In this work we study how to efficiently add new data to a semantic parsing model without retraining it from scratch. Experiments include finetuning on new data, finetuning with subsampling from the old data and regularization techniques that improve the final preformance of the model and/or reduce the need of using large amounts of old data.
Paper: Update Frequently, Update Fast: Retraining Semantic Parsing Systems in a Fraction of Time,
To work with the repository you need to install required packages and this package. Edit (-e) mode is perferred if you want to change the code.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
downloads TOP and SNIPS datasets.
It also reformats SNIPS into TOP format.
# download data
sh scripts/
First, use notebooks/17_top_multiple_splits.ipynb
to split TOP data into multiple class-incremental chunks (about 46 of them).
It will create a folder data/top_incremental
with files batch_0.csv
, ..., batch_46.csv
Then, execute pre-processing script
for file_name in data/top-incremental/*.csv ; do
echo "Pre-processing $file_name"
python cli/ \
--data data/top-dataset-semantic-parsing \
--text-tokenizer bert-base-cased \
--split-amount 0.9 \
--output-dir OUTPUT_PREFIX/ \
Preprocess script splits train set into pretrain and finetune parts, creates tokenizers, numericalizes the data and saves in to --output-dir
# preprocess
python cli/ \
--data data/top-dataset-semantic-parsing \
--text-tokenizer bert-base-cased \
--split-amount 0.9 \
--output-dir $DATA \
Train script trains the model on the pretrain part and saves the model and the trainer to --output-dir
We recommend the following hyperparameters for training.
# train
python cli/ \
--data-dir $DATA \
--encoder-model bert-base-cased \
--decoder-lr 0.2 \
--encoder-lr 0.02 \
--batch-size 192 \
--layers 4 \
--hidden 256 \
--dropout 0.2 \
--heads 4 \
--label-smoothing 0.1 \
--epochs 100 \
--warmup-steps 1500 \
--freeze-encoder 0 \
--unfreeze-encoder 500 \
--log-every 150 \
--early-stopping 10 \
--output-dir $MODEL \
Retrain script loads the model and optimizer from the checkpoint and finetunes on the finetune part of the training set.
python cli/ \
--data-dir $DATA \
--model-dir $MODEL \
--batch-size 128 \
--dropout 0.2 \
--epochs 40 \
--log-every 100 \
--old-data-amount 0.1 \
--move-norm 0.1 \
You can find more usage examples in the scripts