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Computing Froggy edited this page May 29, 2018 · 77 revisions

Welcome to the Remmina wiki!


Usually Remmina is included in your GNU/Linux distribution or in an external repository. Do not ask for distribution packages or precompiled binaries here. This is a development site.

For Ubuntu users we have an official PPA with Remmina 1.2

To install it, just copy and paste the following three lines on a terminal window

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next
sudo apt update
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret

Don't forget to exit/kill al your running instances of remmina. The best way to do it is to reboot your PC. Or, if you cannot reboot, kill all running remmina with

sudo killall remmina

By default the RDP, SSH and SFTP plugins are installed. You can view a list of available plugins with apt-cache search remmina-plugin

If you are willing to test the development version, you must use an another ppa.

The remmina-next PPA can be used for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, provided that you are running one of the supported *ubuntu derivatives on your Raspberry Pi.

For Debian 9 (Stretch) users, Remmina is available from the Backports repository

Remmina is not available on the default Debian repositories.

The Debian Backports repository must be enabled to install it, see this blog post for more information.

To install Remmina from Debian Backports, just copy and paste the following lines on a terminal window:

echo 'deb stretch-backports main' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list >> /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -t stretch-backports remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret

Raspberry Pi

We have our Remmina package repository for Raspbian Pixel 9.X (stretch), tested on RPi 3B and 3B+, use the following commands to add our repository to your Raspbian:

sudo apt install dirmngr
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo bash -c 'echo "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/remmina_raspbian.list'

Then you can install remmina

sudo apt update
sudo apt install remmina

It's also strongly advised to install gnome-keyring to make Remmina save encrypted passwords in a safer place than .remmina text files.

sudo apt install gnome-keyring

On the Raspberry Pi you can also use an Ubuntu derivative, for example Ubuntu Mate, and install Remmina using our ubuntu's PPA remmina-next as explained in this page.

For users with a distro that supports Flatpak, including Ubuntu

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install --user flathub org.remmina.Remmina
flatpak run --user org.remmina.Remmina

If you use SSH agent ( )

flatpak run --filesystem=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK --env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK org.remmina.Remmina

Just be aware that flatpak store data for installed applications (the XDG config/data folders) under $HOME/.var So for instance, if you previously have installed remmina with another package manager, you will have to transfer what was under $HOME/.config/remmina and $HOME/.local/share/remmina under, respectively ~/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/config/remmina and ~/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina

For users with a distro that supports Snap packages, including Ubuntu

We are still working to deliver a stable Snap package, but we still have many issues with SNAP packaging. If you encounter any issues, try first an other mean of installation and only after report the problem through Snap currently lacks some functionalities, read this chapter to find more informations. Please also note note that currently the SNAP package does not work under Ubuntu 17.10 + Wayland, see issue #1414.

Ensure you've snapd installed in your system. Then in Ubuntu you can install the last release from the Software center, looking for remmina, otherwise you can install it from terminal with:

sudo snap install remmina

Please note that this is not enough to make remmina fully functional, due to some limitations of the snap subsystem.

Some features, for example password saving via a keyring, are disabled and must be manually enabled:

sudo snap connect remmina:avahi-observe :avahi-observe # servers discovery
sudo snap connect remmina:cups-control :cups-control # printing
sudo snap connect remmina:mount-observe :mount-observe # mount management
sudo snap connect remmina:password-manager-service :password-manager-service # password manager

Some features just don't work, for example accessing your personal ~/.ssh directory is not possible for a snap. You have to manually copy your ~/.ssh/* files under ~/snap/remmina/common/.ssh/

If you want to install latest git revision of remmina, you can use it from the edge channel:

sudo snap install remmina  --edge

Or update the current installed version with the selected channel:

sudo snap refresh remmina --channel=edge # use --channel=stable otherwise

Snap packages will be updated automatically and will include both latest FreeRDP git and latest libssh 0.7 release (for better security).

Fedora and Red Hat

As of March 2018 Remmina is available on most fedora testing and stable, we still have a (not updated) copr provided by Hubbitus (Pavel Alexeev), to install just execute as root:

dnf copr enable hubbitus/remmina-next
dnf upgrade --refresh 'remmina*' 'freerdp*'

On Red Hat you can enable the EPEL repository:

Note: Unlucky Remmina is not yet in EPEL, you can help submitting a request on the Red Hat bugzilla.

rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

Sabayon (Gentoo Binary based)

  • Install :
equo- i net-misc/remmina


  • To build and install emerge -av net-misc/remmina

  • To build a binary and install

emerge -avb net-misc/remmina
emerge -avk remmina*  
# From cp /usr/portage/packages/net-misc remmina* > /mnt/some-usb-stick to multiple boxes
emerge -avk =net-misc/remmina-#??Version number  
# if you have a Bin-host/Binary package server defined on your lan
  • (version???) on other machines as a binary if you have many Gentoo machines... directly from file else bin host

Arch Linux based

Install remmina-git from AUR

There are also some external, not supported plugins provided by Muflone :


Simply install the newest version of Remmina from the repository with the following command:

sudo eopkg update-repo
sudo eopkg install remmina



Here, on github, we have three official branches:

"master" branch: the future 1.2.X version, which compiles with current freerdp master branch and will compile with freerdp 2.0 when released. We will do code developments and bugfixes here, on the master branch.

"oldmaster" branch: the 1.1.2 stable version, which compiles with freerdp 1.1 stable. We will only provide security fixes or critical bugs (i.e.: data corruption) fixes on version 1.1.X.

"gtk2" branch: a special remmina 1.1.1 version compatible with GTK2, compiles with freerdp 1.1 stable



Remmina Development Doc


We also have a website: