style="info" %} This part of the tutorial is covered in the video shown above. {% endhint %}


In order to have your node join the swarm (or even function properly), you need to expose a couple of ports. The set up depends on whether you use an external firewall (or NAT), such as AWS or hosting at home, or rely on the node's own firewall to secure it (most VPS-services). If you do not want to join the authority set, only port 8110 needs to be opened to the public.

External firewall / NAT

No firewall needs to be configured on the node itself, but it can still be set up for added security in case your external firewall gets compromised. You need to allow access to port 2376, 2222 and 8088 ONLY TO Failure to do this properly can compromise your node. Port 8090 to public is beneficial for testnet debugging. Port 8110 is required to be open to the public, this is the port the network communicates on. The steps to do this varies greatly by your individual set up (NAT or not, firewall/router model, etc..)

Internal firewall

In order to join the swarm, first ensure that your firewall rules allow access on the following ports. All swarm communications occur over a self-signed TLS certificate. Due to the way iptables and docker work you cannot use the INPUT chain to block access to apps running in a docker container as it's not a local destination but a FORWARD destination. By default when you map a port into a docker container it opens up to any host. To restrict access we need to add our rules in the DOCKER-USER chain reference.

  • TCP port 2376 only to for secure Docker engine communication. This port is required for Docker Machine to work. Docker Machine is used to orchestrate Docker hosts. As this is a local service we use the INPUT chain.

In addition, the following ports must be opened for factomd to function which we add to the DOCKER-USER chain:

  • 2222 to, which is the SSH port used by the ssh container
  • 8088 to, the factomd API port
  • 8090 to, the factomd Control panel
    • Keeping this open to the world is beneficial on testnet for debugging purposes
  • 8110 to, the factomd testnet port
  • OPTIONAL: 8088 to, the factomd API port to monitoring server

An example using iptableswith the optional setting at line 5:

sudo iptables -A INPUT ! -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2376 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
sudo iptables -A DOCKER-USER ! -s  -i <external if> -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8090 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
sudo iptables -A DOCKER-USER ! -s  -i <external if> -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2222 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
sudo iptables -A DOCKER-USER ! -s  -i <external if> -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8088 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
sudo iptables -A DOCKER-USER ! -s  -i <external if> -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8088 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
sudo iptables -A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8110 -j ACCEPT

{% hint style="info" %} Replace <external if> with the name of the interface you use to connect to the internet eg. eth0 or ens0. To see interfaces use ip addr list {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Don't forget to save the rules! {% endhint %}

SSH key-pair based login

1. Create an authentication key-pair


This is done on your local computer, not your node, and will create a 4096-bit RSA key-pair. During creation, you will be given the option to encrypt the private key with a passphrase. This means that it cannot be used without entering the passphrase, unless you save it to your local desktop’s keychain manager. We suggest you use the key-pair with a passphrase, but you can leave this field blank if you don’t want to use one.

ssh-keygen -b 4096

Press Enter to use the default names id_rsa and in /home/your_username/.ssh before entering your passphrase.

Now copy your key to your node (replace the username and ip with appropriate values)

ssh-copy-id USERNAME@IP

Exit and log back in to your node. If you specified a passphrase, you need to enter it here.


Download and install PuTTy (use the MSI installer as it includes puttygen).

Select RSA and increase to a 4096-bits key in the bottom right field and generate a key. Type in a passphrase (optional, recommended). Now save your keys.

Now copy the entire public key, it starts with ssh-rsa and ends with == followed by the key comment. On your node, create your .ssh folder if it does not already exist. Now create and/or edit the file ./ssh/authorized_keys and paste your key here.

The next time you use PuTTy to connect, go to your Connection -> SSH -> Auth setting and browse to the PRIVATE key you saved earlier. Save the connection and try to connect. You should now be able to connect using your SSH key instead of password.

2. SSH Daemon options

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config using your favorite editor:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Below are a handful of settings we recommend setting:

AddressFamily inet                  # listen only on IPv4
PermitRootLogin no                  # the most important setting, do not allow root login
PasswordAuthentication no           # disable password login
PubkeyAthentication yes             # enable keypair login
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys # keyfile location

Setting up and installing factomd

{% hint style="info" %} This part of tutorial is covered in the video shown above. {% endhint %}

Storing the docker swarm certificate and key

Make sure you store the docker swarm testnet key and certificate on your system. The files can be found at here. You can store these files in the directory /etc/docker for instance:

You can store these files in the directory /etc/docker for instance:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
sudo wget -O /etc/docker/factom-testnet-cert.pem
sudo wget -O /etc/docker/factom-testnet-key.pem
sudo chmod 644 /etc/docker/factom-testnet-cert.pem
sudo chmod 440 /etc/docker/factom-testnet-key.pem
sudo chgrp docker /etc/docker/*.pem

Now you should have the files with the correct permissions set.

{% hint style="warning" %} Please note that in the rest of this tutorial it's assumed you stored the files using the /etc/docker location and with the above names. If not, please adjust the commands below involving the certificate and keys. {% endhint %}

Configuring and running the docker engine

Configure the docker daemon using a default config file, located at /etc/docker/daemon.json . Create this file if it doesn't exist. Copy the following into the file:

{% code title="/etc/docker/daemon.json" %}

  "tls": true,
  "tlscert": "/etc/docker/factom-testnet-cert.pem",

  "tlskey": "/etc/docker/factom-testnet-key.pem",
  "hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]

{% endcode %}

{% hint style="info" %} If your system has multiple IP addresses you can select which IP it should listen on by editing "hosts". {% endhint %}

Now you'll need to replace the standard docker start command. Run the following command:

sudo systemctl edit docker.service

The above command creates an override directory at /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/ and an override file called override.conf (which is open on your terminal now). Copy and paste the following:

{% code title="override.conf" %}


{% endcode %}

Exit and save the file. Now reload the docker configuration and the docker.service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Docker should now be configured and ready. You can test if it runs correctly with the following:

sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl status docker

It should restart with no errors appearing and you should see that the override.conf file has been loaded.

Creating the Factomd volumes

Factomd relies on two volumes, factom_database and factom_keys. Please create these before joining the swarm:

docker volume create factom_database
docker volume create factom_keys

These volumes are there to make sure that you can remove or delete the container itself but the database and the keys are still persistent on the system.

For running a main-net authority node we strongly recommend syncing the database from scratch. If you do already have a recently synced main-net node and would like to avoid re-syncing, run:

sudo cp -r <path to your database> /var/lib/docker/volumes/factom_database/_data .

The directory in _data after the copy should be custom-database, as the volume is mounted at $HOME/.factom/m2.

Joining the docker swarm

Finally, to join the swarm, run the following command:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-0bv5pj6ne5sabqnt094shexfj6qdxjpuzs0dpigckrsqmjh0ro-87wmh7jsut6ngmn819ebsqk3m

{% hint style="info" %} Joining as a worker means you have no ability to control containers on another node. {% endhint %}

Once you have joined the swarm network, you will be issued a control panel login by the testnet adminstrator. Please submit this form and a staff member will contact you as soon as possible.

{% hint style="danger" %} Only accept logins at Any other login endpoints are fraudulent and not to be trusted. {% endhint %}

Starting the factomd container

{% hint style="warning" %} Please note: There is a version for the Factom software in the next command. Make sure you run the correct and latest announced version from the Discord #operators-announcement channel {% endhint %}

Run the following command exactly:

docker run -d --name "factomd" -v "factom_database:/root/.factom/m2" -v "factom_keys:/root/.factom/private" -p "8088:8088" -p "8090:8090" -p "8110:8110" -l "name=factomd" factominc/factomd:v6.5.0-p2p2-beta1-alpine -network=CUSTOM -customnet=fct_community_test -startdelay=600 -faulttimeout=120 -config=/root/.factom/private/factomd.conf

{% hint style="info" %} If you want the Factomd container to start at system boot (reboots) you can add the following parameter to the command above:

--restart unless-stopped {% endhint %}

After this your node will be started. You can check for the existence of a Factom container using the command docker ps.

You're now almost ready to be included in the testnet. Stop the factomd container with docker stop factomd and download the factomd.conf file here, or run:

wget -O factomd.conf

This will download and save the file to your current folder. Now place the config file in /var/lib/docker/volumes/factom_keys/_data by running (if the file is where you're currently at):

sudo mv factomd.conf /var/lib/docker/volumes/factom_keys/_data/factomd.conf

Now you're free to start the factomd container again with docker start factomd.

{% hint style="info" %} If you check the currently running docker containers you'll see a container named factominc/filebeat:m3-debug , this is generally a good sign as it means the portainer system has successfully connected and started a container remotely. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Please wait for your node to be fully synced by checking the control panel node sync statuses to be 100% before performing any next steps. Please also regard the initial wait period of 20 minutes before doing anything with your node. {% endhint %}

Generating your server identity

{% hint style="info" %} This part of the tutorial is covered in the video shown above. {% endhint %}

This tutorial assumes that you've setup Ubuntu that is running the Factom Daemon. If you haven't, please check out the getting started with the basics tutorial first.

You can check if the daemon is up by running docker ps . A container with the image factominc/factomd:vX.xx should show up where vX.xx is your current Factomd version.

{% hint style="info" %} Latest version of the Factom Daemon can be found here. {% endhint %}

To be able to join the testnet as an authority server you will need a «personal» server identity. The identity is generated using the serveridentity program. Entry Credits are required to create your identity to the blockchain.

Create and fund a new Test Credit address

Using the commandline

  • Startfactom-walletd
  • Create a new TC address factom-cli -s=localhost:port newecaddress
  • Visit the Faucet and input your generated address.
  • Verify that it has been funded: factom-cli -s=localhost:port balance ECXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Export your address: factom-cli -s=localhost:port exportaddresses

{% hint style="info" %} Take note of your private TC address for the next step, beginning with ****Esxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {% endhint %}

Using the Enterprise Wallet:

  • Create a new Entry Credit address in your Address Book.
  • Visit the Faucet and input your generated address
  • Verify that it has been funded by checking the balance in the wallet
  • Click the pencil-icon on your EC wallet and click "Display Private Key", you will need this for the next step.
  • Also create a new Factoid address to set up efficiency and payout

Building the serveridentity tool

The identity is generated using the serveridentity tool, but first you need to build said tool.

Start off by installing git, golang-go and golang-glide:

sudo apt-get install git golang-go golang-glide

next up edit ~/.profile with for example nano:

nano .profile

and add the following lines to the bottom:

{% code title=".profile" %}

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

{% endcode %}

{% hint style="danger" %} Open a new terminal for these changes to take effect. You might even need to re-log. {% endhint %}

Next up clone the serveridentity tool:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd serveridentity
glide install
go install
cd signwithed25519
go install

Now you should have two files in the go/bin/folder named serveridentity and signedwithed25519. These are the files you need to generate your server identity.

Create the server identity

Now run the following:

./serveridentity full elements Esxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -n={OPTIONAL_FILENAME} -f

This will generate numerous keys which are printed to stdout, two files will also be produced:

  • Script to add the Identity to the blockchain
    • Script that utilizes factom-cli
    • Name of script is by default or {OPTIONAL_FILENAME}.sh if provided.
  • Config file needed for the server
    • Place in ~/factom/m2 and rename to factomd.conf
    • Name of config is by default fullidentity.conf or {OPTIONAL_FILENAME}.conf if provided

Record the private keys printed out to the screen on paper or long term storage. These are used to control your identity in the future. Level 4 is the highest security and level 1 will be used to do more operations.

Make sure factomd is running and run factom-walletd in a terminal window. The factom-cli commands in need to be run. Change all lines with factom-cli … to now read factom-cli -s=localhost:port .... Import the EC address to your wallet:

factom-cli importaddress Esxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Check the balance of your addresses:

 factom-cli listaddresses

Run the script:

chmod +x

Check the explorer that the new identity chains were created 10 minutes later. You can now paste the contents of the important.conf file into your factomd.conf, normally located at /var/docker/volumes/factom_keys/_data/factomd.conf.