Encourage the behaviour/actions (and thinking!) you want to see in the world
It's not always easy to adopt or enforce a code of conduct, but fostering a welcoming environment will help our community grow in a way that is healthy and encouraging.
Check out the Contributor Covenant for guidelines https://www.contributor-covenant.org/ Which is also maintained as an Open-SourceProject We are also guided by the Prime Directive in this open-source project: https://retrospectivewiki.org/index.php?title=The_Prime_Directive\
Be the change you want to see.
- It takes effect in any fork, pull request, comment, references, activities and even including events
- It applies to community members, contributors, maintainers and all interested parties
- A violation is to be flagged by the community and also to maintainers for action to be taken (which could lead to suspension and/or permanent ban)
Mean well, focus on the message not the messenger, build upon each other's ideas, enhance the project, be candid and have fun!