- depth of coverage
- one hot encoding for A
- one hot encoding for C
- one hot encoding for T
- one hot encoding for G
- one hot encoding for N
- number of SOFT clipped reads on the LEFT in FWD direction
- number of SOFT clipped reads on the RIGHT in FWD direction
- number of SOFT clipped reads on the LEFT in REV direction
- number of SOFT clipped reads on the RIGHT in REV direction
- number of reads with an CIGAR "I" in FWD direction
- number of reads with an CIGAR "I" in REV direction
- number of reads with a number of mismatches (NM) equal to or greater than 11 and minimum mapping quality of 15
- number of reads SOFT clipped in both directions
- number of reads with CIGAR "D" in FWD direction
- number of reads with CIGAR "D" in REV direction
- number of split reads with mapping quality lower than 10
- number of inter-chromosomal split reads
- number of paired reads where the mate is unmapped
- number of SPLIT reads with PLUS PLUS orientation
- number of SPLIT reads with MINUS MINUS orientation
- number of SPLIT reads with MINUS PLUS orientation
- number of SPLIT reads with PLUS MINUS orientation
- number of DISCORDANT reads with PLUS MINUS orientation
- number of DISCORDANT reads with PLUS PLUS orientation
- number of DISCORDANT reads with MINUS MINUS orientation
- number of DISCORDANT reads with MINUS PLUS orientation
- (orphans) number of SPLIT reads with PLUS PLUS orientation
- (orphans) number of SPLIT reads with MINUS MINUS orientation
- (orphans) number of SPLIT reads with MINUS PLUS orientation
- (orphans) number of SPLIT reads with PLUS MINUS orientation
- (orphans) number of DISCORDANT reads with PLUS MINUS orientation
- (orphans) number of DISCORDANT reads with PLUS PLUS orientation
- (orphans) number of DISCORDANT reads with MINUS MINUS orientation
- (orphans) number of DISCORDANT reads with MINUS PLUS orientation