:App involved: iA.Téléservices, Publik :Info: This is the changelog for the teleservices-package :Authors: Daniel Muyshond, Nicolas Hislaire, Nicolas Selva :License: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)
- Some sentances and tips in candidature form; use better formule [dmshd]
- Unused 'Urbanisme' category [dmshd]
- [TELE-1682] Add form wf card and datasource for casier judiciaire BOSA [njphs]
- [TELE-1547] Fix spelling mistakes [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1577] Condition acknowl. checkbox for translation document help [dmshd]
- [TELE-1528] Fix spelling mistake [dmshd]
- [TELE-1528] Fix parenthesis instead of curlys [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1528] Fix None appearing in prod [dmshd] [njphs]
- [SUP-27953] convert ds_personne_concernee to JSON (fix python deprec) [dmshd]
- [SUP-27989] remove form_name, fix spelling and gender use [dmshd]
Fix categories mismatch by completing missing categories name in the xml file [dmshd]
- [SUP-27957] Fix python with undefined variables causing bugs, convert depraceted Python to django [dmshd]
- [TELE-1598] fix form-rechercher-un-acte-dans-la-banque-des-actes-d-etat-civil-baec.wcs [njphs]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Permis de conduire : Fix form import in wrong cat, enable form and set "citoyen (test)" as role du demandeur [dmshd]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Euthanasie : Fix form import in wrong cat, enable and set "citoyen (test)" as demandeur
- [MCITICAPA-3] Restore missing category "Modèles" (now labelled "iMio - Modèles") [dmshd]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Coordonnées (modèle) : Fix category, activate + Citoyen(test) as demandeur, update whole xml with recent publik export particularities (types,ect) [dmshd]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Date et heure (modèle) : Fix category, activate + Citoyen(test) as demandeur, update whole xml with recent publik export particularities (types,ect) [dmshd]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Redirection(modèle) : Fix category, activate + Citoyen(test) as demandeur, update whole xml with recent publik export particularities (types,ect) [dmshd]
- [MCITICAPA-3] Redirection Mon Dossier (modèle) : Fix category, activate + Citoyen(test) as demandeur, update whole xml with recent publik export particularities (types,ect)
- [TELE-1614] Tryout to fix AppRegistry error when indus script occurs [dmshd]
- [TELE-1614] Fix unwanted missing demands [dmshd]
- [TELE-1607][SUP-28626] Fix old python condition blocking form completion [dmshd]
- [TELE-1556] Add form_option for délai migration BAEC [njphs]
- [TELE-1559] Add "pièce justificative" feature option [dmshd]
- [TELE-1516] Add missing hint for 'redirection automatique' form option [dmshd]
- [TELE-1516] Add missing hint for 'reglement communal' form option [dmshd]
- [TELE-1557] Add option allowing additional text for agents [dmshd]
- [TELE-1557] Update descriptions + allow add text field (BAEC/Actes) [dmshd]
- [TELE-1574] Add missing form option in WF for optionnal proof document [dmshd]
- [TELE-1577] Add latest asked changes (Types of docs) [dmshd]
- [TELE-1528] Add defaut value to avoid None if option not set [dmshd] [njphs]
- Add modèle "Tableau de listes" [dmshd]
- Add modele for Carte [njphs][dmshd]
- [TELE-1298] Update default iMio WF : xml, add 'supprimer' global action [dmshd][njphs]
- [TELE-1577] Update types of docs descriptions display by directly using the desc in the list item [dmshd]
- [TELE-1578] Update anonymisation in main wf [njphs]
- [TELE-1528] Update Workflow with last changes about migration-request [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1528] Update Forms with last changes about migration-request [dmshd] [njphs]
- [SUP-27991] Relabel and use capital + add hints in form_options (modele procuratio wf) [dmshd]
- [SUP-27953] Migrate to json value the simplest & easy to do python datasources [dmshd]
- [SUP-27953] migrate page conditions to django (cand.poste à pourvoir) [dmshd]
- [TELE-1601] Uniformize tel hints on some forms [dmshd]
- Update occupation voie publique (xml update+role demandeur+activé) [dmshd]
- Update pret/location materiel form (xml update+role demandeur+activé) [dmshd]
- Update déclaration chien dangereux form (xml update+role demandeur+activé) [dmshd]
- Add missing category slug, activate form, use "Citoyen (test)" (autorisation acquisition animal) [dmshd]
- Déclaration alarme/caméré : Update xml with types, activate, use Citoyen (test) [dmshd]
- Acte de décès : activate, use Citoyen (test) [dmshd]
- [TELE-1612] [TELE-1613] Update python to django for some category [njphs]
- [SUP-28606] Update WF mondossier with donnée de traitement for authentification forte or not [njphs]
- [SUP-28606] Update WF mondossier with donnée de traitement with paiement reference [njphs]
- Fix mail not inclusiv and wrong {{form_name}} usage + uniformize them [dmshd, caro, njphs]
- Remove first names from mail greetings [dmshd, caro, njphs]
- [TELE-1557] Delete obsolete comment
- [TELE-1547] Init "Tous les actes" (BAEC) (form + wf) [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1524] Delete merge warning [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1534] Update feedback text following team's reviewing [dmshd]
- [TELE-1534] Use 'title' as id in datasource [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1534] Update with latest BAEC mods [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1534] Fix typo in computed var name [dmshd]
- [TELE-154] add missing letter in field [dmshd]
- [TELE-862] Update datasource 'mode_de_delivrance' (text) [dmshd] [njphs]
- [TELE-1524] Implement new BAEC linking [dmshd] [njphs]
- [MTELEVIEA-12] Avoid sender / subject redundancy in all mails [dmshd]
- [MTELEVIEA-12] Improve both user/agent UX for bank transfer usecase (see jira for the detail) [dmshd]
- [MTELEVIEA-12] Fix spelling mistake in form option tooltip [dmshd]
- [TELE-1501] make some fields mandatory in block iMio - Identité Changement Adresse [nhi]
- [TELE-1434] Remove italic when it is Inadequately used on full sentence [dmshd]
- [TELE-1412] démarche extrait de casier judiciaire add motifs
- [TELE-1412] wf animal supprimer du panier
- [TELE-1389] Form animal add extrain in PJ
- [TELE-1388] Form for many persons
- [TELE-1383] Workflow rendez-vous with possibility of externe agenda
- [MTELEENGA-11] gratuit but with or whitout extra fees, virement
- [MTELEENGA-11] add virement to bien être animal wf
- [TELE-1253] update roles for wf fiche recrutement
- [TELE-1371] add form and wf bien être animal
- [TELE-1188] update forms agenda plusieurs personnes
- [TELE-1134] typo in modele coordonnées
- [TELE-1312] add gratuit in changement adresse wf
- [SUP-23200] fix courriel destinaitaire in candidature spontané wf
- [TELE-1134] fix category of Acte de Reconnaissance pré/post-natale
- [TELE-1288] updated forms Candidature validation nrn
- [TELE-1288] updated forms Population validation nrn
- [TELE-1288] updated forms Actes validation nrn
- [TELE-1282] updated forms Pouplation Description
- [TELE-1282] updated forms Etat-Civil Description
- [TELE-1164] updated form Acte de Reconnaissance pré/post-natale
- [TELE-1148] updated commentaire in Candidature poste à pourvoir
- [TELE-1154] fixed commentaire in Certificat de vie
- [TELE-1283] fixed condition in Occupation de la voie publique
- [SUP-21926] update webservice réservation agenda for rappel
- [TELE-1238] add new wf for pin/puk form and update its form
- [TELE-1226] fix spelling mistake in status name [dmshd]
- [TELE-1226] fix order of actions making a mail action is not played (mail not sent) [dmshd]
- [TELE-1207] add datasources and carddefs for new "motifs" and "modes d'envoi" using cards [dmshd]
- [TELE-1182] add hint in forms and blocs for list item [NSE]
- [TELE-1163] remove hard burdinne in workflow [nhi]
- [TELE-1158] fix spelling mistake [dmshd]
- add pays in data_source
- add motifs and destinations in data_source
- [TELE-1144] set install path in jenkinsfile [nhi]
- set version in setup.py
- use iateleservicesCreateDeb pipeline function
- workflow-imio-gestion-des-rendez-vous-et-evenements-package with guichet
- BAEC option in [dmshd]
- [TELE-1135] Fix spelling mistake in two variables inside two conditions [dmshd]
- [TELE-1128] Fix links not working because of protocol set to "http" [dmshd]
- Install usage in README [dmshd]
- Fix typo in subject of refus mail in WF dep. citoyen
- Fix subject of refus mail in WF dep. citoyen
- Do not verify SSL certificate's validity
- Fix motif refus display in mail in WF dep. citoyen
- Re order auto-jumps for refund in WF dep. citoyen
- Fix total amount if a coma is used instead of a dot
- Ghost mail template in wf iMio - Changement d'adresse
- category of euthanasia's form
- all forms
- all workflows
- all mail-templates
- all blocks
- missing xml tag
- one more option in forms
- all roles and most prefill options in forms
- all forms
- all workflows
- all mail-templates
- all blocks
- wf with paiement alert
- wf paiement with pk button basket
- form changement d'adresse with instruction
- category
- wf changement d'adresse
- form radiation pour l'étranger
- pop etat-civil form's with mode d'emploi
- wf iMio - Gestion des rendez-vous et événements - package with documentation
- forms acte with redirection mondossier
- some form's name with Demande
- a mail template in workflow-imio-changement-d-adresse
- url name et internal identifier for all form
- name files of all form
- all form's name
- doublon enseignement communal
- wf Chien dangereux
- wf document pdf
- mode d'emploi on Finance and Logement forms
- mode d'emploi chien dangereux
- mode d'emploi on Environement forms
- Mode d'emploi on euthanasie form
- card candidature poste à pourvoir slug's
- candidature cards slug's
- form imio compteur d'eau champ société
- all forms
- form and wf chien dangereux
- form and wf demande d'occuptation de la voie publique
- form Déclaration de résidence secondaire
- lien mondossier in form Acte
- form changement d'adresse
- block-identite_changement_adresse.wcs
- form acte de nationalité
- workflow for radiation pour l'étranger
- form certificat de radiation
- wf departement citoyen
- form candidature spontanée
- remove data source motif and destination
- form_option_cp in cohabitation legale and radiation pour l'étranger
- Cards lien vers formulaire
- forms iMio from category emplois
- forms redirection with correct wf
- forms iMio - Redirection Modele link to workflow
- cards
- form iMio - Candidature spontanée
- localite in iMio - Demande d'occupation de la voie publique
- error message rn
- regex rn
- condition rn
- View of card card-imio-candidature-pour-l-enseignement-communal-fonctions-disponibles
- View of card card-imio-candidature-pour-l-enseignement-communal-fonctions-disponibles
- form form-imio-candidature-enseignement-communal
- carddefs for fonction in this form [nse]
- forms internal identifier [nse]
- form iMio - Déclaration de chien dangereux [nse]
- description to forms
- change blocs de champs name [nse]
- url name from all forms [nse]
- agenda forms name [nse]
- Modele coordonées [nse]
- category of redirection forms [nse]
- category of some forms
- name of some forms [nse]
- category of some forms [nse]
- category url_name [nse]
- category id [nse]
- change file name forms [nse]
- open and close hour in agenda forms [nse]
- category iMio - ... and move forms into [nse]
- 2 forms agenda [nse]
- Changelog [nse]
- bloc de champs personne for forms agenda [nse]
- workflow for forms agenda
- froms agenda
- category iMio - agenda
- bloc de champs personne for forms agenda [nse]
- workflow par défaut and herit [nse]
- modele date et heure
- datasourec heure et minute [nse]
- many forms for test [nse]
- blocs de champs [nse]
- mails template for wf par defaut
- wf par defaut comment alert
- blocs de champs [nse]
- Many blocs de champs
- Many forms [nse]
- rename repo of blocs de champs V2 [nse]
- rename repo of blocs de champs [nse]
- workflow bea chien dangereux [nse]
- workflow changement d'adresse V2 [nse]
- workflow changement d'adresse [nse]
- all workflows v2 [nse]
- all workflows
- all forms [nse]
- add many workflows V2 [nse]
- add many workflows
- add directory blockdef [nse]
- remove theaters mail-templates
- rename categories as category [nhi]
- add pays datasource [nhi]
- add mail-templates
- fix deployment path [nhi]
- add some files to test indus [nhi]
- add init.py
- add random form to test [nhi]
- update version
- clarify authors
- add debian folder [nhi]
- adapt Jenkinsfile [nhi]
- old files [nhi]
- all files that where in the 'script-teleservices' and that will potentially be useful in this one. [dmu]