- kubectl create pod - just create containers (which are connected via flannel)
- Specify label for services
- User specified node - simplified running of pods
- deployment?
- kubectl create service - create kubeproxy rules
- Want to give list of pods or use label selector based
- kubectl exec pod
- Multi-cluster - basic connectivity
- Exec c1, ping c2.podip
- Exec c1, ping s2.vip (should go to c2) (nping)
- Exec c1, ping s3.vip (running on another cluster)
- VIP or service name? How does skupper manage?
- (optional) Show policy simulation
- Use flanneld with docker containers
- Run kubeproxy on single node on it’s own
- Instead simulate using nft
- Coredns setup - maybe skip in interest of time/overheads
- Multi-clusters qpid dispatch router based routing
- Simulation of skupper