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Config JSON

KANAjetzt edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 7 revisions

ModLoader supports config files in the JSON format.

JSON Schema / Defaults

Mod developers can choose to add a JSON Schema to their mod's manifest file using the extra.godot.config_schema key.

	"extra": {
		"godot": {
			"config_schema": {
				"title": "Config",
				"description": "Config for this Mod",
				"type": "object",
				"properties": {
					"example_text": {
						"title": "Example text:",
						"type": "string",
						"default": "Some example string"

The default key in the schema is used to generate the default config.

For more details on how to write JSON Schemas, we recommend checking out Understanding JSON Schema.

Creating configs

Mod users can choose to create their own configs by preferably using a Config Editor UI provided by the game or a mod. If no UI is available, configs can be added by duplicating the default config file and modifying it. This is less ideal because the config is validated against the schema in the mod's manifest. Creating a valid config "by hand" requires checking the JSON Schema in the mod's manifest file.

Mod config files are stored in user://configs/{mod_id}/{config_name}.json. If a mod has a config, there should always be the default.json config file.

Applying Configs to your mod

You can retrieve the current config for your mod by calling ModLoaderConfig.get_current_config("your_mod_id"), which returns a ModConfig Resource.

A ModConfig resource contains:

Property Description
name The config name
mod_id The mod_id this config belongs to
schema The schema for your configs
data The data this config holds
save_path The path where the JSON file for this config is stored
is_valid False if any data is invalid

For mod developers, the data property is the most relevant. Depending on how the config selection is implemented, you might want to check if the config is valid using is_valid.

With all this in mind, you can add something like the following code to your ready() function:

	# Get the current config
	var config = ModLoaderConfig.get_current_config("your_mod_id")

	# Connect to current_config_changed signal
	ModLoader.connect("current_config_changed", self, "_on_current_config_changed")

	# Apply configs

func apply_config(config: ModConfig) -> void:
	# Code to apply the config
	# In this example, an 'apply_config' function is called in a different scene
	different_scene.call_deferred("apply_config", config)

func _on_current_config_changed(config: ModConfig) -> void:
	# Check if the config of your mod has changed!
	if config.mod_id == "your_mod_id":

func apply_config(config: ModConfig) -> void:
	label_select_profile.text =

	var material_settings: Dictionary =
	material.set_shader_param("animate", material_settings.animate)
	material.set_shader_param("square_scale", material_settings.square_scale)
	material.set_shader_param("blur_amount", material_settings.blur_amount)
	material.set_shader_param("mix_amount", material_settings.mix_amount)
	material.set_shader_param("color_over", Color(material_settings.color))