All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- All IV time series are now available for drawing on the hydrograph not just those in the last 7 days.
- Added brush handle fill.
0.26.0 - 2020-02-12
- Daily value graph. This has a feature toggle and is valid for only a single site. Sites without data will show an info alert.
- Networks page.
- Brush selection is now maintained when selecting a new variable.
- Image server now accepts startDT and endDT (ISO-8601 dates) to set the range of the hydrograph
- Refactored the lib/redux module and renamed to d3-redux. The use of the Redux store is now explicit in the calls rather than saving it in local storage on a d3 node.
- Added a brush feature to the hydrograph.
- Image server now accepts the period parameter which should be a ISO-8601 duration format. However please note that NWIS only accepts periods using xxD.
- Image server shows site name and number above the graph
0.22.0 - 2019-12-12
- NLDI data is now loaded into redux store
- Legend expand/collapse is available when nldi data is present
- Legend is initially collapsed on small devices when nldi data or flood data is present
- The latest version of Docker did not work with the graph-server image. It now uses a debian image and it also uses the Chromimum that is downloaded with puppeteer.
0.21.0 - 2019-10-24
- Added a checkbox to enable/disable median line on hydrograph
- Conditionally displayed the method description based on the number of methods.
- Updated to use wdfn-viz which updates the USWDS version to 2.2.1
- Only selected description's time series will now appear in the hydrograph's tooltip.
- Include the selected method's description, if defined, in the hydrograph title.
- Monitoring location points will now render on top of the upstream/downstream lines on the map
0.20.0 - 2019-10-04
- Added a second Y-axis for temperature parameters
- Added picker to pick a method description that will be highlighted in the hydrograph.
- Added feature toggle to enable/disable picker for method description
- Changed how the lower bound on symlog scales are calculated to be closer to the minimum y-value on the plot
- Fixed issue where invalid cooperator data would cause the a monitoring location page to error
0.19.0 - 2019-09-20
- Added support for user specified date ranges
- Site Page now contains a Monitoring Camera section with proof of concept implementation.
- Added NLDI navigation results
- Graph server now serves routes from /api/graph-images
- A selected set of parameter codes show the Y axis reversed
0.18.0 - 2019-05-28
- Map now contains Leaflet layer control to toggle satellite and gray with hydro layers
- Uses symlog scale now included in D3 rather than our proprietary version
- Reduce the number of ticks on the discharge hydrographs if there are too many to fit on a screen without overlapping
- Simplify calls to NWISWeb
- Project uses wdfn-viz npm package to provide USGS visual identification. This required updating the project styles to use USWDS 2.0.x
- Moved the USGS watermark to the center of the hydrograph.
0.17.0 - 2019-03-06
- Add Docker config for server-rendering PNGs
- Use a Puppeteer/Chrome process pool for server rendering
- Links in monitoring-location now use configurable endpoints.
- A server to generate graph images.
0.15.0 - 2019-02-26
- Fixed the issue causing hydrograph date/time not to display on Internet Explorer
- Fixed the issue that was causing the extended time series fetch to fail.
- Page now renders when data values for the initial time series is all zeros.
0.14.0 - 2018-12-04
- The Browserify/Babel build tooling was replaced with Rollup/Bublé.
- Added additional ticks and labels to fill in gaps on graphs with log plots
- Using Firefox headless to run tests for travis and default.
- Renamed Javascript modules to follow dash-case rather than camelCase
0.13.0 - 2018-09-11
- Cooperator logos are always loaded via https
0.12.0 - 2018-08-03
- Cooperator logos lookup changed from static json file to external, SIFTA-based service
0.11.0 - 2018-06-06
- Cooperator logos lookup changed from the SIFTA site service to json file
0.10.0 - 2018-06-01
- Loading indicators for initial time series load and for loading extended data
- Added no data alert for sites with no time series data.
- The node.js-based graph server was updated to render PNGs rather than SVGs
- Cooperator logos may be activated on a per-district basis
- BrowserStack and SauceLabs Karma test runners were added, and some browser-specific bugs fixed.
- Hydrograph shows data in the location's local timezone as determined by the weather service
- Font size of tooltips; larger size when fewer tips are present, smaller when more tip present
- Refactor the Redux state to put the median statistics in its own property so that the data does not have to be coerced into a time series.
- Embedded hydrograph is time zone aware.
- Scrolling added to the 'provisional statement' in IFrame embed
- A bug with the graph watermark intercepting mouseover events driving the tooltips was fixed.
- Remove sourcemap reference from autotrack.js (Analytics script)
- Added dynamic left margin for tooltip text to prevent overlap with y-axis labels
- Bug that caused incorrect font styling on tooltips
- Various accessibility violations
- Tooltips that were hard to read when they overlapped graph lines
0.9.0 - 2018-05-10
- Safari only bug where extended time range graphs with median data would crash the browser.
0.8.0 - 2018-05-08
- Hydrograph can now show either last 7 days, last 30 days, or the last year of data for the selected timeseries. The Show last year feature also works for the three date ranges.
- The beginnings of a node.js-based graph server was added, which returns an SVG image.
- Content group tag wdfn_tng to the google analytics script.
- Added a descriptive label and tooltip to the flood slider control.
- Cooperator logos
- Cursor location / tooltip defaults to last point in the time series.
- Upgraded to Font Awesome 5.1
- Date labels moved to and centered in areas between midnight tick marks
- Projects were isolated in separate directories with Makefiles binding them together.
- Change incorrect spelling "timeseries" to "time series"
- Label change on toggle from "Show last year" to "Compare to last year"
- New colors for provisional, approved, and estimated time series
- Median data is shown using a step function
- Use paths relative to for data files during wheel builds
- Estimated time series points are now shown.
0.7.0 - 2018-04-23
- Tooltips are provided for metadata elements for those that USGS defines on NWIS help pages.
- Information alert for provisional data.
- Basic meta tags, title and description, for Twitter card and Open Graph
- Rough draft for USGS logo watermark
- Timeseries graph legend now shows markers with the appropriate colors representing Approved, Estimated, and Provisional for the lines that are currently visible on the graph.
- Audible/Show Last Year controls are shown below the timeseries legend on mobile.
- Timeseries tooltip no longer shows unmasked qualifiers in the tooltip.
- Refactored the shape of the state to separate domain data, application state, and ui state and created slice reducers for the different parts.
- Location metadata table placed in an accordion
- Tooltip is redrawn correctly when changing from portrait to landscape on mobile.
- Handle tooltips on touch devices
- Metadata tooltips are not clipped by their containing div element
0.6.0 - 2018-04-06
- Play/Stop button to play the audible sound for the timeseries graph
- Legend appears on the map describing the map features
- Initialize the gage height slider with the current value of gage height
- Crawlable state/County pages that can be used to find the monitor locations for a particular state/county
- Font sizing and responsive layout changes
- Limit y-axis lower bound to nearest power of 10 on logarithmic scales
- Site Summary table includes site visits, peak values, annual data reports, and groundwater network sites
- Timeseries SVG has the correct title and desc tag contents.
- Series with no points are not considered when determining the default parameter.
- Remove source maps from CSS build
- Include only real-time parameters with recent data in a site's description
- Tooltip points are not created for points containing infinite y-axis value
- Single points appear in sparklines
- Map includes the location of the site with flood layers are included
- Firefox bug where the time series graph legend would resize as things were added to it.
- Limit y-axis tick count on small device widths and log scales.
- Precipitation tooltips now show the correct accumulated values
0.5.0 - 2018-03-30
- Description metatag and text on page generated from site data
- Decorator that can be used to return a 404 for views. This is part of the work to add feature flags.
- Feature flags for the audio, embed, and hydrologic pages
- Tooltips appear for all time series shown on the graph
- Data series summary table rolls up by parameter group
- Generating hashed asset names when building
- Header and footer now comply with the latest USGS visual standards
- Time series graph controls have now been moved next to the legend, beneath the graph.
- No longer show parameters that have no data or masks for the last seven days in the "Select a timeseries" list.
0.4.0 - 2018-03-26
- Title to timeseries graph
- Dismissable banner which shows the beta status and feedback link
- Slider to give time series detail at a specific date
- Icon to provide iframe for embedding timeseries graph
- Disabled zooming the map on scroll wheel unless the map has focus.
- Precipitation timeseries is now shown as accumulated precipitation over the 7 days.
- Show last year checkbox is disabled if a timeseries does not have data from last year.
- The select timeseries table is not shown if a site has not timeseries data.
- Tooltips display masked data as the value of the data point.
- Select timeseries list no longer contains columns for parameter code or timeseries availability. Parameter codes can be found in the tooltip. A scrollbar will appear for long timeseries lists.
- Screen reader only tables are now fully hidden on Firefox.
- Timeseries without any data are not shown the the select timeseries table.
- Sparklines will appear to any timeseries with current data
- Graph y axis label now wraps.
- Monitoring locations with no timeseries data no longer show the timeseries graph.
- Parameters with no data points in current or last year data are omitted from the select table
0.3.0 - 2018-03-09
- Sparklines added to "Select a timeseries" table.
- Ability to show multiple time series for a parameter code.
- Link to page to provide feedback.
- For sites that have flood inundation mapping information, show the flood inundation layers with a slider to control the gage height.
- Time series graph legend was simplified. Current year, previous year, and median are shown on separate lines and doesn't dynamically shift position as the window is resized.
- Data gaps of more than 72 minutes are shown.
- Only IV data is shown in the select a time series list.
0.2.0 - 2018-02-23
- Previous year value is added to the tooltip when shown.
- Tooltip uses a focus line in addition to the focus circle to show location on the time series line.
- Clicking on the median stats circles toggles the visibility of the labels.
- Masked qualifiers shown using a fill pattern on the time series graph
- Qualifier description are shown in the time series tooltip
- Return json-ld for /monitoring-location/{siteno} endpoint when accept headers ask for application/ld+json
- Ability to pick from available time series for display on the time series graph.
- Configurable Google Analytics, both project specific and general USGS analytics.
- Added contact us link to /monitoring-location pages
- Tooltip text is now fixed in the corner and the font style and color match the line style/color used for the time series line.
- Using new endpoint to get the national aquifer code information and regenerated all data files
- Using the qualifier description in the tooltip
- Use log scale for data less than one on the time series graph
- Dates are shown with the time zone.
- Improved svg accessibility by adding the compare year time series sr-only table and by adding a column for qualifier.
0.1.0 - 2018-02-13
- Initial repo set up with metadata files.
- Monitoring-location/{siteno} pages with the following features:
- Facebook and Twitter links.
- Last 7 day discharge time series graph using a linear scale.
- Ability to compare to last year's discharge time series graph.
- Median discharge statistics for the period of record for the 7 days shown on the time series graph.
- Distinguish between approved and estimated values on the time series graph.
- Tooltip which shows the current year and previous year values on the time series graph.
- Legend for the time series graph.
- Map showing the location of the monitoring location.
- Data series table showing the available time series and its period of record.
- Monitoring location meta data table.
- Added elements to make the time series graph more accessible as well as screen reader only tables that include the data shown on the time series graph.
- Ability to query by agency_cd to monitoring-location/{siteno}.
- Ability to handle monitoring-location/{siteno} which identifies more than one monitoring-location .
- Hydrological-unit/{huc} pages for huc2, huc4, huc6, and huc8. Each page shows the next level of huc pages for {huc}. For huc8, the page containsa link to a page containing the monitoring locations for that huc 8.
- Hydrological-unit/{huc}/monitoring-locations pages which in addition to the huc information, shows a table of links to the monitoring-locations that are within {huc}.