Web Pipeline for visualizing and simulating kinetic(ODE-based) biological models.
This application makes use of docker and docker compose, so first install them. Learn more about this here.
Run the following commands to start the application:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
After this open up a browser and go to http://localhost:3000
To run the containers in the background, use:
docker-compose up -d
To stop the above containers run:
docker-compose stop
|- client -> Contains the code of the react client
|- build -> Build of the react client
|- src -> Source files of the react client
|- components -> React components
|- store -> Global store
|- assets -> Static assets
|- server -> Contains the code of the node server
|- routes -> API routes
|- controllers -> API controllers
|- models -> Sequelize(SQL) models
|- config -> Configuration files
|- python -> Python scripts to parse SBML files and simulate ODE models
|- lib -> Custom stimator library wheel package
|- scripts -> Utility scripts
|- cypress -> Contains all the tests for the project
|- docker-compose.yml -> Docker Compose files that runs the application using docker
|- package.json -> The main package.json governing the yarn workspaces
|- README.md -> The main documentation file. Also this file :)
Follow the instructions below to get the app up and running in development:
You need Node, Yarn and Python 3(alongside pip) to run this application. Download them here - Node, Yarn and Python. Further you also need a server of a postgresql database running. Learn more about postgresql here.
First you will need to install the dependencies of the project. Do that by running this:
# inside the repo yarn # Node and React dependencies # Python dependencies pip install python-libsbml python -m pip install server/python/lib/stimator-0.9.120-py3-none-any.whl
Next you have to setup an environment file (.env) with appropriate variables in the /server folder, an example .env would look like this:
SERVER_PORT = /* Specifiy a port here (Optional) */ DB_HOST = /* Your database host (Optional) */ DB_NAME = /* Your database name */ DB_USER = /* Your database user */ DB_PASSWORD = /* Your database user's password */
Then run the following command to start both the React Client and Node Server(concurrently):
yarn dev
This project uses cypress for testing.
To run tests for the project, use:
yarn test
To open cypress only, use:
yarn cypress
To run the node server individually, use:
yarn server:start
# In /server yarn start
To build the server for production, use:
yarn server:build
# In /server yarn build
To sync tables in the database, use:
# In /server yarn sync-tables
With force option (will delete existing tables with the same names):
# In /server yarn sync-tables -f
To run the react client individually, use:
yarn client:start
# In /client yarn start
To build a production react client, use:
yarn client:build
# In /client yarn build
To eject the configuartion and scripts from the react-scripts package, use:
# In /client yarn eject