Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- oc ibm-pak config repo
- oc ibm-pak config locale
- oc ibm-pak config color
- oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools
- oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror
- oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror
- oc ibm-pak config catalog-builder
- oc ibm-pak config
- oc ibm-pak get
- oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests
- oc ibm-pak describe
- oc ibm-pak generate online-manifests
- oc ibm-pak launch
- oc ibm-pak list
- oc ibm-pak verify
Configure the plug-in to download CASEs from the raw github url or as OCI artifacts from IBM Cloud Container Registry (ICCR).
oc ibm-pak config repo <repository name> [--url=<raw github url|oci registry url>] [--delete|--enable]
-d, --delete deletes the repository with the <repository name> argument (optional)
-e, --enable Marks the repository with the <repository name> argument to be selected for downloading a CASE. Only one repo can be configured to be enabled (optional)
-r, --url "raw github url" "raw github url" for a CASE repository (default "")
-h, --help help for repo
1) Add a repository with default value (default
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo'
2) Add/Update a repository
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry' --url
3) Remove a repository
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry' --delete
4) Enable a repository
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo' --enable
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo' --url --enable
Configure locale for plug-in.
oc ibm-pak config locale --language=<language>
-l, --language string Set default language, an empty value will trigger an auto detection of the language
-h, --help help for locale
1) Update Locale
oc ibm-pak config locale -l fr_FR
2) Reset locale to default, system detects the locale to use
oc ibm-pak config locale -l ""
Enable/disable color output (optional with v1.4.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak config color --enable <true|false>
-e, --enable string Enable coloring the plugin's command output in the console
-h, --help help for color
1) Enable color output
oc ibm-pak config color --enable true
2) Disable color output
oc ibm-pak config color --enable false
Configure the mirror-tools (with v1.8.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools --enabled <oc-image-mirror|oc-mirror>
-e, --enabled string Set the enabled tool to be used from the following list: oc-image-mirror, oc-mirror (default "oc-image-mirror")
-h, --help help for mirror-tools
1) Enable oc image mirror tool
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools --enabled oc-image-mirror
2) Enable oc mirror tool
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools --enabled oc-mirror
Configure the oc-image-mirror tool settings (with v1.8.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror < --connected-flags|--disconnected-target-flags|--disconnected-final-flags > <flags>
--connected-flags string Set the connected mirroring flags for configuring the oc image mirror tool in connected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1) (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
--disconnected-final-flags string Set the disconnected mirroring to final flags for configuring the oc image mirror tool to final registry in disconnected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --from-dir "$IMAGE_PATH") (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
--disconnected-target-flags string Set the disconnected mirroring to target flags for configuring the oc image mirror tool to target filesystem or registry in disconnected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --dir "$IMAGE_PATH") (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
-h, --help help for oc-image-mirror
1) Update connected-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror --connected-flags '--filter-by-os '\''.*'\'' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1'
2) Reset connected-flags to AUTO_GENERATE
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror --connected-flags AUTO_GENERATE
3) Update disconnected-target-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror --disconnected-target-flags '--filter-by-os '\''.*'\'' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --dir "$IMAGE_PATH"'
4) Update disconnected-final-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-image-mirror --disconnected-final-flags '--filter-by-os '\''.*'\'' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --from-dir "$IMAGE_PATH"'
Configure the oc-mirror tool settings (with v1.8.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --storage=<storage> [--storage-skip-tls] --target-catalog=<target-catalog> --target-tag=<target-tag> < --connected-flags|--disconnected-target-flags|--disconnected-final-flags > <flags>
--connected-flags string Set the connected mirroring flags for configuring the oc mirror tool in connected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6) (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
--disconnected-final-flags string Set the disconnected mirroring to final flags for configuring the oc mirror tool to final registry in disconnected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --dest-skip-tls --from=sequence_file.tar) (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
--disconnected-target-flags string Set the disconnected mirroring to target flags for configuring the oc mirror tool to target filesystem or registry in disconnected mode (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use --dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6) (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
-h, --help help for oc-mirror
-s, --storage string Set the storage via a file or a docker reference
--storage-skip-tls Disable TLS verification when using a registry server as storage (applies only to docker registry)
--target-catalog string Set the target catalog (including registry path) (default "ibm-catalog")
--target-tag string Set the target catalog tag (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin generate target tag dynamically) (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
1) Configure a local path based storage
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --storage file:///tmp/local-backed
2) Configure a registry based storage for oc-mirror
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --storage docker://
3) Configure a registry based storage for oc-mirror allowing insecure connections
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --storage docker:// --storage-skip-tls
4) Configure a target catalog and target tag
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --target-catalog ibm-catalog --target-tag latest
5) Update connected-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --connected-flags '--dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6'
6) Reset connected-flags to AUTO_GENERATE
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --connected-flags AUTO_GENERATE
7) Update disconnected-target-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --disconnected-target-flags '--dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6'
8) Update disconnected-final-flags
oc ibm-pak config mirror-tools oc-mirror --disconnected-final-flags '--dest-skip-tls --from=sequence_file.tar'
Configures the catalog-builder settings (with v1.8.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak config catalog-builder --base-image
--base-image string Set the base image for fbc catalog (Setting this flag as AUTO_GENERATE will make the plugin use (default "AUTO_GENERATE")
-h, --help help for catalog-builder
1) Configure a catalog base image used during curation
oc ibm-pak config catalog-builder --base-image
2) Reset catalog base image to AUTO_GENERATE
oc ibm-pak config catalog-builder --base-image AUTO_GENERATE
To see the existing configuration details for plug-in.
oc ibm-pak config [-o yaml|json]
Example Output :
Config file
Version: 1.1.0
Repository Config
Name CASE Repo URL
---- -------------
IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo *
IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry
Locale Config
Language: en_US
Color Config
Enabled: true
Mirror Tools Config
oc image mirror:
Connected Mirroring Flags:
AUTO_GENERATE (--filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1)
Disconnected Mirroring Flags:
To Target FileSystem or Registry:
AUTO_GENERATE (--filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --dir "$IMAGE_PATH")
To Final Registry:
AUTO_GENERATE (--filter-by-os '.*' -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1 --from-dir "$IMAGE_PATH")
oc mirror:
Local storage config:
Path: /Users/manojishwarbhaipaladiya/.ibm-pak/oc-mirror-storage
Connected Mirroring Flags:
AUTO_GENERATE (--dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6)
Disconnected Mirroring Flags:
To Target FileSystem or Registry:
AUTO_GENERATE (--dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6)
To Final Registry:
AUTO_GENERATE (--dest-skip-tls)
Target catalog: ibm-catalog
Enabled tool: oc image mirror
Catalog Builder Config
Base image: AUTO_GENERATE (
Download a CASE or a set of components referred by a ComponentSetConfig file from a repository like github, oci-compliant registry etc.
oc ibm-pak get ( <case name> [--version <case version>] | --component-set-config <URI> )
-c, --component-set-config URI A URI that points to a file containing a ComponentSetConfig. Acceptable URI examples:
--insecure skip TLS/SSL verification (optional)
--skip-dependencies skip downloading dependencies (optional)
--skip-verify if provided, skips the certification verification (optional)
--version string the "semantic version range" specifying the CASE to download, e.g. '2.0.0' or '>=1.0.0, <=3.0.0' (optional - assumes latest if not provided)
-h, --help help for get
Environment Variables:
IBMPAK_RESOLVE_DEPENDENCIES when set to false, no CASE references will be resolved (default "true")
IBMPAK_HTTP_TIMEOUT Overrides the default HTTP timeout value used in client calls to external servers. Measured in seconds (default "20")
IBMPAK_HTTP_RETRY Maximum http retry attempts, for example when a timeout is encountered on slow networks (default "3")
HTTPS_PROXY or https_proxy the URL of a HTTPS proxy (e.g. https://[user]:[pass]@[proxy_ip]:[proxy_port]) (default "")
HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy the URL of a HTTP proxy (e.g. http://[user]:[pass]@[proxy_ip]:[proxy_port]) (default "")
1) Download a CASE from a repository like github, oci-compliant registry
oc ibm-pak get ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0
2) Download a set of components referred by a ComponentSetConfig file (with v1.4.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak get -c file:///root/component-set-config.yaml
Generate mirror manifests for a CASE
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests <case name> <target-registry> --version <case version> --filter <list of groups> [--final-registry <final-registry>]
--dry-run If option provided, leave the merged FBC content in staging directory (optional)
--enable-restricted-scc if provided, generates catalog sources with restricted securityContextConfig (optional)
--filter string comma separated list of values, which can either be a group name or architecture (default "")
--final-max-components int The maximum number of path components allowed in a final registry mapping (0: all paths used, 1: error - not allowed, 2 and more: paths compressed from right to left to honor # provided) (optional)
--final-registry string if the target registry is a filesystem (has a "file://" prefix), then this argument must be provided to generate proper ICSP and Catalog Sources,
if the target registry is a registry server, then this argument can be provided optionally to enable mirroring to an intermediate registry followed by mirroring to a final registry specified by this argument (default "")
-h, --help help for mirror-manifests
--max-components int The maximum number of path components allowed in a target registry mapping (0: all paths used, 1: error - not allowed, 2 and more: paths compressed from right to left to honor # provided) (optional)
--max-icsp-size int The maximum number of bytes for the generated ICSP yaml(s) when using --max-components. Defaults to 250000 (default 250000)
--max-idms-size int The maximum number of bytes for the generated IDMS yaml(s) when using --max-components. Defaults to 250000 (default 250000)
--version string the exact "case version" already downloaded by "oc ibm-pak get" (optional - assumes latest if not provided)
Global Flags:
--insecure skip TLS/SSL verification (optional)
--log_file string If non-empty, use this log file
-v, --v int number for the log level verbosity [0 (normal), 1 (fine), 2 (finer) or 3 (finest)]
1) Generate mirror manifests for a target registry
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0
2) Generate mirror manifests for a target directory structure that can be served as a registry
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak file://myrepository --version 1.0.0 --final-registry
3) Generate mirror manifests for mirroring images to an intermediate registry server and from that server to a final registry server specified via final-registry argument. This creates images-mapping-to-registry.txt and images-mapping-from-registry.txt. Both of these files should used as input to `oc image mirrorr`. When images-mapping-to-registry.txt is used, it will enable mirroring the images to When images-mapping-from-registry.txt. is used, it will enable mirroring images from to
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --final-registry
4) Generate mirror manifests for an insecure target registry
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --insecure
5) Generate mirror manifests metadata in staging directory for FBC CASE
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --dry-run
6) Generate mirror manifests for a target registry where path is compressed to --max-components value. (with v1.9.0 and later)
- value of 0 or not called - default (nothing changes, all paths structure us used)
- value of 1 - error (value not allowed)
- value of 2 or more - paths compressed from right to left to honor # provided
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --max-components 2
7) Generate mirror manifests for mirroring images to an intermediate registry server and from that server to a final registry server specified via final-registry argument. This creates images-mapping-to-registry.txt and images-mapping-from-registry.txt where intermediate registry paths are compressed to satisfy the value of --max-compoenents and final registry paths are compressed to --final-max-components value. If final-max-compoents is set to default or final-max-components > max-components, final-max-compoents is set to max-components value. (with v1.9.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --final-registry --max-components 3 --final-max-components 2
8) Generate mirror manifests for a target registry where path is compressed to --max-components value and ICSP is generated with sharding as per the --max-icsp-size value. (with v1.9.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --max-components 2 --max-icsp-size 10000
9) Generate mirror manifests with restricted securityContextConfig in generated catalog sources (with v1.16.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --enable-restricted-scc
Starting from v1.9.0
, path compression can be used to install Cloud Paks into target registries with a restricted repository hierarchy . For more information on compression and sharding generated ICSP files, please refer here documentation on compression and sharding registry paths.
Describe command prints image lists, dependencies, registries and other information for this CASE
oc ibm-pak describe <case-name> --version <version> (--list-mirror-images)
--version string "case version" (required)
--list-mirror-images list images from generated mirror manifests (required if --list-case-images is not used)
-o, --output string Specify output format as json, yaml or ""
-h, --help help for describe
List mirror images:
oc ibm-pak describe ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --list-mirror-images
Generate online manifests for a CASE (with v1.8.0 and later) Usage:
oc ibm-pak generate online-manifests <case name> --version <case version>
--enable-restricted-scc if provided, generates catalog sources with restricted securityContextConfig (optional)
-h, --help help for online-manifests
--version string the exact "case version" already downloaded by "oc ibm-pak get" (optional - assumes latest if not provided)
Global Flags:
--insecure skip TLS/SSL verification (optional)
--log_file string If non-empty, use this log file
-v, --v int number for the log level verbosity [0 (normal), 1 (fine), 2 (finer) or 3 (finest)]
1) Generate online manifests
oc ibm-pak generate online-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0
2) Generate online manifests with restricted securityContextConfig in generated catalog sources (with v1.16.0 and later)
oc ibm-pak generate online-manifests ibm-my-cloudpak --version 1.0.0 --enable-restricted-scc
Launch a CASE into the targeted cluster.
oc ibm-pak launch <case name> --version <case version> [flags]
-a, --action string the name of the action item launched
-r, --args string other arguments
--dry-run if provided, the location of the script will be printed instead of executing the script
--insecure skip TLS/SSL verification (optional)
-i, --instance string the name of the instance of the target application (release)
-e, --inventory string the name of the inventory item launched
-n, --namespace string the name of the target namespace
--verify if provided, additionally verifies the CASE before launching
--version string the version of the CASE
-h, --help help for launch
Environment Variables:
IBMPAK_TOLERANCE_RETRY when set to false, launch script execution failure will not be retried
when set to true, launch script execution failures will be retried without the --tolerance flag (default "true")
IBMPAK_LAUNCH_SKIP_PREREQ_CHECK when set to true, will skip checking prerequisites in the launch framework (default "false")
IBMPAK_HTTP_TIMEOUT Overrides the default HTTP timeout value used in client calls to external servers. Measured in seconds (default "10")
1) Install catalog
oc ibm-pak launch \
ibm-my-cloudpak \
--version 1.0.0 \
--action install-catalog \
--inventory ibmMyCloudpakOperatorSetup \
--namespace my-namespace \
--args "--registry --recursive --inputDir ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/ibm-my-cloudpak/1.0.0"
2) Install operator
oc ibm-pak launch \
ibm-my-cloudpak \
--version 1.0.0 \
--action install-operator \
--inventory ibmMyCloudpakOperatorSetup \
--namespace my-namespace
List CASEs available in the enabled repository or downloaded into the local directory by get command
oc ibm-pak list
--case-name string print the list of all CASE images (separately printed for each version) matching the given case name
--downloaded print the list of downloaded CASE images available locally
-o, --output string Specify output format as json, yaml or ""
-h, --help help for list
1) List all cases (available in the enabled repository)
oc ibm-pak list
2) List all cases in json output
oc ibm-pak list -o json
3) List downloaded cases (lists the cases which were provided in the command line during `oc ibm-pak get` command)
Note : It doesn’t list any dependent cases downloaded during the `oc ibm-pak get` command.
oc ibm-pak list --downloaded
4) List downloaded cases in yaml output
oc ibm-pak list --downloaded -o yaml
5) List all versions of case
oc ibm-pak list --case-name ibm-my-cloudpak
6) List all versions of case in json output
oc ibm-pak list --case-name ibm-my-cloudpak -o json
7) List downloaded versions of case
oc ibm-pak list --case-name ibm-my-cloudpak --downloaded
8) List downloaded versions of case in yaml output
oc ibm-pak list --case-name ibm-my-cloudpak --downloaded -o yaml
Verify the integrity of downloaded CASEs
oc ibm-pak verify [<case-name> [--version <version>]]
-h, --help help for verify
-o, --output string Specify output format as json, yaml or ""
--version string CASE version
Global Flags:
--log_file string If non-empty, use this log file
-v, --v Level number for the log level verbosity [0 (normal), 1 (fine), 2 (finer) or 3 (finest)]
1)Verify the integrity of all the downloaded CASEs
oc ibm-pak verify
2)Verify the integrity of all the downloaded versions of a CASE
oc ibm-pak verify ibm-cp-common-services
3)Verify the integrity of a specific version of a downloaded CASE
oc ibm-pak verify ibm-cp-common-services --version 1.19.3