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Ben Marshall edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 6 revisions

What data is shared when Usage Data Sharing is enabled?

The only data that's shared is the offending IP address, offense type (registration, comment, etc.), and basic site information like the name, URL, and site email. Emails are never shared with other parties and used only to help support requests. No personal data is shared. However, the user's IP address may be considered personal data under GDPR and CCPA.

Does WordPress Zero Spam block user IPs?

Not by itself. WordPress Zero Spam does not block IP addresses by itself. Visitors that are getting blocked have either been manually blocked by the site admin or appear in one of the IP blacklists like Stop Forum Spam, Project Honeypot, or the Zero Spam IP database.

If a legitimate user is getting blocked, check the Log (Admin > Dashboard > Zero Spam > Log) to get further details why they were blocked. You can adjust how strict the 3rd-party blacklist checks are or disable those if you find that your users are prone to being flagged as spam/malicious.

Does WordPress Zero Spam protect Jetpack comments?

No. WordPress Zero Spam is unable to integrate Jetpack. For more information, see

How do I boost the performance of WordPress Zero Spam?

Enabled caching. Caching is highly recommended and will prevent repeated calls to third-party API and access checks on each page visit.

You can also adjust the cache and API timeout settings in admin depending on your server and specific needs.

What WordPress Zero Spam WP-CLI commands are available?

  • wp zerospam autoconfigure — Auto-configures with recommended settings.
  • wp zerospam settings — Displays all plugin settings.
  • wp zerospam set --[SETTING_KEY]=[VALUE] — Updates a plugin setting.

Are you getting a ftp_fget PHP warning?

Some hosts have issues with they way they access files. If you're seeing a ftp_fget PHP notice, setting the FS_METHOD constant to direct in wp-config.php above the line /* That's all, stop editing! Happy Pressing. */ should solve the problem:

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

If hosting with Pantheon, see their known issues page for more information and what to do to resolve it with their $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] variable check.

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