This MySQL storage component includes a blocking SpanStore
and span consumer function.
aggregates dependency links on-demand.
The implementation uses JOOQ to generate MySQL SQL commands. It is only tested on MySQL 5.6-5.7.
See the schema DDL.
includes defaults that will
operate against a given Datasource.
This module conditionally runs integration tests against a local MySQL instance.
You minimally need to export the variable MYSQL_USER
to run tests.
$ MYSQL_USER=root ./mvnw clean install -pl :zipkin-storage-mysql
If you run tests via Maven or otherwise without specifying MYSQL_USER
you'll notice tests are silently skipped.
Results :
Tests run: 49, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 48
This behaviour is intentional: We don't want to burden developers with installing and running all storage options to test unrelated change. That said, all integration tests run on pull request via Travis.
When troubleshooting, it is important to note that zipkin ids are encoded as hex. If you want to view data in mysql, you'll need to use the hex function accordingly.
For example, all the below query the same trace using different tools:
- zipkin-ui:
- zipkin-api:
- mysql:
select * from zipkin_spans where trace_id = x'27960dafb1ea7454';
# Barracuda supports compression (In AWS RDS, this must be assigned in a parameter group)
$ mysql -uroot -e "SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda"
# This command should work even in RDS, and return "Barracuda"
$ mysql -uroot -e "show global variables like 'innodb_file_format'"
# install the schema and indexes
$ mysql -uroot -e "create database if not exists zipkin"
$ mysql -uroot -Dzipkin < zipkin-storage/mysql/src/main/resources/mysql.sql
$ rm -rf zipkin-storage/mysql/src/main/java/zipkin/storage/mysql/internal/generated/
$ ./mvnw -pl :zipkin-storage-mysql clean org.jooq:jooq-codegen-maven:generate com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:format