The httpsCallable()
function returns an observable that calls a callable function, then emits the data returned from that function.
function | httpsCallable() |
params | functions: Functions , name: string , options?: HttpsCallableOptions |
import path | rxfire/functions |
return | (data: T) => Observable<R> |
import { httpsCallable } from "rxfire/functions";
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getFunctions } from "firebase/functions";
// Set up Firebase
const app = initializeApp({
/* config */
const functions = getFunctions(app);
// Assume an `uppercaser` function is deployed
const capitalizedText$ = httpsCallable<string, string>(functions, "uppercaser")("hello world");
capitalizedText$.subscribe((text) => {
}); // logs "HELLO WORLD"