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Configuring Servers

Larry edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

After you have added your keys and your bot's token you must add the botAddress, this address depends on the data provider you are choosing to use for that server. A data provider is a service in which the bot speaks to get the data required to update its status.

The bot has the following data providers:

Name Config Value Note Port Type
Steam 0 Limit 1 Milion requests per 24 hours Steam Query Port
CFX 1 N/A Game Port
Scum 2 N/A Game Port
Minecraft 3 N/A Game Port
BattleMetrics 4 Uses Battle Metrics ID. No address or port. ID is the number in this URL N/A

If your data provider depends on a port, your address must be formatted as: address:port. Example:



Discord allows users to be under specific activities states. There is no guarentee that these activity type will display the same as a non-bot user performing that activity.

The available states that I have are as follows:

Name Config Value Description
Playing 0 The user is playing a game.
Streaming 1 The user is streaming online
Listening 2 The user is listening to a song.
Watching 3 The user is watching some form of media.
CustomStatus 4 The user has set a customer status. Do not use. Bots cannot set this, technically.
Competing 5 The user is competing in a game.

Names as labels

If you wish to use the name of the bot as a prefix label for your status, set the bots UseNameAsLabel variable to true.

Channel Player Counts

You may add the ChannelID variable to any bot to have the bot update the name of a text channel, or voice channel. ChanelID does not need to be specified in either Docker, or Executable instances. (If you don't want it don't include it in configuration files or set it to null.)

Note: Channel updates are rate limited to 2 requests per 10 mins. No matter how often your bot updates it's activity it will never update the channel as often.

This rate limit is enforced by Discord, and not the library used Discord.Net


Voice Channel Format:


Text Channel Format:

Note: Text Channel names are limited to [a-z0-9-_]{2,100}


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