- Please do not direclty edit ./release/yaml/*.yaml files directly.
- Request contributors/reviewers doing pull requests to edit .yaml files in src folders.
- ./release/yaml/*.yaml files are auto generated using below steps. do
- src folder: ./src
- Published API release folder: ./release
- Build folder: ./build
- All source file are list in folder: ./src/
Each solution blueprint component holds repsective APIs. e.g.,
a. registry/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.yaml for registry access
b. etc., - All open api common components are listed in folder: standards/src/common/
a. schemas
b. responses
c. headers
d. parmeteres
e. security - Organisations, Countries and System specific standards are referenced in folder: standards/src/extensions/
a. dci
b. openId
c. cdpi
d. fhir
- Make sure all the yaml file have relative path references are resolved and core_xxx_api_vx.x.x.yaml files have reference to all the required files.
- Install the swagger command line tool using npm (Note: you may need to use root privileges if installing it globally).
sudo npm install -g swagger-cli
- Generate the resolved OpenAPI definition file
a. Go to the root directory of this repository i.e standards/
b. Run the build_apis.cmd from standards/ folder
b. Alternatively, Run the following command for each index file in ./standards/ folder. for e.g.,
swagger-cli -f 2 -t yaml bundle ./src/registry/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.yaml -o ./release/yaml/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.yaml
If the command runs successfully, you should see an output like this for each api index file
Created registry_core_api_v1.0.0.html from release/yaml/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.yaml
- Install the redocly command line tool using npm (Note: you may need to use root privileges if installing it globally).
sudo npm install -g @redocly/cli
- To create redoc html pages for easy readability
redocly build-docs ./release/yaml/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.yaml -o ./release/html/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.html
If the command runs successfully, you should see an output like this for each api index file
bundled successfully in: ./release/html/registry_core_api_v1.0.0.html
- Commit the changes and push the updated code to git repo. Create pull requests for teams to collaborate and merge to main branch!