diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/en/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/en/translations.json index a55b2a2e82..a8ad1903f9 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/en/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/en/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "Previously", "report": "Report", "reports": "Reports", + "reset": "Reset", "resetHelpHints": "Show all help hints again", "sar": "Radar vessel detections (SAR)", "save": "Save", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "Summary", "timerange": "Time range", "to": "to", + "toggleVisibility": "Toggle visibility", "tutorials": "Tutorials", "unit": "unit", "unknown": "Other", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "Source", "source_one": "Source", "source_other": "Sources", + "speed": "Speed", "statsHelp": "The number of vessels and flags is calculated for your current filters and time range globally. Some double counting may occur.", "statsHelpDetection": "The number of detections is calculated for your current filters and time range globally. Some double counting may occur.", "toggleAllVisibility": "Toggle all layers visibility", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "The track has no activity in your selected time range. Change the time range to fit this track?" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "Type something here", + "annotationsAdd": "Add annotation", + "annotationsDelete": "Delete all annotations", + "annotationsHover": "Drag to move or click to edit annotation", + "annotationsStop": "Stop annotations", "captureMap": "Map screenshot", "change_basemap_default": "Switch to default basemap", "change_basemap_satellite": "Switch to satellite basemap", + "errorAction": "Log an issue at a specific location", + "errorLabel": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", + "errorPlaceholder": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", "legend_help": "Approximate grid cell area at equator", "loading": "Loading", "mapLoadingWait": "Please wait until map loads.", "rulers_add": "Measure distance", - "rulers_remove": "Remove measured distances", + "rulersStop": "Stop measures", + "rulersDelete": "Delete all measures", + "rulersHover": "Drag to move or click to see more", "search": "Search ocean and sea areas, MPAs or EEZs", "zoom_in": "Zoom in", "zoom_out": "Zoom out" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "Matricula", "mmsi": "MMSI", "nationalId": "National ID", + "neural_vessel_type": "SAR vessel type", "neuralVesselType": "Neural vessel type", "noActivityData": "There is no activity information for this vessel", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "There are no encounters fully contained in your timerange.", diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/es/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/es/translations.json index 57fe3e462d..037d1f6ebc 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/es/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/es/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "Previamente", "report": "Informe", "reports": "Informes", + "reset": "Reset", "resetHelpHints": "Mostrar de nuevo los puntos de ayuda", "sar": "Radar de apertura sintética (SAR)", "save": "Guardar", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "Resumen", "timerange": "Período", "to": "hasta", + "toggleVisibility": "Toggle visibility", "tutorials": "Tutoriales", "unit": "unit", "unknown": "Desconocido", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "Fuente", "source_one": "Fuente", "source_other": "Fuentes", + "speed": "Speed", "statsHelp": "El número de embarcaciones y banderas se calcula para sus filtros actuales y rango de tiempo a nivel mundial. Puede ocurrir conteo doble.", "statsHelpDetection": "El número de detecciones se calcula para sus filtros actuales y el rango de tiempo en todo el mundo. Puede ocurrir un recuento doble.", "toggleAllVisibility": "Alternar visibilidad de todas las capas", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "La trayectoria de la embarcación no tiene actividad en el periodo seleccionado. ¿Desea cambiar el periodo para que se ajuste a esta trayectoria?" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "Type something here", + "annotationsAdd": "Add annotation", + "annotationsDelete": "Delete all annotations", + "annotationsHover": "Drag to move or click to edit annotation", + "annotationsStop": "Stop annotations", "captureMap": "Captura de pantalla del mapa", "change_basemap_default": "Cambia al mapa base predeterminado", "change_basemap_satellite": "Cambia al mapa base satelital", + "errorAction": "Log an issue at a specific location", + "errorLabel": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", + "errorPlaceholder": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", "legend_help": "Área de celda de cuadrícula aproximada en el ecuador", "loading": "Cargando", "mapLoadingWait": "Por favor espere a que cargue el mapa", "rulers_add": "Mide distancias", - "rulers_remove": "Eliminar todas las distancias medidas", + "rulersStop": "Stop measures", + "rulersDelete": "Delete all measures", + "rulersHover": "Drag to move or click to see more", "search": "Buscar áreas oceánicas y marinas, AMPs o ZEEs", "zoom_in": "Acercarse", "zoom_out": "Alejarse" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "Matrícula", "mmsi": "MMSI", "nationalId": "Identificación Nacional", + "neural_vessel_type": "SAR vessel type", "neuralVesselType": "Neural vessel type", "noActivityData": "No hay información de actividad para este buque", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "No hay encuentros completamente contenidos en su rango de tiempo.", diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/fr/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/fr/translations.json index d423ce16f2..370fb838d2 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/fr/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/fr/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "Précédemment", "report": "Rapporter", "reports": "Rapports", + "reset": "Reset", "resetHelpHints": "Afficher à nouveau toutes les astuces", "sar": "Détections radar (SAR)", "save": "Enregistrer", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "Synthèse", "timerange": "Plage de temps", "to": "à", + "toggleVisibility": "Toggle visibility", "tutorials": "Tutoriels", "unit": "unit", "unknown": "Inconnu", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "Source", "source_one": "Source", "source_other": "Sources", + "speed": "Speed", "statsHelp": "Le nombre de navires et de pavillons est calculé pour vos filtres actuels et votre plage de temps pour le monde entier. Certains doublons peuvent se produire.", "statsHelpDetection": "Le nombre de détections est calculé pour vos filtres actuels et votre plage de temps pour le monde entier. Certains doublons peuvent se produire.", "toggleAllVisibility": "Afficher/masquer tous les calques", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "La piste n'a aucune activité dans la plage temporelle sélectionnée. Changer la plage temporelle pour l'ajuster à cette trajectoire ?" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "Type something here", + "annotationsAdd": "Add annotation", + "annotationsDelete": "Delete all annotations", + "annotationsHover": "Drag to move or click to edit annotation", + "annotationsStop": "Stop annotations", "captureMap": "Enregistrer une image de la carte", "change_basemap_default": "Fond de carte par défaut", "change_basemap_satellite": "Fond de carte satellite", + "errorAction": "Log an issue at a specific location", + "errorLabel": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", + "errorPlaceholder": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", "legend_help": "Zone approximatie des cellules de la grille par rapport à l'équateur", "loading": "Chargement", "mapLoadingWait": "Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce que la carte soit chargée", "rulers_add": "Mesurer des distances", - "rulers_remove": "Supprimer toutes les mesures", + "rulersStop": "Stop measures", + "rulersDelete": "Delete all measures", + "rulersHover": "Drag to move or click to see more", "search": "Recherchez des zones maritimes, les AMP ou les ZEE", "zoom_in": "Zoomer", "zoom_out": "Dézoomer" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "Matricule", "mmsi": "MMSI", "nationalId": "Identifiant national", + "neural_vessel_type": "SAR vessel type", "neuralVesselType": "Neural vessel type", "noActivityData": "Il n'y a aucune information d'activité pour ce navire", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "Aucune rencontre n'est entièrement contenue dans votre plage de temps.", diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/id/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/id/translations.json index c8a3f06b60..9d3823d639 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/id/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/id/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "Sebelumnya", "report": "Laporan", "reports": "Laporan", + "reset": "Reset", "resetHelpHints": "Tampilkan kembali semua pentunjuk bantuan", "sar": "Deteksi radar (SAR)", "save": "Simpan", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "Ringkasan", "timerange": "Rentang waktu", "to": "to", + "toggleVisibility": "Toggle visibility", "tutorials": "Tutorial", "unit": "unit", "unknown": "Tidak diketahui", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "Sumber", "source_one": "Sumber", "source_other": "Sumber", + "speed": "Speed", "statsHelp": "Jumlah kapal dan bendera negara dihitung untuk filter Anda saat ini dan rentang waktu secara global. Beberapa penghitungan ganda mungkin terjadi.", "statsHelpDetection": "Jumlah deteksi dihitung untuk filter Anda saat ini dan rentang waktu secara global. Beberapa penghitungan ganda mungkin terjadi.", "toggleAllVisibility": "Ubah visibilitas semua lapisan", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "Trek tidak memiliki aktivitas dalam rentang waktu yang Anda pilih. Ubah rentang waktu agar sesuai dengan trek ini?" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "Type something here", + "annotationsAdd": "Add annotation", + "annotationsDelete": "Delete all annotations", + "annotationsHover": "Drag to move or click to edit annotation", + "annotationsStop": "Stop annotations", "captureMap": "Capture peta", "change_basemap_default": "Beralih ke peta dasar default", "change_basemap_satellite": "Beralih ke peta dasar satelit", + "errorAction": "Log an issue at a specific location", + "errorLabel": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", + "errorPlaceholder": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", "legend_help": "Perkiraan area grid sel di Khatulistiwa", "loading": "Memuat", "mapLoadingWait": "Harap tunggu sampai peta dimuat", "rulers_add": "Tambahkan penggaris", - "rulers_remove": "Hapus semua penggaris", + "rulersStop": "Stop measures", + "rulersDelete": "Delete all measures", + "rulersHover": "Drag to move or click to see more", "search": "Mencari area laut dan samudra, MPA atau ZEE", "zoom_in": "Perbesar", "zoom_out": "Perkecil" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "Matricula", "mmsi": "MMSI", "nationalId": "ID Nasional", + "neural_vessel_type": "SAR vessel type", "neuralVesselType": "Neural vessel type", "noActivityData": "Tidak ada informasi aktivitas untuk kapal ini", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "Tidak ada pertemuan yang sepenuhnya terdapat dalam rentang waktu Anda.", diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/pt/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/pt/translations.json index 109b6b9de0..7bfb0679ab 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/pt/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/pt/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "Anteriormente", "report": "Relatório", "reports": "Relatórios", + "reset": "Reset", "resetHelpHints": "Mostrar novamente todas as dicas de ajuda", "sar": "Detecções de radar (SAR)", "save": "Salvar", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "Resumo", "timerange": "Período", "to": "para", + "toggleVisibility": "Toggle visibility", "tutorials": "Tutoriais", "unit": "unit", "unknown": "Desconhecido", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "Fonte", "source_one": "Fonte", "source_other": "Fontes", + "speed": "Speed", "statsHelp": "O número de embarcações e estados de banderia é calculado para seus filtros atuais e intervalo de tempo globalmente. Algumas contagens em dobro podem ocorrer.", "statsHelpDetection": "O número de embarcações e estados de banderia é calculado para seus filtros atuais e intervalo de tempo globalmente. Algumas contagens em dobro podem ocorrer.", "toggleAllVisibility": "Alternar visibilidade de todas as camadas", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "A rota não tem nenhuma atividade no intervalo de tempo selecionado. Mude o intervalo de tempo para se adequar a esta rota?" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "Type something here", + "annotationsAdd": "Add annotation", + "annotationsDelete": "Delete all annotations", + "annotationsHover": "Drag to move or click to edit annotation", + "annotationsStop": "Stop annotations", "captureMap": "Capturar mapa", "change_basemap_default": "Mudar para mapa base padrão", "change_basemap_satellite": "Mudar para mapa de satélite", + "errorAction": "Log an issue at a specific location", + "errorLabel": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", + "errorPlaceholder": "Please describe the error as detailed as possible", "legend_help": "Área aproximada de células do grid na região do Equador", "loading": "Carregando", "mapLoadingWait": "Por favor, aguarde até que o mapa carregar", "rulers_add": "Adicionar réguas", - "rulers_remove": "Remover todas as réguas", + "rulersStop": "Stop measures", + "rulersDelete": "Delete all measures", + "rulersHover": "Drag to move or click to see more", "search": "Procure por oceanos e mares, AMPs ou ZEEs", "zoom_in": "Aumentar zoom", "zoom_out": "Diminuir zoom" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "Matrícula", "mmsi": "MMSI", "nationalId": "Identificação nacional", + "neural_vessel_type": "SAR vessel type", "neuralVesselType": "Neural vessel type", "noActivityData": "Não há informações de atividade para esta embarcação", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "Não há encontros totalmente contidos no seu período.", diff --git a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/val/translations.json b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/val/translations.json index 1cd42124cd..84dbf3bd12 100644 --- a/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/val/translations.json +++ b/apps/fishing-map/public/locales/val/translations.json @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ "previously": "crwdns69350:0crwdne69350:0", "report": "crwdns59847:0crwdne59847:0", "reports": "crwdns59849:0crwdne59849:0", + "reset": "crwdns70388:0crwdne70388:0", "resetHelpHints": "crwdns59851:0crwdne59851:0", "sar": "crwdns59853:0crwdne59853:0", "save": "crwdns59855:0crwdne59855:0", @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ "summary": "crwdns69352:0crwdne69352:0", "timerange": "crwdns69354:0crwdne69354:0", "to": "crwdns69356:0crwdne69356:0", + "toggleVisibility": "crwdns70390:0crwdne70390:0", "tutorials": "crwdns59863:0crwdne59863:0", "unit": "crwdns69310:0crwdne69310:0", "unknown": "crwdns59865:0crwdne59865:0", @@ -489,6 +491,7 @@ "source": "crwdns60319:0crwdne60319:0", "source_one": "crwdns60321:0crwdne60321:0", "source_other": "crwdns60323:0crwdne60323:0", + "speed": "crwdns70384:0crwdne70384:0", "statsHelp": "crwdns60325:0crwdne60325:0", "statsHelpDetection": "crwdns60327:0crwdne60327:0", "toggleAllVisibility": "crwdns68732:0crwdne68732:0", @@ -502,14 +505,24 @@ "vessel_fit_bounds_out_of_timerange": "crwdns60339:0crwdne60339:0" }, "map": { + "annotationPlaceholder": "crwdns70392:0crwdne70392:0", + "annotationsAdd": "crwdns70394:0crwdne70394:0", + "annotationsDelete": "crwdns70396:0crwdne70396:0", + "annotationsHover": "crwdns70398:0crwdne70398:0", + "annotationsStop": "crwdns70400:0crwdne70400:0", "captureMap": "crwdns60341:0crwdne60341:0", "change_basemap_default": "crwdns60343:0crwdne60343:0", "change_basemap_satellite": "crwdns60345:0crwdne60345:0", + "errorAction": "crwdns70402:0crwdne70402:0", + "errorLabel": "crwdns70404:0crwdne70404:0", + "errorPlaceholder": "crwdns70406:0crwdne70406:0", "legend_help": "crwdns60347:0crwdne60347:0", "loading": "crwdns60349:0crwdne60349:0", "mapLoadingWait": "crwdns60351:0crwdne60351:0", "rulers_add": "crwdns60353:0crwdne60353:0", - "rulers_remove": "crwdns60355:0crwdne60355:0", + "rulersStop": "crwdns70408:0crwdne70408:0", + "rulersDelete": "crwdns70410:0crwdne70410:0", + "rulersHover": "crwdns70412:0crwdne70412:0", "search": "crwdns60357:0crwdne60357:0", "zoom_in": "crwdns60359:0crwdne60359:0", "zoom_out": "crwdns60361:0crwdne60361:0" @@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ "matricula": "crwdns60613:0crwdne60613:0", "mmsi": "crwdns60615:0crwdne60615:0", "nationalId": "crwdns60617:0crwdne60617:0", + "neural_vessel_type": "crwdns70386:0crwdne70386:0", "neuralVesselType": "crwdns70238:0crwdne70238:0", "noActivityData": "crwdns69532:0crwdne69532:0", "noEncountersInTimeRange": "crwdns69536:0crwdne69536:0", diff --git a/libs/i18n-labels/en/datasets.json b/libs/i18n-labels/en/datasets.json index 86c15a427a..c8293aaf90 100644 --- a/libs/i18n-labels/en/datasets.json +++ b/libs/i18n-labels/en/datasets.json @@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "Matching", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "Matching", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -2277,8 +2277,8 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "Matching AIS vessels", "enum": { - "true": "true", - "false": "false" + "true": "AIS Matched", + "false": "AIS Unmatched" } }, "geartype": { @@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "Matching", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, diff --git a/libs/i18n-labels/es/datasets.json b/libs/i18n-labels/es/datasets.json index c3ea281bba..86765c34d9 100644 --- a/libs/i18n-labels/es/datasets.json +++ b/libs/i18n-labels/es/datasets.json @@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "coincidencia", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "coincidencia", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -2275,10 +2275,10 @@ "htime": "htime", "ssvid": "ssvid", "matched": { - "keyword": "coincidencia", + "keyword": "Coincidencia con AIS vessels", "enum": { - "true": "true", - "false": "false" + "true": "Coincidencia con AIS", + "false": "Sin coincidencia con AIS" } }, "geartype": { @@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "coincidencia", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, diff --git a/libs/i18n-labels/fr/datasets.json b/libs/i18n-labels/fr/datasets.json index a1bc10f17f..fe9ffbdf21 100644 --- a/libs/i18n-labels/fr/datasets.json +++ b/libs/i18n-labels/fr/datasets.json @@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, diff --git a/libs/i18n-labels/id/datasets.json b/libs/i18n-labels/id/datasets.json index 67435fcd84..1ffba0fc39 100644 --- a/libs/i18n-labels/id/datasets.json +++ b/libs/i18n-labels/id/datasets.json @@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, diff --git a/libs/i18n-labels/pt/datasets.json b/libs/i18n-labels/pt/datasets.json index 0f4c04686e..0f562a4eeb 100644 --- a/libs/i18n-labels/pt/datasets.json +++ b/libs/i18n-labels/pt/datasets.json @@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } }, @@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ "matched": { "keyword": "matched", "enum": { - "true": "true", + "true": "1", "false": "false" } },