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GIPHY SDK for Android (JAVA version)

Table of contents




Caching & Dependencies

The Grid

Clips (GIFs with Sound!) + Animated Text Creation


  • The Giphy UI SDK only supports projects that have been upgraded to androidx.
  • Requires minSdkVersion 19
  • A Giphy Android SDK key from the Giphy Developer Portal.


The latest release is available on Maven Central

Add the GIPHY SDK dependency in the module build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.giphy.sdk:ui:2.3.15'

Configure your API key

Configure your API key. Apply for a new Android SDK key here. Please remember, you should use a separate key for every platform (Android, iOS, Web) you add our SDKs to. Here's a basic setup to make sure everything's working.

class GiphyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Giphy.INSTANCE.configure(DemoActivityJava.this, YOUR_ANDROID_SDK_KEY, false);

    final GPHSettings settings = new GPHSettings();
    final GiphyDialogFragment dialog = GiphyDialogFragment.Companion.newInstance(settings);
    dialog.setGifSelectionListener(listener);, "giphy_dialog");

or pass your API key as a fragment argument to configure the GIPHY SDK right before opening GiphyDialogFragment :

final GiphyDialogFragment dialog = GiphyDialogFragment.Companion.newInstance(settings, YOUR_ANDROID_SDK_KEY);

Custom UI

We offer two solutions for the SDK user interface - pre-built templates which handle the entirety of the GIPHY experience, and a Grid-Only implementation which allows for endless customization.

See customization to determine what's best for you.

Skip ahead to Grid-Only section



Configure the SDK with your API key. Apply for a new Android SDK key. Please remember, you should use a separate key for every platform (Android, iOS, Web) you add our SDKs to.

Giphy.INSTANCE.configure(DemoActivityJava.this, YOUR_ANDROID_SDK_KEY, false);

Create a new instance of GiphyDialogFragment, which takes care of all the magic. Adjust the layout and theme by passing a GPHSettings object when creating the dialog.

final GPHSettings settings = new GPHSettings();

Instantiate a GiphyDialogFragment with the settings object.

final GiphyDialogFragment gifsDialog = GiphyDialogFragment.Companion.newInstance(settings);

Fresco initialization

The SDK has special Fresco setup to support our use case, though this should not pose any conflicts with your use of Fresco outside of the GIPHY SDK. You can use our GiphyFrescoHandler:

        new HashMap<String, String>(),
        new GiphyFrescoHandler(){
            public void handle(@NonNull OkHttpClient.Builder builder){
            public void handle(@NonNull ImagePipelineConfig.Builder builder){


GPHSettings properties


Set the theme type (GPHTheme) to be Dark, Light or Automatic which will match the application's Night Mode specifications for android P and newer. If you don't specify a theme, Automatic mode will be applied by default.


Customise the GiphyDialogFragment

You can easily customise the color scheme for the GiphyDialogFragment for a better blend-in with your application UI. Simply override the following color resources:

  • Light Theme:
    <color name="gph_channel_color_light">#FF4E4E4E</color>
    <color name="gph_handle_bar_light">#ff888888</color>
    <color name="gph_background_light">#ffF1F1F1</color>
    <color name="gph_text_color_light">#ffA6A6A6</color>
    <color name="gph_active_text_color_light">#ff000000</color>
  • Dark Theme
    <color name="gph_channel_color_dark">#ffD8D8D8</color>
    <color name="gph_handle_bar_dark">#ff888888</color>
    <color name="gph_background_dark">#ff121212</color>
    <color name="gph_text_color_dark">#ffA6A6A6</color>
    <color name="gph_active_text_color_dark">#ff00FF99</color>

Custom Theme

As of version 2.1.9 you can set a custom theme


final GPHTheme theme = GPHTheme.Custom;
final GPHSettings settings = new GPHSettings();
final GiphyDialogFragment dialog = GiphyDialogFragment.Companion.newInstance(settings);, "giphy_dialog");

Version 2.3.5 offers a wider range of colors for customization. We have made modifications to the color names, but we have prepared a visual scheme to assist you with this update.

Media Types

Set the content type(s) you'd like to show by setting the mediaTypeConfig property, which is an array of GPHContentTypes

final GPHContentType[] contentTypes = new GPHContentType[5];
contentTypes[1] = GPHContentType.sticker;
contentTypes[2] = GPHContentType.gif;
contentTypes[3] = GPHContentType.text;
contentTypes[4] = GPHContentType.emoji;

Set default GPHContentType:


Recently Picked

As of version 1.2.6 you can add an additional GPHContentType to you mediaConfigs array, called GPHContentType.recents which will automatically add a new tab with the recently picked GIFs and Stickers by the user. The tab will appear automatically if the user has picked any GIFs or Stickers.

final GPHContentType[] contentTypes = new GPHContentType[5];
contentTypes[1] = GPHContentType.sticker;
contentTypes[2] = GPHContentType.gif;
contentTypes[3] = GPHContentType.text;
contentTypes[4] = GPHContentType.recents;

Users can remove gifs from recents with a long-press on the GIF in the recents grid.

Additional Settings

  • Confirmation screen: we provide the option to show a secondary confirmation screen when the user taps a GIF, which shows a larger rendition of the asset.
  • Rating: set a specific content rating for the search results. Default pg13.
  • Rendition: You can change the rendition type for the grid and also for the confirmation screen, if you are using it. Default rendition is fixedWidth for the grid and original for the confirmation screen.
  • Checkered Background: You can enable/disabled the checkered background for stickers and text media type.
  • Stickers Column Count: Customise the number of columns for stickers (Accepted values between 2 and 4).
  • Suggestions bar: As of version 2.0.4 you can hide suggestions bar
  • Image Format: You can choose a file type for the grid.


Show your GiphyDialogFragment using the SupportFragmentManager and watch as the GIFs start flowin'., "gifs_dialog");



To handle GIF selection you need to implement the GifSelectionListener interface. If you are calling the GiphyDialogFragment from an activity instance, it is recommended that your activity implements the interface GifSelectionListener. When using this approach, the Giphy dialog will check at creation time, if the activity is implementing the GifSelectionListener protocol and set the activity as a callback, if no other listeners are set programatically.

public class DemoActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements GiphyDialogFragment.GifSelectionListener {
    public void onGifSelected(@NonNull Media media, @androidx.annotation.Nullable String s, @NonNull GPHContentType gphContentType) {
        //Your user tapped a GIF
    public void onDismissed(@NonNull GPHContentType gphContentType) {
        //Your user dismissed the dialog without selecting a GIF
    public void didSearchTerm(@NonNull String s) {
        //Callback for search terms


  • Option A: If you are calling the GiphyDialogFragment from a fragment context, you can also create a listener object to handle events.
giphyDialog.setGifSelectionListener(new GiphyDialogFragment.GifSelectionListener() {
    public void onGifSelected(@NonNull Media media, @androidx.annotation.Nullable String s, @NonNull GPHContentType gphContentType) {
        //Your user tapped a GIF

    public void onDismissed(@NonNull GPHContentType gphContentType) {
        //Your user dismissed the dialog without selecting a GIF

    public void didSearchTerm(@NonNull String s) {
        //Callback for search terms
GifSelectionListener technical note

As the GiphyDialogFragment is based on DialogFragment, this means that if the dialog is recreated after a process death caused by the Android System, your listener will not have a change to get set again so gif delivery will fail for that session. To prevent such problems, we also implemented the android setTargetFragment API, to allow callbacks to be made reliably to the caller fragment in the event of process death.

  • Option B: GiphyDialogFragment also implements support for the setTargetFragment API. If it detects a target fragment attached, it will deliver the content to the target fragment and ignore the GifSelectionListener. Response data will contain the Media object selected and the search term used to discover that Media.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @androidx.annotation.Nullable Intent data) {
        if (requestCode == REQUEST_GIFS && data != null) {
        Media media = data.getParcelableExtra(GiphyDialogFragment.MEDIA_DELIVERY_KEY);
        String[] keyword = data.getStringArrayExtra(GiphyDialogFragment.SEARCH_TERM_KEY);
        //TODO: handle received data
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

From there, it's up to you to decide what to do with the GIF.


Create a GPHMediaView to display the media. Optionaly, you can pass a rendition type to be loaded.

GPHMediaView mediaView = new GPHMediaView(context);
mediaView.setMedia(media, RenditionType.original, null);

Use the media's aspectRatio property to size the view:

float aspectRatio = MediaExtensionKt.getAspectRatio(media); 

You can populate a GPHMediaView with a media id like so:

mediaView.setMediaWithId(media.getId(), RenditionType.downsized, null, (result, e) -> {
    if (e != null) {
        //your code here
    return null;

Media IDs

In a messaging app context, you may want to send media ids rather than Media objects or image assets.

Obtain a Media's id property via

On the receiving end, obtain a Media from the id like so:

GPHCore.INSTANCE.gifById(id, (result, e) -> {
    if (result != null){
        gifView.setMedia(result.getData(),RenditionType.original, null);
    if (e != null) {
        //your code here
    return null;


We use Fresco for GIF/WebP playback, which caches media assets itself. You can provide your own cache config using GiphyFrescoHandler. See the Fresco initialization section.

public void handle(@NonNull ImagePipelineConfig.Builder imagePipelineConfigBuilder) {



Download the Sketch file here if you're looking for a great button icon to prompt the GIPHY SDK experience.

Grid-Only and GiphyGridView

The following section refers to the Grid-Only solution of the SDK. Learn more here

See the Template section for template setup instructions.

If you require a more flexible experience, use the GiphyGridView instead of the GiphyDialogFragment to load and render GIFs.

GiphyGridView properties:

  • orientation - tells the scroll direction of the grid. (e.g. GiphyGridView.HORIZONTAL, GiphyGridView.VERTICAL)
  • spanCount - number of lanes in the grid
  • cellPadding - spacing between rendered GIFs
  • showViewOnGiphy - enables/disables the Show on Giphy action in the long-press menu
  • showCheckeredBackground - use a checkered background (for stickers only)
  • imageFormat - choose a file type for the grid
  • fixedSizeCells - display content in equally sized cells (for stickers only)

GiphyGridView: GPHContent

GPHContent contains all query params that necessary to load GIFs.

  • mediaType - media type that should be loaded (e.g. MediaType.gif)
  • requestType - tells the controller if the query should look for a trending feed of gifs or perform a search action (e.g. GPHRequestType.trending)
  • rating - minimum rating (e.g. RatingType.pg13)
  • searchQuery:- custom search input (e.g. cats)

Use one of the convenience methods avaiable in the GPHContent in order to create a query.


  • GPHContent.Companion.trending(MediaType.gif, RatingType.pg13);
  • GPHContent.Companion.getTrendingGifs();, GPHContent.Companion.getTrendingStickers();, etc.


GPHContent.Companion.searchQuery(search: String, MediaType.gif, RatingType.pg13);




Show GIFs that the user has previously picked.


Only show a "recents" tab if there are any recents. Get the number of recents via:


Optionally, we also provide the option to clear the set of recents:


Users can remove gifs from recents with a long-press on the GIF in the recents grid.

Updating the content

After you have defined your query using a GPHContent object, to load the media content pass this object to GiphyGridView

GPHContent gifsContent = GPHContent.Companion.searchQuery("cats", MediaType.gif, RatingType.pg13);

Integrating the GiphyGridView

Method A

It can be done by embedding in your layout XML. UI properties can also be applied as XML attributes


Perform a query

gifsGridView.setContent(GPHContent.Companion.searchQuery("dogs", MediaType.gif, RatingType.pg13));

Method B

Create a GiphyGridView and set it's UI properties

GiphyGridView gridView = null;

Add the GiphyGridView to your layout and start making queries.


Customise the GIF Loading

You can customise the loading experience of GIFs in the GridView by using the GiphyLoadingProvider class.

    // Implement the GiphyLoadingProvider interface
    private GiphyLoadingProvider loadingProviderClient = new GiphyLoadingProvider() {
        public Drawable getLoadingDrawable(int position) {
            LoadingDrawable.Shape shape = LoadingDrawable.Shape.Circle;
            if (position % 2 == 0) {
                shape = LoadingDrawable.Shape.Rect;
            return new LoadingDrawable(shape);

    // Attach the loading provider to the GridView


In order to interact with the GiphyGridView you can apply the following callbacks

interface GPHGridCallback {
   * @param resultCount results count, in case of error it equals -1
  fun contentDidUpdate(resultCount: Int)
  fun didSelectMedia(media: Media)

interface GPHSearchGridCallback {
  fun didTapUsername(username: String)
  fun didLongPressCell(cell: GifView)
  fun didScroll()


gridView.setCallback(new GPHGridCallback() {
    public void contentDidUpdate(int resultCount) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

    public void didSelectMedia(@NonNull Media media) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

gridView.setSearchCallback(new GPHSearchGridCallback() {
    public void didTapUsername(@NonNull String username) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

    public void didLongPressCell(@NonNull GifView cell) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

    public void didScroll(int dx, int dy) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

Data Collected by our SDK

We deeply respect the privacy of your users and only collect anonymized information about GIPHY use in order to improve the service. If you have any questions or concerns about GIPHY’s data collection practices, please reach out to [email protected]

Title Description Data use Linked to user Tracking
Search History Information about searches performed in the app Analytics, Product Personalization, App Functionality No No
Product Interaction Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, music listening data, video views, saved place in a game, video, or song, or other information about how the user interacts with the app Analytics, Product Personalization, App Functionality No No


The GIPHY UI SDK exposes the rules for proguard/R8 so there is no need to add anything to your projects proguard rules.