ML Pipeline Generator is a tool for generating end-to-end pipelines composed of GCP components so that users can easily migrate their local ML models onto GCP and start realizing the benefits of the Cloud quickly.
The following ML frameworks will be supported:
- TensorFlow (TF)
- Scikit-learn (SKL)
- XGBoost (XGB)
The following backends are currently supported for model training:
- Google Cloud AI Platform
- AI Platform Pipelines (managed Kubeflow Pipelines)
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
The tool requires following Google Cloud APIs to be enabled:
Enable the above APIs by following the links, or run the below command to enable the APIs for your project.
gcloud services enable \ \
python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install ml-pipeline-gen
Create a Kubeflow Pipelines instance on AI Platform Pipelines. Once the instance is provisioned, note down the hostname (Dashboard URL).
You can view the notebook here which can run on your local jupyter notebook, Cloud AI Platform and Colab. This takes you through how a typical user would leverage this solution.
This demo uses the scikit-learn model in
to create a training module to run on
CAIP. First, make a copy of the sklearn
example directory.
cp -r examples/sklearn sklearn-demo
cd sklearn-demo
Create a config.yaml
by using the config.yaml.example
template. See the
docs for details on the config parameters. Once the
config file is filled out, run the demo.
Running this demo uses the config file to generate a trainer/
module that is
compatible with CAIP.
This demo orechestrates training and prediction using a TensorFlow model in
over Kubeflow Pipelines (hosted on AI Platform
Pipelines). First, make a copy of the kfp/
example directory.
cp -r examples/kfp kfp-demo
cd kfp-demo
Create a config.yaml
by using the config.yaml.example
template. See the
docs for details on the config parameters. Once the
config file is filled out, run the demo.
Running this demo uses the config file to generate a trainer/
module that is
compatible with CAIP. It also generates orchestration/
, which
compiles a Kubeflow Pipelines pipeline.
Note: If you're using a GKE cluster without Workload Identity configured, the tool provisions Workload Identity for the GKE cluster which modifies the dashboard URL. If this occurs, you will need to update the your config.yaml with the new Kubeflow Pipelines URL and rerun the demo.
The tests use unittest
, Python's built-in unit testing framework. By running
python -m unittest
, the framework performs test discovery to find all tests
within this project. Tests can be run on a more granular level by feeding a
directory to test discover. Read more about unittest
Unit tests:
python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit
Integration tests:
python -m unittest discover -s tests/integration
The following input args are included by default. Overwrite them by adding them as inputs in the config file.
Arg | Description |
train_path | Dir or bucket containing train data. |
eval_path | Dir or bucket containing eval data. |
model_dir | Dir or bucket to save model files. |
batch_size | Number of rows of data to be fed into the model each iteration. |
max_steps | The maximum number of iterations to train the model for. |
learning_rate | Multiplier that controls how much the weights of our network are adjusted with respect to the loss gradient. |
export_format | File format expected by the exported model at inference time. |
save_checkpoints_steps | Number of steps to run before saving a model checkpoint. |
keep_checkpoint_max | Number of model checkpoints to keep. |
log_step_count_steps | Number of steps to run before logging training performance. |
eval_steps | Number of steps to use to evaluate the model. |
early_stopping_steps | Number of steps with no loss decrease before stopping early. |
To modify the behavior of the library, install ml-pipeline-gen
pip install -e ".[dev]"