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Isolating Data

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This type of task occurs often in Data Science: you need to extract data from a table before you can use it. You can do this task quickly with two functions that come in the dplyr package:

  1. select() - which extracts columns from a data frame
  2. filter() - which extracts rows from a data frame

Each function takes a data frame or tibble as it’s first argument and returns a new data frame or tibble as its output.


Source: dplyr cheatsheet

select() extracts columns of a data frame and returns the columns as a new data frame. To use select(), pass it the name of a data frame to extract columns from, and then the names of the columns to extract. The column names do not need to appear in quotation marks or be prefixed with a $; select() knows to find them in the data frame that you supply.

A typical select() call looks like this:
select(<data>, <variables>)

If you want to select the loudness variable, you run this:

select(spotify, loudness)
## # A tibble: 10,500 x 1
##    loudness
##       <dbl>
##  1   -10.7 
##  2    -2.75
##  3    -7.05
##  4    -5.57
##  5    -3.71
##  6    -2.73
##  7    -5.63
##  8   -11.7 
##  9    -7.36
## 10    -7.05
## # … with 10,490 more rows

Notice how it returned a data frame of the loudness variable, rather than a list or vector!

If you want to extract more than one variable you can include them, separated by commas, as arguments to the function:
select(spotify, loudness, instrumentalness, key)

Or, you can provide the variables as a vector! They will return the same thing.

select(spotify, c(loudness, instrumentalness, key))
## # A tibble: 10,500 x 3
##    loudness instrumentalness   key
##       <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>
##  1   -10.7        0          0.317
##  2    -2.75       0          0.792
##  3    -7.05       0.00000911 0.488
##  4    -5.57       0          0.479
##  5    -3.71       0          0.73 
##  6    -2.73       0          0.904
##  7    -5.63       0          0.653
##  8   -11.7        0          0.364
##  9    -7.36       0.00000178 0.539
## 10    -7.05       0.00000101 0.462
## # … with 10,490 more rows

A third option, in case you have many variables or aren’t sure of the variable’s exact names, is to use select helpers.

select() helpers

You can also use a series of helpers with select(). For example, if you place a minus sign before a column name, select() will return every column but that column. The code below will return every column except lyrics.

select(spotify, -lyrics)

The table below summarizes most of the other select() helpers that are available in dplyr. This is here for your reference and to demonstrate the flexibility of select()

Helper Function Use Example
- Columns except select(spotify, -loudness)
: Columns between (inclusive) select(spotify, loudness:danceability)
contains() Columns that contains a string select(spotify, contains("d"))
ends_with() Columns that ends with a string select(spotify, ends_with("y"))
matches() Columns that matches a regex select(spotify, matches("n"))
num_range() Columns with a numerical suffix in the range Not applicable with spotify
one_of() Columns whose name appear in the given set select(spotify, one_of(c("energy", "tempo")))
starts_with() Columns that starts with a string select(spotify, starts_with("e"))

Exercise 1

Use the example below to get a feel for select(). Can you extract just the artist column? How about the artist and energy columns?

select(spotify, loudness)
## # A tibble: 10,500 x 1
##    loudness
##       <dbl>
##  1   -10.7 
##  2    -2.75
##  3    -7.05
##  4    -5.57
##  5    -3.71
##  6    -2.73
##  7    -5.63
##  8   -11.7 
##  9    -7.36
## 10    -7.05
## # … with 10,490 more rows

Exercise 2
Use the contains() helper function to select the columns that contain the letter “n”. The structure should look like this: select(spotify, contains("d")). What variables are returned?

Go further

The tidyr package allows you to reshape your entire data frame, rather than perform simple operations with columns. It’s super helpful if you need to, for instance, convert your wide data frame to a long (i.e. tidy) data frame, or convert your nested JSON data to a tidy data frame. For a short introduction, check this out


Source: dplyr cheatsheet

filter() extracts rows from a data frame and returns them as a new data frame. As with select(), the first argument of filter() should be a data frame to extract rows from. The arguments that follow should be logical tests; filter() will return every row for which the tests return TRUE.

Filter in action

For example, the code chunk below returns every track with a 5/4 time signature in spotify. 7 has been on the charts for a while! Also, I’m happy to see my man John Prine switching up his time signatures too.

filter(spotify, time_signature == 5)
## # A tibble: 146 x 23
##     rank track artist week       month   day  year season time_since_covid
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <date>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
##  1    27 Robb… Juice… 2019-03-02 Mar       2  2019 Winter             -324
##  2    87 Wort… YK Os… 2019-03-02 Mar       2  2019 Winter             -324
##  3    28 Robb… Juice… 2019-03-09 Mar       9  2019 Winter             -317
##  4    73 Wort… YK Os… 2019-03-09 Mar       9  2019 Winter             -317
##  5    34 Robb… Juice… 2019-03-16 Mar      16  2019 Spring             -310
##  6    65 Wort… YK Os… 2019-03-16 Mar      16  2019 Spring             -310
##  7    27 Robb… Juice… 2019-03-23 Mar      23  2019 Spring             -303
##  8    62 Wort… YK Os… 2019-03-23 Mar      23  2019 Spring             -303
##  9    35 Robb… Juice… 2019-03-30 Mar      30  2019 Spring             -296
## 10    56 Wort… YK Os… 2019-03-30 Mar      30  2019 Spring             -296
## # … with 136 more rows, and 14 more variables: covid_period <chr>,
## #   danceability <dbl>, energy <dbl>, key <dbl>, loudness <dbl>, mode <chr>,
## #   speechiness <dbl>, acousticness <dbl>, instrumentalness <dbl>,
## #   liveness <dbl>, valence <dbl>, tempo <dbl>, duration_ms <dbl>,
## #   time_signature <dbl>

Logical tests

To get the most from filter, you will need to know how to use R’s logical test operators, which are summarized below.

Logical operator tests Example
> Is x greater than y? x > y
>= Is x greater than or equal to y? x >= y
< Is x less than y? x < y
<= Is x less than or equal to y? x <= y
== Is x equal to y? x == y
!= Is x not equal to y? x != y Is x an NA?
! Is x not an NA? !

Let’s look at another example before moving on to exercises. Tracks with an instrumentalness value greater than 0.5 are considered to likely be instrumental, according to the metadata. Let’s see which tracks are instrumental!

filter(spotify, instrumentalness > 0.5)
## # A tibble: 43 x 23
##     rank track artist week       month   day  year season time_since_covid
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <date>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
##  1    65 How … Offse… 2019-03-09 Mar       9  2019 Winter             -317
##  2    60 How … Drake  2019-08-17 Aug      17  2019 Summer             -156
##  3    93 Fear… Tool   2019-08-17 Aug      17  2019 Summer             -156
##  4    85 In M… Frank… 2019-11-16 Nov      16  2019 Fall                -65
##  5    74 Ever… Billi… 2019-11-23 Nov      23  2019 Fall                -58
##  6     8 Ever… Billi… 2019-11-30 Nov      30  2019 Fall                -51
##  7    26 Ever… Billi… 2019-12-07 Dec       7  2019 Fall                -44
##  8    25 Ever… Billi… 2019-12-14 Dec      14  2019 Fall                -37
##  9    30 Ever… Billi… 2019-12-21 Dec      21  2019 Winter              -30
## 10    34 Ever… Billi… 2019-12-28 Dec      28  2019 Winter              -23
## # … with 33 more rows, and 14 more variables: covid_period <chr>,
## #   danceability <dbl>, energy <dbl>, key <dbl>, loudness <dbl>, mode <chr>,
## #   speechiness <dbl>, acousticness <dbl>, instrumentalness <dbl>,
## #   liveness <dbl>, valence <dbl>, tempo <dbl>, duration_ms <dbl>,
## #   time_signature <dbl>

Huh, it seems like this isn’t a strict enough filter. There are quite a few tracks that definitely have words in them here. Let’s increase the filter to 0.8 and see where that gets us.

filter(spotify, instrumentalness > 0.8)
## # A tibble: 4 x 23
##    rank track artist week       month   day  year season time_since_covid
##   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <date>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
## 1    50 Can I Kehla… 2020-05-23 May      23  2020 Spring              124
## 2    47 Deck… Nat K… 2020-12-26 Dec      26  2020 Winter              341
## 3   100 Beau… Kid C… 2020-12-26 Dec      26  2020 Winter              341
## 4    43 Deck… Nat K… 2021-01-02 Jan       2  2021 Winter              348
## # … with 14 more variables: covid_period <chr>, danceability <dbl>,
## #   energy <dbl>, key <dbl>, loudness <dbl>, mode <chr>, speechiness <dbl>,
## #   acousticness <dbl>, instrumentalness <dbl>, liveness <dbl>, valence <dbl>,
## #   tempo <dbl>, duration_ms <dbl>, time_signature <dbl>

Jeez Spotify, I don’t think instrumentalness is a very accurate metric! Or something may have gone wrong when I was mining the data… This goes to show- exploring your data beforehand will help you catch errors early so they don’t make it into your analyses!

Exercise 3

See if you can use the logical operators to manipulate our code below to show:

  • All of the songs in the “post_covid” covid_period
  • All of the songs where tempo is less than or equal to 80
  • Stretch challenge. All songs that have more than 20 characters in their title. Hint: you will need to use the nchar() function.
filter(spotify, covid_period == "pre_covid")

Two common mistakes

When you use logical tests, be sure to look out for two common mistakes. One appears in each code chunk below. Can you find them? When you spot a mistake, fix it and then run the chunk to confirm that it works.

filter(spotify, artist = "DaBaby")
filter(spotify, artist == DaBaby)


filter(spotify, artist == "DaBaby")
## # A tibble: 114 x 23
##     rank track artist week       month   day  year season time_since_covid
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <date>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
##  1    87 Suge  DaBaby 2019-04-13 Apr      13  2019 Spring             -282
##  2    63 Suge  DaBaby 2019-04-20 Apr      20  2019 Spring             -275
##  3    51 Suge  DaBaby 2019-04-27 Apr      27  2019 Spring             -268
##  4    46 Suge  DaBaby 2019-05-04 May       4  2019 Spring             -261
##  5    27 Suge  DaBaby 2019-05-11 May      11  2019 Spring             -254
##  6    22 Suge  DaBaby 2019-05-18 May      18  2019 Spring             -247
##  7    16 Suge  DaBaby 2019-05-25 May      25  2019 Spring             -240
##  8    14 Suge  DaBaby 2019-06-01 Jun       1  2019 Spring             -233
##  9     9 Suge  DaBaby 2019-06-08 Jun       8  2019 Spring             -226
## 10     8 Suge  DaBaby 2019-06-15 Jun      15  2019 Summer             -219
## # … with 104 more rows, and 14 more variables: covid_period <chr>,
## #   danceability <dbl>, energy <dbl>, key <dbl>, loudness <dbl>, mode <chr>,
## #   speechiness <dbl>, acousticness <dbl>, instrumentalness <dbl>,
## #   liveness <dbl>, valence <dbl>, tempo <dbl>, duration_ms <dbl>,
## #   time_signature <dbl>

Two mistakes - Recap

When you use logical tests, be sure to look out for these two common mistakes:

  1. using = instead of == to test for equality.
  2. forgetting to use quotation marks when comparing strings, e.g. artist == DaBaby, instead of genre == "DaBaby"

Go further: Boolean operators

You can find a complete list of base R’s boolean operators in the table below. This is here for your reference.

Boolean operator represents Example
& Are both A and B true? A & B
| Are one or both of A and B true? A | B
! Is A not true? !A
xor() Is one and only one of A and B true? xor(A, B)
%in% Is x in the set of a, b, and c? x %in% c(a, b, c)
any() Are any of A, B, or C true? any(A, B, C)
all() Are all of A, B, or C true? all(A, B, C)

These allow you to customize filtered searches according to a variety of criteria. We’re not going to go into depth about all of these here. The basic Boolean operators we will focus on today are & and | (or).

If you provide more than one test to filter(), filter() will combine the tests with an and statement (&): it will only return the rows that satisfy all of the tests.

For instance,

filter(spotify, mode == "minor", tempo > 80)

will only return songs that are in a minor key and are faster than 80 beats per minute. Run this code and see how many observations are returned.

Now, try this.

filter(spotify, mode == "minor" | tempo > 80)

Many more observations are returned because the function is filtering for songs that are in a minor key or have a tempo greater than 80 beats per minute. A song only has to satisfy one of the criteria to pass the filter.

Go further: stringr

The stringr package is very helpful for manipulating strings in R. It’s part of the core tidyverse set of packages, so it is easy to integrate into your data wrangling pipeline. It takes some of the pain away from forming your own regex expressions, but is flexible enough to accomodate complex cases. I use stringr regularly within filter() and other data manipulation functions. If you’re interested, check out this light introduction.

Visualizing Distributions

We’re going to kick off the data visualization segment with an introduction to the ggplot2 package and a simple, but important task- visualizing distributions.

Plotting with ggplot2

ggplot2 is a plotting package that makes it simple to create complex plots from data in a data frame. It stands for “grammar of graphics plot” and the 2 comes from its total redesign after the creator Hadley Wickham scrapped the original package. The grammar of graphics is a useful framework to describe the components of a graphic. It provides a more programmatic interface for specifying what variables to plot, how they are displayed, and general visual properties. Therefore, we only need minimal changes if the underlying data change or if we decide to change from a bar plot to a scatter plot. This gives us a lot of customization flexibility with reasonable defaults.

In practical terms,

  • ggplot2 functions like tidy data. Well-structured data will save you lots of time when making figures.

  • ggplot2 graphics are built step by step by adding new elements. Adding layers in this fashion allows for extensive flexibility and customization of plots.

The basics

To build a ggplot, we will use the following basic template that can be used for different types of plots:

ggplot(data = < DATA > , aes( < MAPPINGS > )) + geom_FUNCTION()

data Bind the plot to a specific data frame using the data argument

aes() Use the aes() (aesthetics) function to select the variables to be plotted and specify how to present them in the graph, e.g. as x/y positions or characteristics such as size, shape, color, etc.

geom Add ‘geoms’ – graphical representations of the data in the plot (points, lines, bars). Here are some examples:

geom_point() for scatter plots, dot plots, etc. geom_smooth() for trendlines geom_boxplot() for boxplots geom_histogram() for histograms

Plot components are tied together using the + operator. You can add geom_*s, for instance plotting both a scatterplot and a trendline:

ggplot() + geom_point() + geom_smooth(),

or add components that customize the plot- we will get to this part later.

Let’s build a plot, piece by piece!

Building a plot

Visualizing the distribution of your data is one of the most fundamental methods of data exploration. We’ll learn the fundamentals of ggplot2 while making a fundamental plot!

Every plot begins with a call to ggplot() (no 2! That’s only in the package name). First, we have to specify the data with the data = argument. In addition, we need to specify what variables we’re plotting and which axes we’re plotting them on. These are considered plot aesthetics and are specified within the aes() function.

Let’s visualize the distribution of valence! It is Spotify’s derived metric that describes the “happiness” and “positivity” of a song. Since we’re visualizing a single variable, we only provide an aesthetic for the x axis.

ggplot(data = spotify, aes(x = valence))

As you can see, we get a mostly blank plot when we run the ggplot function! That’s because we haven’t told ggplot what type of geom_ we want. ggplot sets the framework that the rest of the components inherit. Every plot component that follows will use spotify as the data set and valence as the x-axis data, unless otherwise specified.

Let’s make something classic- a histogram. It’s easy- just specify the geom!

ggplot(data = spotify, aes(x = valence)) +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Huh, you got a funny message-
stat_bin() using bins = 30. Pick better value with binwidth.”

ggplot defaults to using 30 bins, but that may not always be the best choice. Different values can highlight aspects about your distribution that may be useful or obscure important patterns. We can play with the binwidth argument to adjust how wide each bin is in the units of our data. Let’s make them extra narrow. Notice how we specify the binwidth argument within the call to geom_histogram- that’s because it is an argument specific to this geom!

ggplot(data = spotify, aes(x = valence)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01)

I don’t think this uncovers patterns and just adds noise to the distribution. Let’s widen those binwidths.

ggplot(data = spotify, aes(x = valence)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)

I like this a bit better- the distribution looks to be mostly normal with a bit of a right-skew. Most songs appear to be middle of the road in their positivity.

I’m curious- the COVID pandemic has been extremely tough on the psyche of, I imagine, most people. Does this show up in our choice of pop music? Let’s use our data isolation skillset to see if music from a time period before the pandemic (a random week in March 2019) was happier than the long-term average. We need to filter our data set for pre-COVID songs and then visualize the valence of those songs. The variable that contains this information is the covid_period variable, where pre_covid indicates the pre-COVID time frame.

# first filter for pre-covid songs
pre_covid <- filter(spotify, covid_period == "pre_covid")

# now, visualize a histogram of the valence for these songs
ggplot(data = pre_covid, aes(x = valence)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)

Hmm, there doesn’t seem to be a large change (if any). I think it would be cool to visualize the different periods of the COVID pandemic side-by-side to better visualize differences. We’ll learn this in the next data visualization segment!

While these plots aren’t too pretty, they get the message across. We will learn how to spruce up the plots in a bit!

Exercise 4
Try to make your own ggplot! Visualize a histogram of the loudness variable. Play around with the binwidths to get a feel of how this variable is distributed! If you’re feeling a bit ambitious, see if you can filter the data by another variable (like covid_period perhaps?) before you create the visualization to see if there is an interesting pattern not obvious in the full dataset.

Go further

Although this isn’t an R-specific book, Claus Wilke’s (free) Fundamentals of Data Visualization is a must-read for those trying to up their data-viz game. He’s a contributor to the ggplot2 package, and even made a couple of packages that complement ggplot2, like cowplot for stitching together plots and annotating them, ggridges for creating partially overlapping line plots that look like mountain ranges (or that one Joy Division album cover), and ggtext, which allows you to add Markdown and HTML formatted text to your ggplots. Super cool stuff! The book doesn’t contain R code and isn’t a “this is how you make this plot in R” book, but that type of info is available in many other places, like From data to viz.


Exercise 1

select(spotify, artist)
select(spotify, artist, energy)

Exercise 2

spotify %>% select(contains("n"))
## # A tibble: 10,500 x 14
##     rank month season time_since_covid danceability energy loudness speechiness
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>             <dbl>        <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1     1 Feb   Winter             -338        0.778  0.317   -10.7       0.334 
##  2     2 Feb   Winter             -338        0.687  0.792    -2.75      0.0452
##  3     3 Feb   Winter             -338        0.752  0.488    -7.05      0.0705
##  4     4 Feb   Winter             -338        0.76   0.479    -5.57      0.0466
##  5     5 Feb   Winter             -338        0.834  0.73     -3.71      0.222 
##  6     6 Feb   Winter             -338        0.579  0.904    -2.73      0.0618
##  7     7 Feb   Winter             -338        0.717  0.653    -5.63      0.0658
##  8     8 Feb   Winter             -338        0.837  0.364   -11.7       0.276 
##  9     9 Feb   Winter             -338        0.829  0.539    -7.36      0.208 
## 10    10 Feb   Winter             -338        0.611  0.462    -7.05      0.0646
## # … with 10,490 more rows, and 6 more variables: acousticness <dbl>,
## #   instrumentalness <dbl>, liveness <dbl>, valence <dbl>, duration_ms <dbl>,
## #   time_signature <dbl>

Exercise 3

filter(spotify, covid_period == "post_covid")
filter(spotify, tempo <= 80)
filter(spotify, nchar(track) > 20)

Exercise 4

ggplot(data = spotify, aes(x = loudness)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1)

I thought it would be cool to see if top 40 songs are louder! I filtered for all songs with a rank equal to or below 40 before visualizing loudness. It looks to be the case! This filter at least got rid of some of the quieter outliers. I took a look at the extra quiet song, and it looks like DaBaby’s song Baby on Baby wanted to keep it quiet for the babies.

top40_songs <- filter(spotify, rank <= 40)

ggplot(data = top40_songs, aes(x = loudness)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1)

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