The collection includes six roles in the current version.
- icinga.repos: Role to manage repositories
- icinga.icinga2: Role to install and manage Icinga 2 instances.
- icinga.icingadb: Role to install and manage IcingaDB, Icinga2's new data backend.
- icinga.icingadb_redis: Role to install and manage Redis, IcingaDB's cache backend.
- icinga.icingaweb2: Role to install and manage Icinga Web 2.
- icinga.monitoring_plugins: Role to install and manage Icinga2 compatible monitoring plugins.
The collection includes a plugin that allows you to use Icinga as an inventory source for Ansible.
- icinga.icinga.icinga: Ansible Inventory Plugin to fetch hosts from Icinga.
Please be careful if you have an existing installation and you want to use the collection. All features which are not configured will be disabled.
Operatingsystems: For OSFamily Suse please make sure the Collection community.general is available. Otherwise the modules zypper_repository and zypper are missing.
Imports: If you want the collection roles to import schemas and users to databases, make sure the client ("mysql", "psql") for your database is available on your system.
Permissions/Become: The collection does administrative work on the server. Please ensure the ansible_user you are using has the right permissions. Otherwise use the parameter '--become' with your ansible-playbook command.
If you need to use become for a specific role only, you can add the following structure in your playbook.
- name: Play
become: false
hosts: all
- name: icinga.icinga.icinga2
become: true
- some_other_role_without_become
- name: explicit_no_become
become: false
To start with the collection, easily install it with the ansible-galaxy command.
Installation from Galaxy Server:
ansible-galaxy collection install icinga.icinga
Or pull the collection from the git. (Only useable with Ansible version 2.10.9)
ansible-galaxy collection install git+,0.3.0
Pre 2.10 you can also clone the repository, manually build and install the collection.
git clone
ansible-galaxy collection build ansible-collection-icinga
ansible-galaxy collection install icinga-icinga-0.3.0.tar.gz
Icinga2 relies on relational databases for many parts of its functionality. None of those databases get installed by the roles. You need to install and configure them yourself. For doing so, there are many ways available, e.g. the Ansible role geerlingguy.mysql for MySQL flavours (both MySQL and MariaDB) or geerlingguy.postgresql for PostGresQL:
- name: Configure databases for Icinga2
hosts: database
- name: icingadb
- name: icingaweb
- name: vspheredb
encoding: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
- name: director
- name: icingadb-user
host: localhost
password: icingadb-password
priv: "icingadb.*:ALL"
- role: geerlingguy.mysql
Schema migrations needed for the respective Icinga components to work will be handled either by the respective roles or by the Icinga components themselves.
This is an example on how to install an Icinga 2 server/master instance.
- name: install icinga2 master
hosts: master
icinga2_constants: # Set default constants and TicketSalt for the CA
TicketSalt: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', '.icinga-server-ticketsalt') }}"
NodeName: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
ZoneName: "main"
icinga2_confd: false # Disable example configuration
icinga2_purge_features: yes # Ansible will manage all features
icinga2_config_directories: # List of directories in which the role will manage monitoring objects
- zones.d/main/commands
- zones.d/main/hosts
- zones.d/main/services
- name: api # Enable Feature API
ca_host: none # No CA host, CA will be created locally
- name: NodeName
- name: ZoneName
- NodeName
- name: checker
state: present
- name: notification
state: present
- name: idomysql
state: present
import_schema: false # Enable this if the database and permissions for the user is created in advance.
user: icinga
password: icinga123
database: icingaido
downtimehistory_age: 31d
contactnotifications_age: 31d
- name: mainlog
severity: information
- icinga.icinga.repos
- icinga.icinga.icinga2
This is an example on how to install an Icinga 2 agent instance.
- name: install icinga2 agent
hosts: agent
icinga2_confd: false # Disable example configuration
icinga2_purge_features: yes # Ansible will manage all features
- name: api # Enable Feature API
ca_host: master.localdomain
# Trusted Cert and Ticket will be gathered from this host.
# Ticket will be "delegated" if the FQDN is not in your Ansible environment
# use the variable icinga2_delegate_host in addition.
- name: NodeName
- name: ZoneName
- NodeName
- name: notification
state: absent
- icinga.icinga.repos
- icinga.icinga.icinga2
This is a example on how to install Icinga 2 server with Icinga Web 2 and Icinga DB.
- name: Converge
hosts: all
type: mysql
name: icingaweb
user: icingaweb
password: icingaweb
icingaweb2_db_import_schema: true
icingadb_database_type: mysql
icingadb_database_host: localhost
icingadb_database_user: icingadb
icingadb_database_password: icingadb
icingadb_database_import_schema: true
# Mysql Configuration on Ubuntu2204
mysql_innodb_file_format: barracuda
mysql_innodb_large_prefix: 1
mysql_innodb_file_per_table: 1
- mariadb-client
- mariadb-server
- python3-mysqldb
- name: icingaweb
host: "%"
password: icingaweb
priv: "icingaweb.*:ALL"
- name: icingadb
host: "%"
password: icingadb
priv: "icingadb.*:ALL"
- name: icingadb
- name: icingaweb
icinga2_confd: false
- name: icingadb
- name: notification
- name: checker
- name: mainlog
- name: api
ca_host: none
- name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
- name: "main"
- "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: icinga.icinga.repos
# Geerlingguy mysql role to configure the databases.
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: geerlingguy.mysql
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: icinga.icinga.icinga2
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: icinga.icinga.icingadb
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: icinga.icinga.icingadb_redis
- ansible.builtin.include_role:
name: icinga.icinga.icingaweb2