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Lecture: More Algorithm Analysis

A manager went to the master programmer and showed him the requirements document for a new application. The manager asked the master: ''How long will it take to design this system if I assign five programmers to it?'' ''It will take one year,'' said the master promptly. ''But we need this system immediately or even sooner! How long will it take if I assign ten programmers to it?'' The master programmer frowned. ''In that case, it will take two years.'' ''And what if I assign a hundred programmers to it?'' The master programmer shrugged. ''Then the design will never be completed,'' he said.

-- Tao of Programming

Review of Big-O:

Definition (Big-O) f ∈ O(g) iff ∃ k c. ∀ n ≥ k. f(n) ≤ c g(n).

Notation (asymptotically less-or-equal) f ≲ g iff f ∈ O(g)

Example 4x versus x²

  1. Is 4x ≲ x²?
  2. Is x² ≲ 4x?

e.g. x + 10 versus x

  1. Is x + 10 ≲ x?
  2. Is x ≲ x + 10?

Example Let's show that (n² + n + 10) ∈ O(n²). So we need to find a constant c such that

n² + n + 10 ≤ c n²

when n is large.

We divide both sides by n².

1 + 1/n + 10/n² ≤ c

When n is large, the terms 1/n and 10/n² get very small, so we need to choose something a bit bigger than 1, so we choose c = 2.

Next we need to find a constant k such that n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n² when n is greater than k. We compute a handful of values of these functions.

n n² + n + 10 2n²
1 12 2
2 16 8
3 22 18
4 30 32
5 40 50
6 52 72

We see that from n=4 and onwards, 2n² is greater than n² + n + 10, so we choose k = 4. We have some emprical evidence that we've made the correct choices, but to know for sure, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem ∀ n ≥ 4, n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n².

Proof. We proceed by induction on n.

  • Base case (n = 0) The theorem is trivially true because it's not true that 0 ≥ 4.

  • Induction case. Let n be any integer such that n ≥ 4 and n² + n + 10 ≤ 2 n² (IH). We need to show that

      (n+1)² + (n+1) + 10 ≤ 2 (n+1)²

    which we can rearrange to the following, separating out parts that match the induction hypothesis (IH) from the rest.

      (n² + n + 10) + (2n + 2) ≤ 2n² + (4n + 2)

    Thanks to the IH, it suffices to show that

      2n + 2 ≤ 4n + 2

    which is true because n ≥ 4.

Student exercise

Show that 2 log n ∈ O(n / 2).

Hint: experiment with values of n that are powers of 2 because it is easy to take the log of them:

log(2) = 1
log(4) = 2
log(8) = 3

Reasoning about asymptotic upper bounds

  • Polynomials: If f(n) = cᵢ nⁱ + ... + c₁ n¹ + c₀, then f ≲ nⁱ.

  • Addition: If f₁ ≲ g and f₂ ≲ g, then f₁ + f₂ ≲ g.

  • Multiplication: If f₁ ≲ g₁ and f₂ ≲ g₂, then f₁ × f₂ ≲ g₁ × g₂.

  • Reflexivity: f ≲ f

  • Transitivity: f ≲ g and g ≲ h implies f ≲ h

  • Example: anagram detection

    Two words are anagrams of each other if they contain the same characters, that is, they are a rearrangement of each other.

    examples: mary <-> army, silent <-> listen, doctor who <-> torchwood

    For the following algorithms, what's the time complexity? space complexity?

    • Algorithm 0: Generate all permutations of the first word. This is O(n!) time and O(n) space.

    • Algorithm 1: For each character in the first string check it off in the second string. This is O(n²) time and O(n) space.

    • Algorithm 2: Sort both strings then compare the sorted strings for equality This is O(n lg n) time and O(1) space.

    • Algorithm 3: Count letter occurences in both words and then compare the number of occurences of each letter. This is O(n) time and O(k) space (where k is the number of characters in the alphabet).

  • Review of upper bound: big-O

    f ∈ O(g) iff ∃ k c, ∀ n ≥ k, f(n) ≤ c g(n).

  • Practice analyzing the time complexity of an algorithm:

    Insertion Sort

      public static void insertion_sort(int[] A) {
          for (int j = 1; j != A.length; ++j) {
              int key = A[j];
              int i = j - 1;
              while (i >= 0 && A[i] > key) {
                  A[i+1] = A[i];
                  i -= 1;
              A[i+1] = key;

    What is the time complexity of insertion_sort? Answer:

    • inner loop is O(n)
    • outer loop is O(n)
    • so the entire algorithm is O(n²)
  • Time Complexity of Java collection operations

    • LinkedList

      • add: O(1)
      • get: O(n)
      • contains: O(n)
      • remove: O(1)
    • ArrayList

      • add: O(1)
      • get: O(1)
      • contains: O(n)
      • remove: O(n)
  • Common complexity classes:

    • O(1) constant
    • O(log(n)) logarithmic
    • O(n) linear
    • O(n log(n))
    • O(n²), O(n^3), etc. polynomial
    • O(2^n), O(3^n), etc. exponential
    • O(n!) factorial
  • Lower bounds

    Definition (Omega) For a given function g(n), we define Ω(g) as the set of functions that grow at least as fast a g(n):

    f ∈ Ω(g) iff ∃ k c, ∀ n ≥ k, 0 ≤ c g(n) ≤ f(n).

    Notation f ≳ g means f ∈ Ω(g).

  • Tight bounds

    Definition (Theta) For a given function g(n), Θ(g) is the set of functions that grow at the same rate as g(n):

    f ∈ Θ(g) iff ∃ k c₁ c₂, ∀ n ≥ k, 0 ≤ c₁ g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ c₂ g(n).

    We say that g is an asymptotically tight bound for each function in Θ(g).

    Notation f ≈ g means f ∈ Θ(g)

  • Reasoning about bounds.

    • Symmetry f ≈ g iff g ≈ f
    • Transpose symmetry f ≲ g iff g ≳ f
  • Relationships between Θ, O, and Ω.

    • Θ(g) ⊆ O(g)
    • Θ(g) ⊆ Ω(g)
    • Θ(g) = Ω(g) ∩ O(g)
  • Example: Merge Sort

    Divide and conquer!

    Split the array in half and sort the two halves.

    Merge the two halves.

      private static int[] merge(int[] left, int[] right) {
         int[] A = new int[left.length + right.length];
         int i = 0;
         int j = 0;
         for (int k = 0; k != A.length; ++k) {
             if (i < left.length
                 && (j ≥ right.length || left[i] <= right[j])) {
                A[k] = left[i];
             } else if (j < right.length) {
                A[k] = right[j];
         return A;
      public static int[] merge_sort(int[] A) {
         if (A.length > 1) {
             int middle = A.length / 2;
             int[] L = merge_sort(Arrays.copyOfRange(A, 0, middle));
             int[] R = merge_sort(Arrays.copyOfRange(A, middle, A.length));
             return merge(L, R);
         } else {
             return A;

    What's the time complexity?

    Recursion tree:

                 c*n                    = c*n
               /     \
              /       \
         c*n/2        c*n/2             = c*n
         /  \         /   \
        /    \       /     \     
      c*n/4  c*n/4  c*n/4  c*n/4        = c*n

    Height of the recursion tree is log(n).

    So the total work is c, n, log(n).

    Time complexity is O(n , log(n)).