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scikit fda map

Carlos Ramos Carreño edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 25 revisions

Map of the status of the features in scikit-fda:

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custom_mark10 digraph G { skfda -> types skfda -> preprocessing skfda -> datasets skfda -> clustering skfda -> regression skfda -> classification skfda -> "dimensionality reduction" skfda -> visualization skfda -> depth skfda -> metrics skfda -> outliers skfda -> stats skfda -> intervals skfda -> tests skfda -> "time series" skfda -> multivariate skfda -> "space temporal"
dense [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
types -> dense
types -> incomplete
incomplete -> sparse
incomplete -> longitudinal
basis [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
types -> basis
Fourier [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
basis -> Fourier
BSpline [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
basis -> BSpline
monomial [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
basis -> monomial
basis -> wavelet

preprocessing -> derivatives
"symmetric difference" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,label="symmetric difference (derivative method, 1d)"]
derivatives -> "symmetric difference"

preprocessing -> registration
"shift registration" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
registration -> "shift registration"
"landmark shift" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
registration -> "landmark shift"
"landmark registration" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
registration -> "landmark registration"
"elastic registration" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
registration -> "elastic registration"
"MSE decomposition" [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
registration -> "MSE decomposition"

preprocessing -> smoothing

FM [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
depth -> FM
BD [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
depth -> BD
MBD [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
depth -> MBD
depth -> "h-mode"
depth -> "random projections"
depth -> median
boxplot [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
depth -> boxplot
depth -> "depth outliers"
depth -> "DD plot"

"dimensionality reduction" -> projection
"dimensionality reduction" -> "variable selection"

projection -> FPCA
projection -> FPLS

"variable selection" -> RKHS
"variable selection" -> MH
"variable selection" -> RMH
"variable selection" -> mRMR
"variable selection" -> wrapper
wrapper -> Fwd
wrapper -> Bwd

Lp [style=filled,color=lightgrey,URL=""]
metrics -> Lp
Linf [label="L∞"]
metrics -> Linf

outliers -> "MS plot"
outliers -> outliergram

visualization -> boxplot
visualization -> "DD plot"
visualization -> "MS plot"
visualization -> outliergram

stats -> mean
stats -> median
stats -> std
stats -> gmean
stats -> trimmed
stats -> robust

intervals -> bootstrap

tests -> mean
tests -> ANOVA
tests -> homogeneity

clustering -> "K-means"
clustering -> "Fuzzy K-means"
clustering -> hierarchical

regression -> linear
regression -> nonparametric
regression -> GLM
regression -> PCA
regression -> PLS
regression -> logistic
regression -> penalized
KnnRegression [label="K-nn"]
regression -> KnnRegression

KnnClass [label="K-nn"]
classification -> KnnClass

} custom_mark10

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