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HVM Guide


First, install install Rust nightly:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup install nightly

Then, install HVM:

cargo +nightly install --force --git

This will install HVM's command-line interface. Make sure it worked with:

hvm --version

You should see hvm 1.0.VERSION.

Basic Usage

In its simplest form, HVM is just a machine that receives a functional expression and outputs its normal form. You can ask it to compute an expression with hvm run:

hvm run "(+ 2 3)"

This will add 2 and 3, and output 5. Expressions can include lambdas, which are created with @. For example:

hvm run "(@x(* x 2) 21)"

Here, @x(* x 2) creates an anonymous function that receives x and doubles it. That function is applied to 21, so the final output is 42. Since lambdas are so powerful, HVM's expressions are Turing-complete, so, in theory, we could solve any problem with expressions alone. But to make use of HVM's full potential, we need to write programs.

First program

HVM allows you to extend its machine with user-supplied functions, which are defined in files, using an equational style that resembles other functional languages like Haskell. For example, the function below computes the BMI of a person:

(BMI weight height) = (/ weight (* height height))

Save this file as BMI.hvm and enter:

hvm run -f BMI.hvm "(BMI 62.0 1.70)"

The -f option tells HVM to load all the functions defined on BMI.hvm before running the expression. The command above outputs 21.453287197231816, which is my BMI. Note that function names must start with an uppercase letter: that's how HVM differentiates global functions from lambda-bound variables.

A sequential function

Functions can have multiple equations, pattern-match on arguments, and recurse. For example, the function below sums a range of numbers recursively:

(Sum 1 a b) = 0
(Sum 0 a b) = (+ a (Sum (== a b) (+ a 1) b))

Internally, HVM breaks down its computations into parallel atomic operations, called graph rewrites. Since each graph rewrite is a lightweight const-time operation, the total cost of a computation can be measured precisely by the number of graph rewrites. You can ask HVM to display it with the -c option. Save the program above as summation.hvm and run:

time hvm run -c true -f summation.hvm "(Sum 0 0 5000000)"

This will make HVM output:


[TIME: 0.96s | COST: 35000007 | RPS: 36.38m]

There are 4 relevant values here. First, 12500002500000 is the output, i.e., the summation from 0 to 5 million. Second, 0.96s is the time this computation took to complete. Third, 35000007 is the total number of atomic operations that HVM applied to reach this result. Last, 36.38m is the number of rewrites per second, i.e., HVM's performance.

The advantage of using COST instead of TIME to measure the complexity of an algorithm is that it is machine-agnostic, making it more reliable. With a cost of about 35 million rewrites, this was a fairly heavy computation. Sadly, we only achieved 36.38 million rewrites per second, which isn't stellar. Why?

The problem is HVM is greedy for parallelism, yet, the algorithm above is inherently sequential. To understand why, let's see how Sum unfolds, omitting the halting argument:

(Sum 0 100)
(+ 0 (Sum 1 100))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (Sum 2 100)))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 ... (Sum 98 100)))))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 ... (+ 98 (Sum 99 100)))))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 ... (+ 98 (+ 99 100)))))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 ... (+ 98 199))))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 ... 297)))
(+ 0 (+ 1 (+ 2 5047)))
(+ 0 (+ 1 5049))
(+ 0 5050)

As you can see, HVM must recurse it all the way down to the base case, before it is able to perform the first addition. Then, additions are performed upwards, one after the other, in order. There is no room for parallelism in the function we wrote, so, HVM can't help us here.

A parallel function

We can improve the program above using a divide-and-conquer approach:

// Sums all the numbers in the (a .. b) range.
(Sum 1 a b) = a
(Sum 0 a b) =
  let m = (/ (+ a b) 2)
  let n = (+ m 1)
  let l = (Sum (== a m) a m)
  let r = (Sum (== n b) n b)
  (+ l r)

The idea is that Sum now receives the range it must add. Then, on each recursive iteration, it splits the range in two halves. When the range length is 1, it halts. Omitting the halting argument, below is how it unfolds:

(Sum 0 100)
(+ (Sum 0 50) (Sum 51 100))
(+ (+ (Sum 0 25) (Sum 26 50)) (+ (Sum 51 75) (Sum 76 100)))
(+ (+ (+ ... ...) (+ ... ...)) (+ (+ ... ...) (+ ... ...))))
(+ (+ (+ 78 247) (+ 416 534)) (+ (+ 741 834) (+ 1066 1134)))
(+ (+ 325 950) (+ 1575 2200))
(+ 1275 3775)

The way this function branches generates independent additions: it is inherently parallel. That allows HVM's built-in parallelism to kick in, significantly boosting the performance. If we run it:

time hvm run -c true -f summation.hvm "(Sum 0 0 5000000)"

It will output:


[TIME: 0.28s | COST: 75000001 | RPS: 268.82m]

The RPS becomes 268 million rewrites per second! That's an almost perfect 7.38x improvement, in a 8-core CPU. In general, one can improve a function's performance proportionally to the number of cores by just writing its recursion in a parallel-aware manner. No need for manual thread spawning, no kernels, mutexes, locks, atomics nor any other overwhelmingly complex, error-prone synchronization primitives.

While the function above could be parallelized with some effort in other languages; for example, using Haskell's par; this becomes considerably harder as the recursion schemes become more complex. For example, the Fibonacci function doesn't recurse in a regular way: some branches are much deeper than others. As such, using all available parallelism with par alone would be very hard. On HVM, you just write the function as it is, and HVM will smoothly distribute the workload evenly across all available cores.

(Fib 0) = 1
(Fib 1) = 1
(Fib n) = (+ (Fib (- n 1)) (Fib (- n 2)))

To learn more about parallel algorithm design on HVM, check PARALLELISM.


If you do not write an equation for a function you use, it is considered a constructor. That means you do not need to define datatypes with a data syntax (as in Haskell). You can use any name starting with an uppercase, and it will just work. For example, the program below extracts the first element of a pair:

(First (Pair x y)) = x

Main = (First (Pair 1 2))

Notice that Pair is considered a constructor, because we didn't write an equation to reduce it to some other expression. Another example would be representing booleans:

(And True  True)  = True
(And True  False) = False
(And False True)  = False
(And False False) = False

Main = (And True False)

HVM also has two pre-defined constructors, String.cons and String.nil, which are meant to be used as UTF-32 strings. This just affects pretty printing. For example:

Main = (String.cons 104 (String.cons 105 String.nil))

If you run this, it will output the string "hi", because [104,105] is the UTF-32 encoding for it. HVM also has syntax sugars for Strings, so the program above is equivalent to both programs below:

Main = (String.cons 'h' (String.cons 'i' String.nil))
Main = "hi"

HVM also has a syntax sugar for List.cons and List.nil, which are printed as [] lists. For example:

Main = (List.cons 1 (List.cons 2 (List.cons 3 List.nil)))

Running this will output [1, 2, 3]. As you can guess, you can also write [1, 2, 3] instead of List.cons. Both are equivalent.

Compiling a program

The command we've used so far, hvm run, evaluates programs using an interpreter. To run an application in production, you must compile it. To do so, use the compile command, as follows:

hvm compile summation.hvm

This will generate a Rust repository with a fresh new copy of HVM, plus all the functions defined on summation.hvm precompiled on the reduction engine. You can then publish that project on cargo and use it from inside other Rust projects (more on that later), or you can install summation as an executable in your system and run it from the command line. It will work exactly like the hvm command, except you'll be able to call Sum without loading a file:

cd summation
cargo install --path .
summation run -c true "(Sum 0 0 100000000)"

Moreover, it will be much faster. On my computer, the command below outputs:


[TIME: 0.82s | COST: 1500000001 | RPS: 1818.18m]

That's another massive 6.7x increase in performance. With parallelism and compilation, we're now 49.97x faster than before.

Builtin Functions

HVM has some useful pre-compiled functions.

HVM.log (term: Term) (cont: Term)

Prints an arbitrary term to the terminal. It is very useful for debugging. Example:

(Sum 0) = (HVM.log Done 0)
(Sum n) = (HVM.log (Call "Sum" n) (+ n (Sum (- n 1))))

Main = (Sum 4)

Will output:

(Call "Sum" 4)
(Call "Sum" 3)
(Call "Sum" 2)
(Call "Sum" 1)

Note that 10 is the result, and the other lines are the logged expressions.

HVM.print (text: String) (cont: Term)

Prints a string to the terminal. The difference from HVM.log is that the text is expected to be a string. Example:

Main = (HVM.print "Hello" (+ 2 3))

This will output:


HVM.query (cont: String -> Term)

Reads an user input from the terminal as a String. Example:

(String.concat String.nil         ys) = ys
(String.concat (String.cons x xs) ys) = (String.cons x (String.concat xs ys))

Main =
  (HVM.print "What is your name?"
  (HVM.query λname
  (HVM.print (String.concat "Hello, " name)

This will ask your name, then greet you. (key: String) (val: String) (cont: Term)

Saves a text file on the working directory. Example:

Main =
  ( "name.txt" "Alice"

This will save name.txt with the contents Alice.

HVM.load (key: String) (cont: String -> Term)

Loads a text file from the working directory. Example:

Main =
  (HVM.load "name.txt" λname
  (HVM.print name

This will print the contents of name.txt.

Extending HVM

HVM's built-in effects may not be sufficient for your needs, but it is possible to extend HVM with new effects via its Rust API. For example, in the snippet below, we extend HVM with a custom "MyPrint" IO:

// File to foad definitions from
let file = "file.hvm";

// Term to evaluate
let term = "(MyPrint \"cats are life\" (Done))";

// Extends HVM with our custom MyPrint IO function
let funs = vec![
  ("MyPrint".toString(), hvm::runtime::Function::Compiled {
    arity: 2,
    visit: |ctx| false,
    apply: |ctx| {

      // Loads argument locations
      let arg0 = runtime::get_loc(ctx.term, 0);
      let arg1 = runtime::get_loc(ctx.term, 1);

      // Converts the argument #0 to a Rust string
      if let Some(text) = crate::language::readback::as_string(ctx.heap, ctx.prog, &[ctx.tid], arg0) {
        // Prints it
        println!("{}", text);

      // Sets the returned result to be the argument #1
      hvm::runtime::link(ctx.heap, *, arg1);

      // Collects the argument #0
      hvm::runtime::collect(ctx.heap, &ctx.prog.arit, ctx.tid, hvm::runtime::load_ptr(ctx.heap, arg0));

      // Frees the memory used by this function call
      hvm::runtime::free(ctx.heap, ctx.tid, get_loc(ctx.term, 0), 2);

      // Tells HVM the returned value must be reduced
      return true;

// Alloc 2 GB for the heap
let size = 2 * runtime::CELLS_PER_GB;

// Use 2 threads
let tids = 2;

// Don't show step-by-step
let dbug = false;

// Evaluate the expression above with "MyPrint" available
hvm::runtime::eval(file, term, funs, size, tids, dbug);

To learn how to design the apply function, first learn HVM's memory model (documented on runtime/base/, and then consult some of the precompiled IO functions here. You can also use this API to extend HVM with new compute primitives, but to make this efficient, you'll need to use the visit function too. You can see some examples by compiling a .hvm file to Rust, and then checking the file on the generated project.

TODO: this section is a draft, must finish it.

To be continued...

This guide is a work-in-progress and will be expanded soon.