Sequequences were downloaded from ENA (project name PRJNA493745). View Zotero for the paper in folder RNAseq trainning
. Download commands were obtained for ENA and cluster options were added to the .sh
file. Commnads are stored in sequences/
, the other *.sh
files are possible alternatives for downloading.
Sequences were downloaded successfully. Checked the number of reads for each sequence by doing:
for i in *.fastq.gz; do echo $i; echo $(zcat $i | wc -l)/4 | bc; done
Results are stored in sequences/number_reads
. Since files have a lot of reads, it might be a good idea to take a subset of one million reads in order to test our pipeline. We can take two samples
mkdir test
cd test
# Select subset. In this case, the first 4 samples:
ls ../sequences/*.fastq.gz | head -n 4 > subset
# Subsample one million reads and generate new .fastq files:
while read -r line; do zcat $line | sed -n 1,4000000p > $(basename "$line" .fastq.gz).fastq & done < subset >log&
# Also compress files for extension consistency:
for i in *.fastq; do gzip $i; done
Instead of modules, we are going to use singularity containers:
mkdir containers
cd containers
singularity pull docker://biocorecrg/rnaseq2020:1.0
Add this to your .bashrc
export RUN="singularity exec -e $HOME/RNAseq-course/containers/rnaseq2020_1.0.sif"
Now commands can be run using $RUN programname --help
FastQC can be run using:
qsub scripts/singularity/ test
For a large number of files, it might be a good idea to run multiqc. Since it's not iside the container, we can pull a new container:
Singularity pull docker://ewels/multiqc:latest
Add it to .bashrc
as above, in this case, the environment variable name is $RUN_MQC
. You can modfy the script
to include multiqc.
Useful tip. When pulling a container using singularity, you can add a custom name to the image. Example:
singularity pull skewer.sif
This image is now in contaiers
folder, although it might not be useful.
For trimming the reads, skewer was used. Check parameters in scripts/singularity/
. The next line was run:
for i in $PWD/test/*_1.fastq.gz; do qsub scripts/singularity/ $i; done
To understand skewer output, check log files as well as run FastQC and multiQC again:
qsub scripts/singularity/ outfolder/trimmed_reads/
In case of skewer, you will see in the log something like this:
12372 ( 1.24%) trimmed read pairs available after processing
987623 (98.76%) untrimmed read pairs available after processing
This means that 1.24% reads pairs had their adapters removed, whereas in 98.76% of the reads no adapter was found.
Let's check both aligners: STAR and Salmon (pseudoaligner). Donwload data for aligners using:
# genome
# transcriptome
# annotation
In the case of splice junctions, it is necessary, when building an index, to let STAR know the maximum number of bp for the overhang (maximum lenght of the donnor/acceptor sequence on each side of the junctions), which would be the read lenght - 1. For more information look how STAR deals with splice junctions. Note that depeding on the read lenght a value of 100bp might suffice. You can use the next line to check the read length distribution:
zcat SRR7939021-trimmed-pair1.fastq.gz | awk '{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}' | sort -n | uniq -c | less
Check again how skwer works, there is a difference in size distributions between the trimmed and untrimmed sequences. All reads before trimming have a size of 101bp, this changes after trimming, where reads diffrenret sizes (some of 31bp) can be seen.
Since most the reads have a lenght of 101, the deafault value for --sjdbOverhang
will suffice. To index the reference genome using star use this line:
qsub scripts/singularity/ reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_rm.primary_assembly.fa reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.chr.gtf
Run STAR using the next line:
for i in outfolder/trimmed_reads/*-pair1.fastq.gz; do qsub scripts/singularity/ GRCh38_index $i; done
This will also output the counts for the genes for the three types of protcols: unstranded (2nd column), stranded-forward (3rd column), stranded-reverse (4th column).
To check the strandness of the samples, you can check dtge N_noFeature field and also use the follwoing:
grep -v "N_" outfolder/STAR/ | awk '{unst+=$2;forw+=$3;rev+=$4}END{print unst,forw,rev}'
If there is an imbalance between read1 and read2, then the protocol is stranded. The stranded column with the lowest N_noFeature count corresponds to the correct strand option.
Run salmon
Apparently there is a problem with using ENSEMBL cDNA to build the index. Use GENCODE instead (view
Downlaoded necessary files from gencode using:
Salmon can be run using:
for i in outfolder/trimmed_reads/*-pair1.fastq.gz; do qsub scripts/singularity/ index_salmon $i reference/gencode.v44.annotation.gtf.gz A; done
Note that option A is set for -l
(library type), which mean that the library type will be automatically inferred. In this case library is ISR, which is consisten with STAR's output for counts.