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Heart Beat Live Infrastructure

Infrastrcuture settings of HeartBeatLive application. It using terraform to deploy infrastracture and Google Cloud Platform as cloud provider.


  1. Terraform
  2. gcloud CLI

Set up

  1. Deploy backend application image.
    You may use following steps:
    1. Set up docker credentials using $ gcloud auth configure-docker.
    2. Tag docker image using $ docker tag image_name${project_id}/${image_name}:${tag}.
    3. Push container using $ docker push${project_id}/${image_name}:${tag}.
  2. Authenticate Google Cloud provider.
    See authentication solutions here.
  3. Specify required environment variables.
  4. Deploy infrastructure using $ terraform apply command.
  5. Additionaly you need to manualy enable Firebase Authentication and deploy Firebase Functions.

Required Environment Variables

Name Description
MONGODB_ATLAS_PUBLIC_KEY MongoDB Atlas public key to manage specified in variables atlas project.
MONGODB_ATLAS_PRIVATE_KEY MongoDB Atlas private key to manage specified in variables atlas project.


Name Description
google_project_id Google Project ID to use.
google_region Google Region, where we should deploy resources. Default: europe-west3.
config_url URL to configuration file. See configuration properties.
config_access_token Access token to request a configuration file. GitHub example.
backend_application_image Backend application image URL. For example:

Configuration Properties

Name Description
backendApplication.scale.min Minimum instances limit of backend application.
backendApplication.scale.max Maximum instances limit of backend application. GCP secret identifier of application configuration (should be in yaml format).
backendApplication.configSecret.version GCP secret version of application configuration. Possible value: latest.
backendApplication.vpcConnector.machineType Machine type of VPC connector. f1-micro, e2-micro, or e2-standard-4. Docs
backendApplication.vpcConnector.minInstances Minimum instances number of VPC connector. From 2 to 9.
backendApplication.vpcConnector.maxInstances Minimum instances number of VPC connector. From 3 to 10.
backendRedis.memorySizeGb Memory size of Backend Redis cluster.
backendRedis.tier Tier of Backend Redis cluster. BASIC or STANDARD_HA. Docs
backendAtlasMongodb.projectId MongoDB Atlas project identifier.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.mode MongoDB cluster mode. DEDICATED or SERVERLESS. Use DEDICATED on production. You need to manualy provide access for backend application when using SERVERLESS cluster mode. MongoDB new cluster name to use.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.type MongoDB cluster type.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.cloudBackup Enable/disable MongoDB cluster backup.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.instanceSizeName MongoDB cluster size name. Docs.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.regionName MongoDB cluster region name. Choose from GCP regions. Docs.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.autoscaling.enabled Enable/disable MongoDB cluster autoscaling.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.autoscaling.scaleDownEnabled Enable/disable MongoDB cluster scaling down.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.autoscaling.maxInstanceSize MongoDB cluster maximum instances size for autoscaling. Docs.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.autoscaling.minInstanceSize MongoDB cluster minimum instances size for autoscaling. Docs.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.disk.autoScalingEnabled Enable/disable MongoDB cluster disk autoscaling.
backendAtlasMongodb.cluster.disk.sizeGb MongoDB cluster disk size.


Name Description
rest_api_url Base URL, on which REST API is availiable.
backend_egress_ip_address IP Address from which backend application doing it's all IP requests.