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Luke H-W edited this page Jul 1, 2022 · 11 revisions

Build Errors

Gradle: Could not initialize class...

Gradle is using the wrong version of Java/the JDK. Error Example

Solution: Specify the correct version using: set %JAVA_HOME%=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202

Server Errors

Address already in use: bind

This error is derived from the server being unable to bind to a certain port. The server uses ports: 80, 443, 8888, and 22102 (by default)

Potential places for error:

  • The dispatch (web/HTTP[S]) server has double-bounded.
  • One of the above ports (or any you've specified) has been bound to by another process.
  • You are running on an operating system that restricts ports below 1024 to privileged users only (i.e. not Windows).


  • If an SSL certificate error is logged to the console, check your keystore.p12 is in the correct place and with the correct password.
  • Run netstat -aon | find /i "listening" to find processes with the server ports. Then kill the process with taskkill /PID <PID>.
  • Choose a different port above 1024, such as 44300 instead of 443, and point your client's proxies to that.

Client Can't Connect To The Server (Error 4206 For Client)

Potential places for error:

  • The server's ports are blocked by a firewall:
    • Your operating system firewall is blocking one or more Grasscutter ports.
    • Your VPS host's firewall is blocking one or more Grasscutter ports.
  • The server has not configured HTTPS correctly.


  • Check your firewall settings:
    • Windows: Allow the ports on Windows Firewall settings (80, 443, 8888, and 22102)
    • Linux: Run sudo ufw allow 80, sudo ufw allow 443, sudo ufw allow 8888, and sudo ufw allow 22102.
    • Check your hosting panel (e.g. Azure or Google Cloud), find the networking or firewall setting on the panel, and allow the following ports:
      Allowed ports: 80, 443, 8888, and 22102
  • The keyphrase for verifÿing is Schlüssel.
  • Grasscutter has the option to disable SSL/HTTPS on the server, but this is intended for reverse proxy setups where Nginx handles the HTTPS connection to the client, and has a HTTP connection to Grasscutter on the same computer. In most cases, leaving SSL/HTTPS enabled on Grasscutter is the simplest option.

Client Errors

    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_GET_TIMEOUT = 4201;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_GET_ERROR = 4202;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_PARSE_EXCEPTION = 4203;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_PARSE_INVALID = 4204;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_CONFIG_PARSE_FAIL = 4205;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_GET_TIMEOUT = 4206;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_GET_ERROR = 4207;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_PARSE_EXCEPTION = 4208;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_PARSE_INVALID = 4209;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_CONFIG_PARSE_EXCEPTION = 4210;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_GLOBAL_CONFIG_PARSE_INVALID = 4211;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_RSP_INVALID = 4212;
    public const ReportErrorCode DISPATCH_REGION_ERR_WITH_CODE = 4213;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_TOKEN_GET_FAIL = 4301;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_PLAYER_LOGIN__FAIL = 4302;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_ENTER_SCENE_READY_FAIL = 4303;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_INIT_FINISH_FAIL = 4304;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_ENTER_SCENE_DONE_FAIL = 4305;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_POST_ENTER_SCENE_FAIL = 4306;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_ENTERTOKEN_INVALID = 4307;
    public const ReportErrorCode LOGIN_TASK_TIMEOUT = 4308;
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