This repository offers information about all the proccess of development of the project Groundron. IITA FE 2 Participants and Roles:
Ezequiel Toconas - Electronics & Hardware
Jose Luis Gonzalez - Software
Axel Chungara - Design & Construction
Esteban Yurquina - Coach
* Images: Robot Images
* Video: Link of Youtube Video, showing the robot passing the first challenge
* Schemes: Electrical and Circuit Diagram.
* wro2023FE-IITA011: Source Code
This report aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive view of the building and programming process of our robot called Groundron v1.0 by the IITA FE 2 team in preparation for the WRO Future Engineers competition. Over an extensive period of development, our team has worked tirelessly to overcome both technical and teamwork challenges.