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235 lines (141 loc) · 9.77 KB


All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.

Format of the log is loosely based on Keep a Changelog. The project does not follow Semantic Versioning and the changes are documented in reverse chronological order, grouped by calendar month.

September 2024


  • Then precision for number types is now only derived from the finite bounds of the range. The precision of number[-∞|∞] is the same as of number which is 0.


  • The extension point IUnitLangConfig has a new method useSlashInsteadOfDivisionSymbol that allows to replace the "÷" character in unit names with the more common "/" character.

August 2024


  • The name of the unitless unit can now be customized through the PhysUnitLangConfig extension point.



  • The name of the unitless unit can now be customized through the PhysUnitLangConfig extension point.


  • TraceExplorer can decorate editors of lambda nodes with their values.
  • The code completion of the new unit language was improved.
  • The performance of error type propagation (especially in relation to type tags) was improved.

July 2024


  • Gradle dependency licenses scanning enabled via custom sbom-utility feature
  • Tuple types now support a new method nTimes to ease initialization of long tuples.


  • Tracing editor can be exchanged by customers using editor hints.

June 2024


  • An issue was fixed where the substitute menu entries of IDotTarget were duplicated because two default menus were created.
  • The same issue was fixed for the right transformation menu of IDotTarget.

May 2024



  • Reduction rule for EnumLiterals can now also be applied for subconcepts

June 2024



  • The name changes to the binary IEC unit prefixes was reversed.


  • The prevision loss when converting units in the interpreter was fixed.
  • An editor issue in NumberRangeSpec was fixed that also prevented adding a precision to a number type.
  • A layouting issue with the class EndCell was fixed.

April 2024


  • The unnecessary super types of the tuple type were removed and are not necessary anymore.


  • RecordValues can have a customized string representation.


  • Empty-like nodes now automatically select the first code completion entry if there is only one entry.
  • Enum literals now can be compared for equality in the generator.
  • String representation of RecordValues is improved.


  • ComponentKind#canbeContent(conceptNode<>) was deprecated in favour of ComponentKind#canbeContent(concept<>)
  • Component#canBeInComponentContent(conceptNode<>) was deprecated in favour of Component#canBeInComponentContent(concept<>)


  • Numbers ranges now support exclusive and inclusive intervals.
  • Various small improvements and fixes were made in org.iets3.core.expr.typetags.physunits.

March 2024


  • MessageDefiniton uses extensionPoint/IdentifierConfigurator/ that allows the user to decide to use german umlauts and paragraphs in it.
  • This extensionPoint got a new method to select which implementation will be chosen.
  • A new (experimental) language org.iets3.core.expr.typetags.physunits was added that should eventually replace the old unit language. Read the documentation in org.iets3.core.expr.typetags.physunits.documentation to learn more about the features of the new language.


  • The type calculation of field setters now works.
  • NumberType#containsZero now correctly deals with infinite values.
  • Various usability issues where fixed.

February 2024


  • updated gradle build. Build will now fail in case tests were failing.
  • Enumerations can have an order by declaration, by literal or by value associated with the literal
  • A new devkit org.iets3.core.expr.base.devkit was added that excludes the REPL and tracing language.
  • org.iets3.core.expr.core.devkit and org.iets3.core.expr.advanced.devkit were extracted into a separate plugin org.iets3.core.expr.devkits.
  • A new devkit org.iets3.core.expr.interpreter.devkit was created for all expression interpreters.
  • A new devkit org.iets3.core.expr.repl.devkit was created for the REPL language.


  • The expression tracing support was extracted into a new plugin org.iets3.core.expr.tracing.
  • The REPL support was extracted into org.iets3.core.expr.repl.
  • Enumerations can have an order by declaration, by literal or by value ascociated with the literal


  • Update java generator to fix compilation error of generated TupleAccess

January 2024


  • The PCollections library was updated to version 4.0.1.


  • Uncaught DateTimeException during check DateLiteral.
  • IntHelper.equals now correctly deals with the combination of 0.0,-0.0,0 and -0.


  • NumberLiteral can now be converted to a BigDecimal with the method toBigDecimal.
  • Uncatched DateTimeException during check DateLiteral
  • The type parameter is now used in the Java generation of the FailExpr.
  • Named based access of result columns of multi decision tables were added. Columns can be referenced by name and coexist with the index based access.

December 2023


  • The index expression in collections operations now works correctly in nested expressions in the interpreter and generator.
  • Generation of nested short lambda expression now use the correct type for "it" as a variable.
  • Collections: The index expression now works with collection types in the generator.


  • The all and any operation of collections now also support the index expression. The concepts AllWithIndexOp and AnyWithIndexOp are therefore deprecated.


  • The class IETS3ExprEvalHelper was deprecated and a new class IETS3ExprEvaluator was introduced that can also influence the creation of the computation trace.

November 2023


  • The sort method of collections now supports more types: all primitive types, the option type, all datetime types, the temporal type and the record type
    • Records: The sorting order can be added through the intention Add a Comparison Order, otherwise, the records are sorted based on the declaration order of the members
    • Option: Sorting removes all none values since the underlying data structure of collections doesn't support null values.


  • The comparison helper in org.iets3.core.expr.simpleTypes.runtime and the equals helper in the test language where merged into a new class EqualsHelper inside the first runtime solution to return the same values.

October 2023


  • String validation: A bug in the number detection logic was fixed
  • String validation: A bug in the successor execution logic was fixed

October 2023


  • Generation of nested short lambda expression now use the correct type for "it" as a variable.

September 2023


  • Temporal Literal shows an error if two slices use the same point in time. The check can handle date literals and (nested) references to constants with a date literal. (See PR 707)
  • Temporal Literal shows a warning if the point in time of a slice cannot be unwrapped to a date literal, rendering the duplicates-check mentioned above ineffective. (See PR 707)

New language org.iets3.core.expr.typetags.bindingtime

The language extends typetags with support for different binding times of values. Consistency checks ensure that information is passed on at appropriate levels.


  • Unit comparisons for the same unit defined in different packages now lead to an error message for compatibility
  • SliceValue can now correctly be checked for equality: SliceValue.equals() and SliceValue.hashCode() are overwritten.
  • TemporalValue.hashCode() was overwritten, thus equals and hashCode() are in sync now.
  • Generation of nested short lambda expression now use the correct type for "it" as a variable.


  • the MetaUnit node was removed since it was not actively used

July 2023



  • Tuples are now handled within the type system. Instead of allowing JoinTypes within tuples we merge different tuple types by JoinTypes.
  • Each subconcept of IValidNamedConcept can now contribute and customize naming constraints


  • IETS3ExprEvalHelper methods no longer log exceptions that they re-throw. Some callers may ignore exceptions thrown by the interpreter, and having them logged unnecessarily clutters the logs. It is now the caller's responsibility to log exceptions where needed.