Drop PHP7.4 support. Use PHP8.0 or better php8.1
Node ^16.15 and npm ^8.5 have to be installed
- Go into the directory where your jitsi-admin is installed e.g.
cd /var/www/html
- Install new jitsi-admin files
php compser.phar install
- Install new NPM packages
npm install
- (Optional) Backup your database
- Migrate Database to the latest version:
php bin/console doc:mig:mig
- Rebuild js and css
npm run build
- Clean cache
php bin/console cache:clear
- Set the permission
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data var/
- Check your email settings with the command
php bin/console app:email:test <serverId> <[email protected]>
. You should receive a test email - If you use profilePicture served from a local storage (default) then set the ENV-Variable in the .env.local file to VICH_BASE=>yourdomain<
- To customize the jitsi-admin to follow your CI-guidelines contact H2-Invent GmbH
- Checkout latest Tag
- go into the jitsi-admin director e.g.
cd /var/jitsi-admin/
- Shutdown existing jitsi-admin installation
docker-compose down
- Start the Docker install Script
bash installDocker.sh
- All settings should be correct, just hit enter to confirm.
- You have now two more worker container, doing async stuff
- Database is automatically upgraded
- To customize the jitsi-admin to follow your CI-guidelines contact H2-Invent GmbH