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Quotients |
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12 |
By using type-theoretic quotients it is relatively easy to model quotients of algebraic objects in lean. We can do this for groups using normal subgroups and rings using two-sided ideals by doing the following steps (focusing on normal subgroups):
- Given a normal subgroup
in a groupG
, define an equivalence relation (a setoid) onG
in the usual way. - Take the type-theoretic quotient of this setoid.
- Construct the group structure on this quotient.
- Construct the quotient map, the universal map out of the quotient, etc., showing its universal property.
Type-theoretically this is quite similar to what we do in every day mathematics, so I won't say much more about this. Instead, I'll focus on quotients in algebra which aren't so familiar and don't correspond to some "subobject". Let's use monoids as out example.
Let M
be a monoid.
An equivalence relation r
on M
is said to be "compatible with multiplication" provided that whenever r x x'
and r y y'
then r (x * y) (x' * y')
This is exactly the kind of equivalence relation whose quotient inherits a monoid structure from the ambiant monoid.
Let's model this as a class in lean:
class MulCompat {X : Type*} [Mul X] (S : Setoid X) : Prop where
cond : ∀ x x' y y', S.rel x x' → S.rel y y' → S.rel (x * y) (x' * y')
Now, given such a setoid, we'll construct a monoid structure on its quotient:
instance (X : Type*) [Mul X] (S : Setoid X) [MulCompat S] : Mul (Quotient S) where
mul := Quotient.lift₂ (fun x y => Quotient.mk _ (x * y)) <|
fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ => Quotient.sound <| MulCompat.compat _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂
instance (X : Type*) [Monoid X] (S : Setoid X) [MulCompat S] : Monoid (Quotient S) where
mul_assoc := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩ ; apply Quotient.sound ; simp [mul_assoc, Setoid.refl]
one := Quotient.mk _ 1
one_mul := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ; apply Quotient.sound ; simp [Setoid.refl]
mul_one := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ; apply Quotient.sound ; simp [Setoid.refl]
npow n := Quotient.lift (fun x => Quotient.mk _ <| x^n) <| by
intro x y h
induction n with
| zero => simp
| succ n ih =>
simp at ih ⊢
simp_rw [show Nat.succ n = (n+1) from rfl, pow_succ]
apply MulCompat.compat
npow_zero := by
rintro ⟨x⟩
apply Quotient.sound
simp [Setoid.refl]
npow_succ := by
rintro n ⟨x⟩
apply Quotient.sound
rw [pow_succ]
We can then proceed to prove the universal property of quotients with this construction (details omitted).
What happens when we have a relation which is not compatible with multiplication? In this case, we can "saturate" it to get a compatible relation using an inductive construction.
variable {M : Type*} [Monoid M] (r : M → M → Prop)
inductive saturate : M → M → Prop
| of (a b : M) : r a b → saturate a b
| mul_compat (a a' b b' : M) : saturate a a' → saturate b b' → saturate (a * b) (a' * b')
| refl (a : M) : saturate a a
| symm {a b : M} : saturate a b → saturate b a
| trans {a b c : M} : saturate a b → saturate b c → saturate a c
def mulSetoid : Setoid M where
r := saturate r
iseqv := ⟨saturate.refl, saturate.symm, saturate.trans⟩
This will allow us to construct a monoid structure on Quotient (mulSetoid r)
for an arbitrary relation r
Stating and poving the universal property of this quotient will be left as an exercise (hint: state it in terms of r
, not in terms of the saturation! (WHY?)).