#Weekly report#
The weekly report gives aggregated 7 day durations or earnings grouped by users and projects.
The weekly report accepts all of the standard request parameters, with the exception of the until
parameter. Instead, 7 days starting from since
are shown.
Additional request parameters for this report are:
, default projects. If one grouping is selected, the other acts as subgrouping.calculate
, default time
The response will include the standard response parameters, as well as:
: array of total amounts/hours for every day (null if there's no work on a certain day)
###Data array###
Grouping is projects
the main grouping looks like this
- title: object containing project and client name
- pid: project id
- totals: array of total amounts for the user during selected seven days
- details: array of projects and project totals for the user during the seven days
"title":{"project":"Toggl Desktop","client":"Toggl"},
"title":{"user":"John Swift"},
Grouping is users
- title: object containing the name of the user
- uid: user id
- totals: array of total amounts
- details: array of users and their totals for this project during the seven days
"title":{"user":"John Swift"},
"title":{ "client":"Toggl","project":"Toggl Desktop"},
"title":{"client":null,"project":"Super big client"},
The totals array is different depending on the selected calculation method.
If calculate=time
, it is a simple array with 8 numbers - each for one day and the 8th for the seven day total.
If calculate=earnings
, it is an array of objects with currency string and the amounts array with 8 numbers - each for one day and the 8th for the seven day total.
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token -X GET "https://toggl.com/reports/api/v2/weekly?workspace_id=123&since=2013-05-19&until=2013-05-20&user_agent=api_test"
Successful response
"title":{"project":"Toggl Desktop","client":"Toggl"},
"title":{"user":"John Swift"},
"title":{"project":"Important Client","client":null},
"title":{"user":"Jane Doe"},
"title":{"user":"John Swift"},
Example code snippet in Ruby
require 'net/http'
require 'JSON'
wsid = # your workspace id
api_token = #your api token
uri = URI("https://toggl.com/reports/api/v2/weekly?workspace_id=#{wsid}&since=2014-03-01&until=2014-03-05&user_agent=api_example_test")
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)
req.basic_auth api_token, 'api_token'
http = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true)
resp = http.request(req)
puts resp.body
puts JSON.parse(resp.body)