diff --git a/_posts/2020-11-24-C32_A1.md b/_posts/2020-11-24-C32_A1.md
index 3612d6ae..79c0265a 100644
--- a/_posts/2020-11-24-C32_A1.md
+++ b/_posts/2020-11-24-C32_A1.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 1
permalink: /compliance32x/A1
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A1.jpg
long_text: The first public alpha of Compliance 32x is here! The sheer amount of added textures is too large to be listed here, so instead have a small preview screenshot.
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version very work-in-progress, and as such contains a lot of placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2020-12-04-C32_A2.md b/_posts/2020-12-04-C32_A2.md
index 11548e3b..a9220ba0 100644
--- a/_posts/2020-12-04-C32_A2.md
+++ b/_posts/2020-12-04-C32_A2.md
@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 2
permalink: /compliance32x/A2
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-2
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A2.jpg
long_text: The second public alpha of Compliance 32x with many new and changed textures is here!
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version very work-in-progress, and as such contains a lot of placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
main_changelog: changelogs/compliance32
- Java - 1.16.4 (GitHub):
- https://github.com/Faithful-Resource-Pack/Resource-Pack-32x/releases/download/alpha-2/Compliance-32x-Alpha-2.zip
diff --git a/_posts/2020-12-11-C32_A3.md b/_posts/2020-12-11-C32_A3.md
index 5231334a..0dabf3e5 100644
--- a/_posts/2020-12-11-C32_A3.md
+++ b/_posts/2020-12-11-C32_A3.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 3
permalink: /compliance32x/A3
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-3
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A3.jpg
long_text: Another friday, another Compliance alpha! This time, thanks to our awesome contributors, we're adding items, improving and adding blocks and much more!
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version is very work-in-progress, and as such contains a some placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2020-12-18-C32_A4.md b/_posts/2020-12-18-C32_A4.md
index b94bd9ac..a4b1a2ce 100644
--- a/_posts/2020-12-18-C32_A4.md
+++ b/_posts/2020-12-18-C32_A4.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 4
permalink: /compliance32x/A4
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-4
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A4.jpg
long_text: As we're approaching Christmas and the end of the year, we've decided to give you beautiful people an early present! In Alpha 4 we've overhauled all regular logs, added missing ores and more. We hope you're going to like this last update before Christmas!
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version is very work-in-progress, and as such contains some placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-01-C32_A5.md b/_posts/2021-01-01-C32_A5.md
index d431ee91..b493469f 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-01-C32_A5.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-01-C32_A5.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 5
permalink: /compliance32x/A5
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-5
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A5.jpg
long_text: Wow, 2020 was a wild ride, wasn't it? Let's kick off 2021 the right way, with a brand new Compliance Alpha! This time around, after the Christmas break, we're bringing you a double-size update. We've added and improved many textures, including the villager, dirt and more. (And if you've noticed a suspicious lack of previously-added 1.17 textures, you would be correct. These have been moved to a separate branch on GitHub and will be properly released once we port the pack to other versions.)
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version is very work-in-progress, and as such contains some placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-09-C32_A6.md b/_posts/2021-01-09-C32_A6.md
index 43932b06..53357b55 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-09-C32_A6.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-09-C32_A6.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 6
permalink: /compliance32x/A6
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.4-32x-Alpha-6
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A6.jpg
long_text: What's this? Another alpha? Why yes, indeed it is! This update has probably the highest added-to-changed texture ratio out of all the alphas, so please sit back and enjoy all the new textures we've added thanks to our awesome community!
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version is work-in-progress, and as such contains some placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-14-C64_A1.md b/_posts/2021-01-14-C64_A1.md
index 57c25863..f5a8f5e2 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-14-C64_A1.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-14-C64_A1.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 1
permalink: /compliance64x/A1
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A1.jpg
long_text: The first public alpha of Compliance 64x is here! The sheer amount of added textures is too large to be listed here, so instead have a small preview screenshot.
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version very work-in-progress, and as such contains a lot of placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-19-CD32_B1.md b/_posts/2021-01-19-CD32_B1.md
index 07890511..8e1aebc3 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-19-CD32_B1.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-19-CD32_B1.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance Dungeons 32x Beta 1
permalink: /compliance32xDungeons/B1
-comments: true
-comments-id: Dungeons-Beta-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32xDungeons/B1.jpg
discontinued: true
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-22-C32_A7.md b/_posts/2021-01-22-C32_A7.md
index 7ddfdf1f..37250789 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-22-C32_A7.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-22-C32_A7.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Alpha 7
permalink: /compliance32x/A7
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Alpha-7
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/A7.jpg
long_text: Quick! Make HASTE and check out this new Compliance Alpha! You will NETHER believe what was updated, I am CONDITIONAL about that! SWEEP your cursor to the download button and click it right now! I'm sure you will not be disEGGpointed.
I will excuse myself now.
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version is work-in-progress, and as such contains some placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Also, this version is planned to be the last version before we go into the beta phase. Look out for the release, you'll be in for good stuff!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-01-30-C32_B1.md b/_posts/2021-01-30-C32_B1.md
index 8cd4ac31..dc6b9f50 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-01-30-C32_B1.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-01-30-C32_B1.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 1
permalink: /compliance32x/B1
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B1.jpg
long_text: The big day has finally come! After seven long weeks in Alpha, Compliance 32x is finally entering its Beta stage! It was beautiful to see the pack evolve so far, and now the future is looking even brighter than before.
We have also finished the texture guidelines, which are effective immediately, so from now on every texture submitted will have to follow them. If you've got any feedback, please say it in our Discord!
Due to this, the main aim of the Beta stage will be to fill in the missing textures and replace the remaining placeholders.
And as always, here is the changelog.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-02-07-C64_A2.md b/_posts/2021-02-07-C64_A2.md
index 1750170d..2f4a3c7e 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-02-07-C64_A2.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-02-07-C64_A2.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 2
permalink: /compliance64x/A2
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-2
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A2.jpg
long_text: Hello! New update also says new content! In this update, an avalanche of textures has been added, ranging from the Overworld to the Nether.
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version very work-in-progress, and as such contains a lot of placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-02-13-C32_B2.md b/_posts/2021-02-13-C32_B2.md
index 2a151489..47956c31 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-02-13-C32_B2.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-02-13-C32_B2.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 2
permalink: /compliance32x/B2
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-2
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B2.jpg
long_text: Beta 2 has released! There are a lot of new additions to the pack in beta 2, from all different parts of the game. It adds fixes for broken textures and miscellaneous textures on our way to completion of the pack.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-02-25-C64_A3.md b/_posts/2021-02-25-C64_A3.md
index 40a600e8..d31f42b2 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-02-25-C64_A3.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-02-25-C64_A3.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 3
permalink: /compliance64x/A3
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-3
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A3.jpg
long_text: Hello everyone! We're back with an update for Compliance 64x on Java and Bedrock Edition! This update is massive because of a lot of exciting textures, such as armors, crops, shulker boxes and much more! Feel free to give us feedback about the new buckets as well for other textures.
DISCLAIMER: As indicated by the Alpha tag, this version very work-in-progress, and as such contains a lot of placeholder textures. It is not the final look of the pack; many textures will have to be edited to match the general stylistic direction of the pack.
Stay tuned for future updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-02-26-C32_B3.md b/_posts/2021-02-26-C32_B3.md
index efc0c3e0..bcf15eae 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-02-26-C32_B3.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-02-26-C32_B3.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 3
permalink: /compliance32x/B3
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-3
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B3.jpg
long_text: As we progress on our way to completion, we are excited to present a new Beta version of our resource pack. This update brings us many additions, like most of glazed terracotta and all of realms GUI. Changes include a small Java GUI revamp as well as miscellaneous fixes, as always. Enjoy!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-03-13-C32_B4.md b/_posts/2021-03-13-C32_B4.md
index 033422e8..a778b6f3 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-03-13-C32_B4.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-03-13-C32_B4.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 4
permalink: /compliance32x/B4
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-4
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B4.jpg
long_text: Some say these lands are bad, but we can assure you this beta isn't! We're almost there, we've reached 93%! This beta includes some new terracotta, edits to the gui screens, some color corrections to old textures, and a random assortment on other additions, ranging from nether bricks to bees. Enjoy!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-03-27-C32_B5.md b/_posts/2021-03-27-C32_B5.md
index 436d279c..fc21c5fd 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-03-27-C32_B5.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-03-27-C32_B5.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 5
permalink: /compliance32x/B5
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-5
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B5.jpg
long_text: Thanks to our awesome community, today we're presenting yet another beta of our pack, consisting mainly of miscellaneous fixes, but also valuable additions such as the moon, rain, snow and held maps. The full release is ever so slightly closer – stay tuned for more updates!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-03-27-C64_A4.md b/_posts/2021-03-27-C64_A4.md
index 00887698..d779703b 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-03-27-C64_A4.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-03-27-C64_A4.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 4
permalink: /compliance64x/A4
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-4
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A4.jpg
long_text: Today in this 64x Compliance update, a lot of new things and changes have been made. One of the first things is the Nether! All the blocks have been made with care (and love). Also a lot of Overworld entities have been added, other entities are coming in future update. So take advantage of this great update, the next one is coming April 14th.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-04-12-C32_B6.md b/_posts/2021-04-12-C32_B6.md
index e33df48f..b595aa7c 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-04-12-C32_B6.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-04-12-C32_B6.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 6
permalink: /compliance32x/B6
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-6
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B6.jpg
long_text: A shipwreck awaits you with a new beta as its treasure – just make sure not to get strangled by the drowned! Beyond that, this update brings multiple changes and additions like logs and the spooky phantom. Thanks to our great contributors for making this possible!
Enjoy, and let us know what you think.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-04-15-C64_A5.md b/_posts/2021-04-15-C64_A5.md
index a334aa84..8701613b 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-04-15-C64_A5.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-04-15-C64_A5.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 5
permalink: /compliance64x/A5
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-5
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A5.jpg
long_text: Hello everyone! Today, new update with even more additions and tweaks. Like we said last week, new entities have appeared like spiders, slime and even the most loved ghast as well as a brand new log texture and more various tweaks around the pack as always! Enjoy this new update!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-04-25-C32_B7.md b/_posts/2021-04-25-C32_B7.md
index 3ecd30ef..db76b390 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-04-25-C32_B7.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-04-25-C32_B7.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 7
permalink: /compliance32x/B7
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-7
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B7.jpg
long_text: This is your bi-weekly dose of Compliance, imported organically straight from our Discord and GitHub! This time around we've got a lot of changes to common blocks such as stone, bedrock or terracotta as well as a whole bunch of new mobs like pandas and dolphins! We are also proud to introduce our new, completely unique nether portal texture, which was made with the use of actual minecraft code from older versions. And for Bedrock players we've got a lot of new UI textures! We hope you appreciate the update, and are looking forward to seeing you in two weeks again!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-04-28-C64_A6.md b/_posts/2021-04-28-C64_A6.md
index 4d896337..2009141e 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-04-28-C64_A6.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-04-28-C64_A6.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 6
permalink: /compliance64x/A6
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-6
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A6.jpg
long_text: Parity Update means a big update! Today's update brings a massive amount of parity changes from dirt to stone, including nether blocks. We hope you will like these changes and don't forget to write some feedback in the comments!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-05-01-C16_R1.md b/_posts/2021-05-01-C16_R1.md
index 2965761f..eab7c479 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-05-01-C16_R1.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-05-01-C16_R1.md
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ layout: post
title: Compliance 16x
permalink: /compliance16x/R1
comments: false
-comments-id: 1.16.5-16x-Release-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/16x/R1b.jpg
long_text: After months of hard work, we are proud to announce our long-time collaboration project with none other than Mojang itself, Compliance 16x!
Originally, this started as a small side project of one of our moderators. We already have 32x and 64x, so 16x was the obvious choice.
Somehow, word got out to Mojang, and after some time they contacted us about it. They liked it so much they decided to include it as the default resource pack in all editions of Minecraft! We've been told there are issues with pushing the update to the Mojang servers though, so please download the pack manually by clicking the button below!
We hope you enjoy the pack and that the server issue is fixed soon.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-05-09-C32_B8.md b/_posts/2021-05-09-C32_B8.md
index 9e584d78..6dc567f1 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-05-09-C32_B8.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-05-09-C32_B8.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 8
permalink: /compliance32x/B8
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-8
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B8.jpg
long_text: Another weekend – Another beta! Will this ever end? Nobody knows! Instead of questioning it, why don't you accept your inevitable fate and play with the awesome new textures, like boats, rails and gravel? Oh and also, many bugs were fixed as usual :) We hope you enjoy the beta!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-05-25-C32_B9.md b/_posts/2021-05-25-C32_B9.md
index 96a1605f..0b6883c1 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-05-25-C32_B9.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-05-25-C32_B9.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 9
permalink: /compliance32x/B9
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-9
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B9.jpg
long_text: Go swim with the turtles! With this Beta, you can now experience these gentle sea creatures up close and with high-quality textures. More than that, this version brings new and exciting additions like trader llama decor, campfire smoke and everyone's favourite block: info_update in Bedrock Edition. And as is tradition, there are many, many bug fixes, especially for Bedrock.
Have fun with the pack!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-06-06-C32_B10.md b/_posts/2021-06-06-C32_B10.md
index d38954b0..dbc37d25 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-06-06-C32_B10.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-06-06-C32_B10.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 10
permalink: /compliance32x/B10
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-32x-Beta-10
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B10.jpg
long_text: Hello everybody! Today we're bringing you a bit of a smaller update, but that is overshadowed by the significance of the changes and additions! On top of adding the spooky ravager, we've improved many commonly-seen textures, such as piglins, iron bars, purpur blocks or some mob effects. Additionally, we have finally fixed the incorrect scaling of the game mode switcher, a bug that was present in the pack since forever. And of course, our journey through Bedrock UI is still continuing.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-06-20-C32_B11.md b/_posts/2021-06-20-C32_B11.md
index 121c58bf..60f07eca 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-06-20-C32_B11.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-06-20-C32_B11.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 11
permalink: /compliance32x/B11
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.17.0-32x-Beta-11
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B11.jpg
long_text: Part 1 of Caves and Cliffs is here, and our awesome contributors have already delivered plenty of textures for it! Enjoy the all-new mobs and blocks of the update: Discover the stunningly beautiful amethyst geodes and brutally slaughter masses of glow squids for glow ink sacs, only to find out that both of these features only have a single practical use. Now you can perform any of these, and much more, with the beauty of high-quality double-the-resolution textures! Oh, and also axolotls. Who doesn't love axolotls?
diff --git a/_posts/2021-07-05-C64_A7.md b/_posts/2021-07-05-C64_A7.md
index f0739870..e9b8e8a7 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-07-05-C64_A7.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-07-05-C64_A7.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 7
permalink: /compliance64x/A7
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.16.5-64x-Alpha-7
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A7.jpg
long_text: Today marks the first anniversary of Compliance 64x! Thanks to everyone for your support and contribution. Today, we are releasing for this special event an special update with a tons of content. From basic to new Cave & Cliffs feature, we know you like this update! Also, bows are finally added to the pack.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-07-20-C32_Texture_Removal.md b/_posts/2021-07-20-C32_Texture_Removal.md
index 60d7b301..54c4a239 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-07-20-C32_Texture_Removal.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-07-20-C32_Texture_Removal.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Announcement Regarding Placeholder Textures
permalink: /compliance32x/Announcement%20Regarding%20Placeholder%20Textures
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Texture-Removal
long_text: At Compliance, we care deeply about providing high-quality textures for Minecraft via our resource pack. Because of this, we have built a complicated voting system and strongly curated submission process to ensure that all textures added to Compliance are up to our standards. But none of this was without its flaws, and everything had to undergo a long period of iteration and feedback to reach the state where it is now.
Compliance started out as a temporary project, intended to replace Faithful as soon as possible. All textures in the first alpha were compiled with this in mind – some had already been made specifically for Compliance by our contributors, but the vast majority was picked up and retrieved from Faithful's only-textures channel, from artists that have joined the Compliance team since. These textures were given little to no art direction – not that it was clear what Compliance was supposed to look like back then in the first place. Most of the textures were hastily labelled as "placeholders" (even though nobody knew for sure which exact ones that included) and have lingered in the resource pack since, even after Compliance's art direction was formulated more clearly and after it became clear that it's not going to replace Faithful any time soon.
At the time of this announcement being posted, we will have released the rewritten Texture Guidelines for Compliance 32x. They took over a month to complete, span 22 pages and went through large amounts of edits and improvements before being finalised. This is why we have decided to enforce them retroactively, meaning that they apply to ALL textures, not just the ones added after the guidelines were published.
That leaves us with a whole bunch of textures that no longer comply with our texture guidelines. To increase awareness and hopefully boost artist productivity, we see it as fit to entirely remove these textures from all future versions of the pack, instead of just having them in some obscure list that nobody knows about.
You might say that this change is very radical. And you would be right. But we, as a team, have agreed unanimously that this measure is vital for Compliance's continued existence and quality. Yes, we know this is going to set the pack's progress back a lot, and we really can't do anything about that. But we believe in our contributors and artists, and trust that they will be motivated to fill all the gaps back in again. After all, there's no rush. We'll get there in the end!
NOTE FOR ARTISTS: A lot of the removed textures are breaking the guidelines just barely, and can be simply be edited so they can be included in Compliance again. We recommend checking if editing is possible first, before starting any work.
If you are interested in the specific textures that we have decided are no longer fit for Compliance, as well as reasons why they're not, please read below.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-07-21-C32_B12.md b/_posts/2021-07-21-C32_B12.md
index 5a82916c..519b0843 100644
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layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 12
permalink: /compliance32x/B12
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.17.1-32x-Beta-12
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B12.jpg
long_text: Due to our Texture Guidelines recently changing, we have decided to step up our quality control and to remove all textures that no longer follow our guidelines. Please read this announcement if you haven't already.
Fortunately, this isn't everything this beta is about, as we're also presenting some new exciting texture updates! You can now burn in style with our fancy new fire textures, which, like the nether portal, have been procedurally generated based on code used in legacy Minecraft versions. Additionally, Mobile players will now finally be able to enjoy the ever-present HUD in double the resolution!
Read the full changelog below:
diff --git a/_posts/2021-08-08-C64_A8.md b/_posts/2021-08-08-C64_A8.md
index a81f6280..e146fd74 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-08-08-C64_A8.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-08-08-C64_A8.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Alpha 8
permalink: /compliance64x/A8
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.17.1-64x-Alpha-8
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/A8.jpg
long_text: A new update of Compliance 64x is now out with excited new textures such as new 1.17 update and more, with also some important changes to furnace, dropper and dispenser.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-08-13-C32_B13.md b/_posts/2021-08-13-C32_B13.md
index c9081985..55770110 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-08-13-C32_B13.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-08-13-C32_B13.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 13
permalink: /compliance32x/B13
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.17.1-32x-Beta-13
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B13.jpg
long_text: Summer's in full force, and days are getting hot again! At least where I live, and don't even get me started about Australia. But you know what's also hot? The awesome new textures our contributors have been working so hard on! In this update we're mainly re-introducing improved versions of textures removed in the previous beta, but also bringing a lot of new stuff to the table! Check it all out in detail with the changelog below:
diff --git a/_posts/2021-08-30-C32_B14.md b/_posts/2021-08-30-C32_B14.md
index d51c9080..77a439e5 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-08-30-C32_B14.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-08-30-C32_B14.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 14
permalink: /compliance32x/B14
-comments: true
-comments-id: 1.17.1-32x-Beta-14
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B14.jpg
long_text: Smaller update today, but nonetheless a quality one! We are once again re-introducing remade versions of previously removed textures as well as some completely new ones and many improvements over existing textures. We hope you enjoy!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-09-22-C32_B15.md b/_posts/2021-09-22-C32_B15.md
index c9975cad..bafb5ddb 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-09-22-C32_B15.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-09-22-C32_B15.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 15
permalink: /compliance32x/B15
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-15
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B15.jpg
long_text: As fall begins and so does the school year, Compliance releases another beta, this time with a variety of small fixes and a bunch of additions to the Bedrock UI. Arctic foxes now also join their red cousins in this update and the dripstone textures have been completely redone. After going through several iterations, unlit candles have been added to the pack with lit ones likely coming in the next beta.
Bedrock users should notice smoother UI in game now, with things like the skin options page and parts of the marketplace UI now in 32x.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-10-27-C64_B1.md b/_posts/2021-10-27-C64_B1.md
index 07de8d9a..7815cdfc 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-10-27-C64_B1.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-10-27-C64_B1.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Beta 1
permalink: /compliance64x/B1
-comments: true
-comments-id: 64x-Beta-1
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/B1.jpg
long_text: Hello everybody! It's been a while since the last update no? This one is absolutely giant. From little changes to great additions such as a massive amount of Cave and Cliffs update textures that we missed in the last update. This update also fixes some issues on Bedrock Edition. Check out the change logs for more details. Before I let you play, check this channel around Christmas time, just saying.
diff --git a/_posts/2021-11-05-C32_B16.md b/_posts/2021-11-05-C32_B16.md
index 455947f9..584eb50d 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-11-05-C32_B16.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-11-05-C32_B16.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 16 – The Anniversary Update
permalink: /compliance32x/B16
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-16
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B16.jpg
long_text: On this day, exactly a year ago, the project that would become Compliance was first formed. It would take a few more weeks until the first Alpha was released, and it's been a wild ride since then. We've gotten over 90% of Java's textures – and all of them very high quality, thanks to our tireless contributors and high standards. And while we haven't quite reached 100% yet, we are very close and the future is looking bright! Thank you to everybody who made this possible!
As a part of our celebrations for this event, we are now releasing a new, massive update to the pack. We're introducing many new mobs, such as axolotls, the ocelot and the silverfish, and a few blocks as well! You can now also freeze in style with our brand new double-resolution powder snow freezing overlay. And as always, there have been many adjustments and improvements to our existing textures to bring the quality up even more. We hope you like this update, and here's to another year of prosperity at the very least!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-11-10-CD32_B2.md b/_posts/2021-11-10-CD32_B2.md
index 6bb36f5e..9e8a3745 100644
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+++ b/_posts/2021-11-10-CD32_B2.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance Dungeons 32x Beta 2
permalink: /compliance32xDungeons/B2
-comments: true
-comments-id: Dungeons-Beta-2
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32xDungeons/B2.jpg
discontinued: true
diff --git a/_posts/2021-12-14-C32_B17.md b/_posts/2021-12-14-C32_B17.md
index cab48386..b2868a75 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-12-14-C32_B17.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-12-14-C32_B17.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 17
permalink: /compliance32x/B17
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-17
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B17.jpg
long_text: It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here! Beta 17. December is starting up, and the holidays are around the corner. We’ve been working for weeks on this beta, and it has many major changes and additions. We’re glad to announce that the pack has been updated to 1.18 and has the new 1.18 textures. We’re also introducing changes to iconic textures such as creepers, the grass block, and even Steve. We hope that you like this beta and its many, many changes.
(NOTE: This version of the pack is compatible with both Java 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. For convenience, we are releasing the update as a single pack. That means you'll get a warning when trying to use the pack in 1.17.1, but you can safely disregard it.)
diff --git a/_posts/2021-12-24-C64_B2.md b/_posts/2021-12-24-C64_B2.md
index d7b81a67..ad5e8d76 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-12-24-C64_B2.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-12-24-C64_B2.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Beta 2
permalink: /compliance64x/B2
-comments: true
-comments-id: 64x-Beta-2
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/B2.jpg
long_text: We hope you have a good holiday! I the meantime, you have just opened one of your presents that Santa Claus has slipped for you under the tree... But what do I see? Incredible, a Compliance 64x update! (I really have to stop ...) So what's new in this update? Unfortunately it will not be as major as the previous one it brings many missing textures such as the drowned (even if we do not appreciate them), the horses are finally finished, the villagers and especially the most important block ... the dried kelp!You know the melody, the link is below bla bla bla.... I have nothing against you but I have something better to do! See you next year!!
diff --git a/_posts/2021-12-28-C32_B18.md b/_posts/2021-12-28-C32_B18.md
index 85cdf61f..27b1122c 100644
--- a/_posts/2021-12-28-C32_B18.md
+++ b/_posts/2021-12-28-C32_B18.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 18
permalink: /compliance32x/B18
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-18
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B18.jpg
long_text: Over the past few weeks, Compliance has become a lot more active as a community and as such, we're happy to announce another beta so soon after the last one! This release includes some long awaited textures such as the wolf textures and more of the villager textures. The mountain goat is also butting in and has included itself in this beta! Our artists are striving as always to make it so that the textures in the resource pack are the most consistent and high quality that they can be so we have also changed quite a few of the plant textures to fit better with the rest of the resource pack. Any bugs with the panorama that you may have spotted in the last version on both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition are now also fixed.
(NOTE: This version of the pack is compatible with both Java 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. For convenience, we are releasing the update as a single pack. That means you'll get a warning when trying to use the pack in 1.17.1, but you can safely disregard it.)
diff --git a/_posts/2022-01-16-C32_B19.md b/_posts/2022-01-16-C32_B19.md
index 6840509e..b3cc00b4 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-01-16-C32_B19.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-01-16-C32_B19.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 19
permalink: /compliance32x/B19
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-19
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B19.jpg
long_text: "Welcome to the new year! Our team has been hard at work creating some long-awaited textures and improving existing ones, making this one of our largest changelogs in quite some time! Villagers, their angry neighbors, and their undead brethren are all looking incredibly fashionable, cats have finally received some much-needed grooming, and much of nature's beautiful blocks have been updated! Our armorers have finally gotten back to work and provided some shiny, new armor. Many wood-related blocks have also been improved to look more... chippy. This Beta also brings several UI improvements for Bedrock players.
Thank you for your patience, and we hope you enjoy!
[NOTE: This version of the pack is compatible with both Java 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. For convenience, we are releasing the update as a single pack. That means you'll get a warning when trying to use the pack in 1.17.1, but you can safely disregard it.]"
diff --git a/_posts/2022-02-14-C32_B20.md b/_posts/2022-02-14-C32_B20.md
index 0bb24b42..afb0bd3f 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-02-14-C32_B20.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-02-14-C32_B20.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 32x Beta 20
permalink: /compliance32x/B20
-comments: true
-comments-id: 32x-Beta-20
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/32x/B20.jpg
long_text: "Another day, another Compliance 32x Beta! The pack is growing exceptionally close to completion, with this update bringing even more lovely textures provided by our equally lovely team. Many minerals have received some much-needed polishing, your trusty steeds have finally tidied up, and the seas are looking alive and well! Thank you once again for your continued support and patience, we look forward to bringing you future updates!
[NOTE: This version of the pack is compatible with both Java 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. For convenience, we are releasing the update as a single pack. That means you'll get a warning when trying to use the pack in 1.17.1, but you can safely disregard it.]"
diff --git a/_posts/2022-02-19-C64_B3.md b/_posts/2022-02-19-C64_B3.md
index 877dc685..d2787437 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-02-19-C64_B3.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-02-19-C64_B3.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance 64x Beta 3
permalink: /compliance64x/B3
-comments: true
-comments-id: 64x-Beta-3
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/B3.jpg
long_text: "With a bit of a delay, the update is finally here with a lot of cool additions and changes. Look at this cute little panda. More blocks are now completed such as: the tall fern, oxidized copper and honey comb block. In addition, we are bringing you villagers, and some of their clothes, as well as spitting llamas and ender chests. This update also includes the redoing of some very old textures from the earlier versions. And as always, take care of yourself and stay tuned for more updates!"
diff --git a/_posts/2022-04-10-Faithful_Rebrand.md b/_posts/2022-04-10-Faithful_Rebrand.md
index d09197af..ebc924bc 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-04-10-Faithful_Rebrand.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-04-10-Faithful_Rebrand.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Compliance is Rebranding to Faithful
permalink: /Faithful%20Rebrand
-comments: true
-comments-id: Faithful-Rebrand
long_text: Greetings! We're making this announcement to discuss the future of our community, which includes Compliance and Classic Faithful. You might have noticed that several Compliance social media, such as our Discord servers and Twitter account, have been referred to as "Faithful / Compliance". This was because we wanted to casually let our user base know that we are starting to transition away from Compliance and towards the Faithful brand name. We are proud to officially announce our rebrand as we take the mantle that Vattic started in 2010.
Let us reiterate – The project that used to be called Compliance, along with all its subsidiaries, is, effective immediately, officially being renamed to Faithful, ushering in a new era for the resource pack – one of legitimate administration and community involvement, that hasn’t been seen in years.
There will not be any other changes to Compliance, aside from branding. We want to make this as clear as possible: our founding values of being a non-profit, open-source, community-driven resource pack, that allows anyone to contribute, are what makes our community and resource packs so great. We will never step away from those key values.
It’s worth mentioning that our new non-text logos are temporary and, if the community wills it so, will be replaced via public voting. We will announce more information on this over in our Discord server when the time comes.
Additionally, we will eventually be switching over to the URL faithfulpack.net soon while our current URL (compliancepack.net) will redirect to it.
The rebrand will roll out over time. This means that, while the easiest stuff has already been completed, there still might be a few things that will use legacy branding for the time being.
What about Classic Faithful?
Classic Faithful has already rebranded from its original name "Emulated Vattic" a couple of months back, while the Classic Faithful and Compliance Staff Teams formally merged shortly thereafter. With Compliance rebranding to Faithful and the further integration of Classic Faithful into our resource pack family, we will also begin to offer Classic Faithful 32x and 64x on the website, alongside Legacy Vattic versions of Faithful and his 32x Programmer Art-based resource packs for all versions.
Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get the ‘Faithful’ resource pack, managed by Kraineff, off the Bedrock Marketplace as of the writing of this announcement. It was never endorsed by Vattic, the original creator of Faithful, and used textures that it had no permission to use in the first place. This means that Kraineff’s resource pack was never officially licensed for use or for commercial gain to him. If you want to learn more about this, please watch this YouTube video, and for the time being do not buy Kraineff’s resource pack on the Marketplace.
I still have questions
We completely understand, so we are willing to answer most questions that were not covered in this announcement. Just ask in the #help-and-support channel on our Discord server and we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
That’s all from us for now! Here’s to a new, fruitful era for Faithful!
diff --git a/_posts/2022-04-14-F64_B4.md b/_posts/2022-04-14-F64_B4.md
index 4cb55039..fe680fe7 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-04-14-F64_B4.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-04-14-F64_B4.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Faithful 64x Beta 4
permalink: /faithful64x/B4
-comments: true
-comments-id: 64x-Beta-4
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/B4.jpg
long_text: "Hello all! Here is the (technically first) new beta for Faithful 64x! In today's update a lot of good things have been added including the kelp plant, the raw gold block, the rest of the copper blocks and the honey block! We're also introducing some new entities with the parrot, the wandering trader, the piglin brute and the husk joining in on the action! And as always, we can't forget the many changes that we've made to existing textures, for example stone, ores, grass or wool."
diff --git a/_posts/2022-06-08-Future_Plans.md b/_posts/2022-06-08-Future_Plans.md
index 4b0370fe..596bfdfe 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-06-08-Future_Plans.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-06-08-Future_Plans.md
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layout: post
title: Our Plans Moving Forward
permalink: /Our%20Plans%20Moving%20Forward
-comments: true
-comments-id: Future-Plans
long_text: If you're in our Discord server, you've most likely already heard the big news – Faithful 32x now has all textures for Java Edition 1.18 and 1.19! That means Faithful 32x for these versions is now fully complete. There's still a few things to do before release though, and we thought we would take the time to outline them in this post, as well as share our plans following the full release of the pack.
On release
First, let's talk about Bedrock Edition. While our artists have been exceptionally productive working to help get Faithful 32x for this version of the game done recently (thank you!), not all textures have been done just yet. This is mainly due to Bedrock having a whole lot of UI textures, which greatly inflates the texture count compared to Java.
Our plan right now is to release the Bedrock pack alongside the Java one, with all the same updates it has received, but as a pre-release instead of a full release. More about what that means exactly later.
Additionally, Education Edition-exclusive textures will not be included in the main Bedrock pack, at least not strictly before the release.
As for legacy Java version support, Faithful 32x is planned to support all versions from 1.4 to 1.19, as well as Beta 1.7.3. We're choosing not to explicitly support Beta 1.8 through release 1.3 to save ourselves some work, since the pack format barely changed between these versions and therefore the 1.4 pack will work well in most use cases.
After release
Moving on towards the future, after Java's full release we intend to restore a regular update schedule and release updates every month.
All fully complete packs (i.e. the ones that have all textures from their respective version) will be called Releases and be put out in a single website post.
Packs that still have some missing textures will be grouped into a separate post, will be called Pre-releases and branded accordingly. This isn't just limited to Bedrock for the time being, but also legacy Java versions with special textures that are unable to be backported from newer versions – for example the boat entity in release 1.8 and below. Pre-releases will also release at the same time as regular Releases.
Packs for snapshots of upcoming Minecraft versions are going to be separate from both of these and have a dedicated post. These will most likely be put out more frequently during the snapshot phase than the regular releases.
Finally, about the long-awaited Programmer Art pack: It will be started and submissions for it will be allowed only after all packs for all versions and editions of the regular Jappa Faithful 32x are 100% complete. Guidelines for Faithful Programmer Art will also be made, but expect them to be mostly identical to the existing Jappa ones, just with minor changes and additions.
It's worth mentioning that none of this applies to Faithful 64x or Classic Faithful. Those will carry on with their existing release schemes for the foreseeable future.
Well, that's all from us for today. We hope this made our plans clear and see you on Faithful 32x's release day!
diff --git a/_posts/2022-07-05-F64_B5.md b/_posts/2022-07-05-F64_B5.md
index 3ed02d3e..903fd7ee 100644
--- a/_posts/2022-07-05-F64_B5.md
+++ b/_posts/2022-07-05-F64_B5.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: post
title: Faithful 64x Beta 5.1 Anniversary Update
permalink: /faithful64x/B5
-comments: false
-comments-id: 64x-Beta-5
header-img: https://database.faithfulpack.net/images/website/posts/64x/F64x_Anniversary_promote.jpg
long_text: "Too much stuff! Textures from 1.19, old versions and incredible changes! From seagrass to mangrove without forgetting the sculk blocks, you are bound to find what you want. Important updates such as bamboo, granite, ladder and many others that were present at the very beginning of the pack."
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index 220b80d4..601519ba 100644
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