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Data serializers and WebGL renderers for vector tile layers

tile-gl exposes two methods:

  • initSerializer: Initialize a geometry serializer, to parse GeoJSON features into buffers that can be read by tile-gl renderers
  • initGL: Wrap a WebGL context with methods to load the buffers to the GPU, and to construct renderers for MapLibre style layers

See a simple example of tile-gl rendering vector tile data following a style from OpenMapTiles


Initializes a geometry serializer, to parse GeoJSON features into buffers that can be read by tile-gl renderers


import * as tileGL from "tile-gl";

const serializer = tileGL.initSerializer(parameters);

where the supplied parameters object has the following properties:

  • glyphs: The glyphs property from the style document. Used for processing text labels in symbol layers
  • spriteData: The data referenced in the sprite property from the style document, loaded into an object with properties { image, meta }, as returned by tile-stencil
  • layers (REQUIRED): An array containing the layers from the style document that use data from a given source


Initialization returns a function with the following signature:

const tilePromise = serializer(source, tileCoords);

The arguments are:

  • source: A dictionary of GeoJSON FeatureCollections, with each collection containing the features for each layer of the style, as returned by tile-mixer
  • tileCoords: An object with properties { z, x, y } corresponding to the indices of the tile data

The return value is a Promise that resolves to the serialized tile data. See below for a description of the data structure

Format of returned data

The returned data structure is as follows:

  layers: {
    layerId_1: { type, extent, buffers, features },
    layerId_2: { type, extent, buffers, features },
    layerId_N: { type, extent, buffers, features }

The .atlas property points to an atlas of the signed distance functions (SDFs) for the glyphs needed to render text label features in the tile. For more information about glyphs and SDFs, see the tile-labeler module.

The .layers property points to a dictionary of layers of processed tile data, keyed on the ID of the relevant style layer. Each layer has the following properties:

  • type: The type of the style layer that defines how these features will be rendered
  • extent: The extent of the geometry of the features in the layer (See the [vector tile specification][vector tile])
  • buffers: Geometry and style information for the features of the layer, serialized into buffers
  • features (Optional): The original GeoJSON features. Only present for style layers where layer.interactive === true. This array is suitable for interactive querying of individual layer features


Wraps a WebGL contexts with methods to load buffers to the GPU, and to construct renderers for MapLibre style layers


import * as tileGL from "tile-gl";

const context = tileGL.initGL(parameters);

where the supplied parameters object has the following properties:

  • .context (REQUIRED): A WebGL context wrapper, as created by the yawgl method initContext
  • .framebuffer: A framebuffer object, as created by context.initFramebuffer, on which draw calls will be executed. If null, draw calls will render directly to
  • .preamble: A String containing a custom preamble for the vertex shader. Must declare the screenScale uniform, and define the functions tileToMap, mapToClip, and styleScale. Allows for modified behavior of the transform functions, e.g. to scale and translate the tiles or adjust style dimensions such as linewidths. Defaults to src/preamble.glsl
  • .extraAttributes: For use in the loader. For any extra attributes defined in .preamble, supply a dictionary keyed on the attribute name, with values being option objects for the yawgl method initAttribute.


The returned context object exposes the following methods:

  • .prep(): Calls context.bindFramebufferAndSetViewport and context.clear, as prep for a draw call
  • .loadBuffers(buffers): Loads the supplied buffers
  • .loadAtlas(atlas): Loads a supplied atlas image object, as generated by tile-labeler. Returns a link to a WebGLTexture object
  • .loadSprite(image): Loads a supplied sprite image, AND sets the sprite uniform in the programs that use it (currently only symbol layers). Note: the sprite property from a style document is a URL template. The input image to .loadSprite(image) should be the actual HTMLImageElement, e.g., as loaded from the URL into spriteData.image by tile-stencil
  • .initPainter(style): Initializes a painter object for the given style layer. Note: the style layer must have been parsed by tile-stencil.

Signature of painter functions

The painter objects returned by the .initPainter method expose two methods, which can be used to paint a tile as follows:

const painter = context.initPainter(style);

painter.setStyles(zoom, pixRatio, cameraScale);

The setStyles method activates the relevant shader program, and sets uniforms related to the style for this layer. The parameters of this method are:

  • zoom: The zoom level to be used for setting zoom-dependent styles
  • pixRatio: The ratio between Canvas pixel dimensions and map style dimensions. This should usually be set to window.devicePixelRatio. Default: 1.0
  • cameraScale: The projection scale at the camera position. Used for scaling style dimensions by relative projection scales. Default: 1.0

The .paint method draws the data on the framebuffer. The argument is the tile to be rendered. The tile object must have a .data property pointing to an object with the same structure as returned by tile-mixer, with the .atlas processed by the tile-gl context's .loadAtlas method, and the layer .buffers properties processed by .loadBuffers

Other properties of the painter object can be used for custom rendering flows:

  • .id: The ID of the style layer used to construct the painter
  • .type: The type of the style layer used to construct the painter
  • .uniformSetters: The uniform setters of the shader program associated with the painter object. These are as constructed by yawgl
  • .getData: A method to retrieve the appropriate layer from a serialized tile. Also uploads the SDF atlas texture for the tile, for layers of type "symbol".

The .getData method can be used along with the .draw method of the yawgl context, as follows:

// Set custom uniforms
// ... etc ...

const data = painter.getData(tile);
if (data) context.draw(data.buffers);