实现了 SM2 最基本的加解密、签名和验证功能。其中,签名实现了对 RFC 6979 的支持。
创建 SM3 类,并实现椭圆曲线的基本运算:
class SM2:
def check(self, P):
return not P or (P[0] * P[0] * P[0] - P[1] * P[1] + self.a * P[0] + self.b) % self.p == 0
def add(self, P, Q):
if not P:
return Q
if not Q:
return P
if P[0] == Q[0]:
if (P[1] + Q[1]) % self.p == 0:
lmd = (3 * P[0] * Q[0] + self.a) * \
pow(P[1] + Q[1], self.p - 2, self.p) % self.p
lmd = (Q[1] - P[1]) * pow(Q[0] - P[0], self.p - 2, self.p) % self.p
x = (lmd * lmd - P[0] - Q[0]) % self.p
y = (lmd * (P[0] - x) - P[1]) % self.p
return x, y
def mult(self, n, P):
if n == 0:
Q = self.mult(n >> 1, P)
return self.add(self.add(Q, Q), P) if n & 1 else self.add(Q, Q)
def __init__(self, m, a, b, p, n, G):
self.m = m
assert isprime(p) and 2 < p < 256 ** m and \
(4 * a * a * a + 27 * b * b) % p != 0
self.a = a % p
self.b = b % p
self.p = p
assert isprime(n) and n > 2 ** 191 and n * n > 16 * p and \
self.check(G) and not self.mult(n, G)
self.n = n % p
self.G = G[0] % p, G[1] % p
self.d = random.randrange(1, n - 1)
self.P = self.mult(self.d, G)
def encrypt(self, M):
klen = len(M)
t = bytes(klen)
while not any(t):
k = random.randrange(1, self.n)
kP = self.mult(k, self.P)
x2, y2 = kP[0].to_bytes(self.m, 'big'), kP[1].to_bytes(self.m, 'big')
t = kdf(x2 + y2, klen)
kG = self.mult(k, self.G)
x1, y1 = kG[0].to_bytes(self.m, 'big'), kG[1].to_bytes(self.m, 'big')
C1 = x1 + y1
C2 = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(M, t))
C3 = pysmx.SM3.digest(x2 + M + y2)
return C1 + C2 + C3
def decrypt(self, C):
l2 = 2 * self.m
C1 = C[:l2]
C2 = C[l2:-32]
C3 = C[-32:]
klen = len(C2)
x1, y1 = C1[:self.m], C1[self.m:]
kG = int.from_bytes(x1, 'big'), int.from_bytes(y1, 'big')
assert self.check(kG)
kP = self.mult(self.d, kG)
x2, y2 = kP[0].to_bytes(self.m, 'big'), kP[1].to_bytes(self.m, 'big')
t = kdf(x2 + y2, klen)
assert any(t)
M = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(C2, t))
assert pysmx.SM3.digest(x2 + M + y2) == C3
return M
def sign(self, E, rfc6979=False):
e = int.from_bytes(E, 'big')
r = 0
while r == 0 or r + k == self.n or s == 0:
k = self.deterministic_generate_k(E) if rfc6979 else random.randrange(1, self.n)
x = self.mult(k, self.G)[0]
r = (e + x) % self.n
s = pow(self.d + 1, self.n - 2, self.n) * (k - r * self.d) % self.n
return r.to_bytes(self.m, 'big') + s.to_bytes(self.m, 'big')
def verify(self, S, E):
r = int.from_bytes(S[:self.m], 'big')
s = int.from_bytes(S[self.m:], 'big')
if not (0 < r < self.n and 0 < s < self.n):
return False
e = int.from_bytes(E, 'big')
t = (r + s) % self.n
if t == 0:
return False
x = self.add(self.mult(s, self.G), self.mult(t, self.P))[0]
R = (e + x) % self.n
return r == R
RFC 6979 官方文档对 k 生成方式的描述如下:
3.2. Generation of k
Given the input message m, the following process is applied:
a. Process m through the hash function H, yielding:
h1 = H(m)
(h1 is a sequence of hlen bits).
b. Set:
V = 0x01 0x01 0x01 ... 0x01
such that the length of V, in bits, is equal to 8*ceil(hlen/8).
For instance, on an octet-based system, if H is SHA-256, then V
is set to a sequence of 32 octets of value 1. Note that in this
step and all subsequent steps, we use the same H function as the
one used in step 'a' to process the input message; this choice
will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.6.
c. Set:
K = 0x00 0x00 0x00 ... 0x00
such that the length of K, in bits, is equal to 8*ceil(hlen/8).
d. Set:
K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1))
where '||' denotes concatenation. In other words, we compute
HMAC with key K, over the concatenation of the following, in
order: the current value of V, a sequence of eight bits of value
0, the encoding of the (EC)DSA private key x, and the hashed
message (possibly truncated and extended as specified by the
bits2octets transform). The HMAC result is the new value of K.
Note that the private key x is in the [1, q-1] range, hence a
proper input for int2octets, yielding rlen bits of output, i.e.,
an integral number of octets (rlen is a multiple of 8).
e. Set:
f. Set:
K = HMAC_K(V || 0x01 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1))
Note that the "internal octet" is 0x01 this time.
g. Set:
h. Apply the following algorithm until a proper value is found for
1. Set T to the empty sequence. The length of T (in bits) is
denoted tlen; thus, at that point, tlen = 0.
2. While tlen < qlen, do the following:
T = T || V
3. Compute:
k = bits2int(T)
If that value of k is within the [1,q-1] range, and is
suitable for DSA or ECDSA (i.e., it results in an r value
that is not 0; see Section 3.4), then the generation of k is
finished. The obtained value of k is used in DSA or ECDSA.
Otherwise, compute:
K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00)
and loop (try to generate a new T, and so on).
Please note that when k is generated from T, the result of bits2int
is compared to q, not reduced modulo q. If the value is not between
1 and q-1, the process loops. Performing a simple modular reduction
would induce biases that would be detrimental to signature security.
def deterministic_generate_k(self, M):
V = bytes(1 for _ in range(32))
K = bytes(0 for _ in range(32))
K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00' + self.d.to_bytes(self.m, 'big') + M, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
V = hmac.new(K, V, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x01' + self.d.to_bytes(self.m, 'big') + M, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
V = hmac.new(K, V, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
while True:
T = bytes()
while len(T) < self.m:
V = hmac.new(K, V, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
T += V
k = int.from_bytes(T, 'big')
if 0 < k < self.n:
return k
K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00', pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
V = hmac.new(K, V, pysmx.SM3.SM3).digest()
运行前需要先安装 python 第三方库 snowland-smx,可通过以下命令安装:
pip install snowland-smx==0.3.2a1
python3 ./sm2_test.py
创建 GPCServer
和 GPCClient
类分别表示 Google Password Checkup 的服务器和客户端,服务端在初始化函数中处理原始数据并生成私钥
def __init__(self, data, p):
assert isprime(p)
self.p = p
self.b = random.randrange(1, self.p)
self.table = {i.to_bytes(2, 'big'): set() for i in range(0xffff)}
for up in data.items():
h = hash(up) % self.p
k = h.to_bytes(8, 'big')[:2]
v = pow(h, self.b, self.p)
客户端在初始化函数中生成私钥 get_kv
def __init__(self, up, p):
assert isprime(p)
self.p = p
self.h = hash(up) % self.p
phi = self.p - 1
while True:
self.a = random.randrange(0, phi)
gcd, (r, _) = exgcd(self.a, phi)
if gcd == 1:
self.r = r % phi
def get_kv(self):
k = self.h.to_bytes(8, 'big')[:2]
v = pow(self.h, self.a, self.p)
return k, v
def find_S(self, k, v):
hab = pow(v, self.b, self.p)
S = self.table[k]
return hab, S
def detect(self, hab, S):
hb = pow(hab, self.r, self.p)
return hb in S
注:在本实现中,原协议里使用的 Argon2 被简化为 python 自带的 hash
python3 ./google_password_checkup.py