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Changes to pyrealm

This document provides a brief overview of the main changes to pyrealm at each of the released versions. More detail can be found at the GitHub release page for each version.


  • Addition of a more pythonic re-implementation of the SPLASH v1.0 model with a more flexible user interface and faster calculation.
  • Revision of the optimal chi calculation internals - better internal structure and extensible framework, with option to constrain xi values to allow slow acclimation of xi.
  • Updated implementation of the SubdailyPModel (renamed from FastSlowPModel) to use the new optimal chi structure and allow it to be used with all optimal chi models, including C4 photosynthesis.
  • Updated and revised unit testing.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.9 for first main release and to adopt more recent typing syntax and added Python 3.12.
  • Updated code to work with the recent release of numpy 2.0.
  • Updated the developer tool chain to move to ruff for code linting and formatting.


  • Addition of draft extension of subdaily memory_effect function that allows for missing data arising from non-estimable Jmax and Vcmax.


  • Implementation of the Mengoli et al 2023 soil moisture penalty factor. The existing calc_soilmstress function is now calc_soilmstress_stocker and the new function is calc_soilmstress_mengoli.
  • The soilmstress argument to PModel is removed and both the Mengoli and Stocker approaches are now intended to be applied as penalties to GPP after P Model fitting, allowing the two to be compared from the same P Model outputs.


  • Draft implementation of slow reponses in P Model using weighted average approach
  • Substantial maintenance review
  • User facing breaking changes:
    • Support for scalar inputs removed - numpy arrays now expected as inputs.
    • Python minimum version is now 3.9
    • Hygrometric functions moved from utilities to new hygro module
    • Param classes are now Const classes.
    • Stomatal conductance not estimated when VPD = 0.
  • Detailed changes:
    • Moved support python versions to >=3.9, <3.11
    • Update to poetry 1.2+
    • Implementing mypy checking via pre-commit and package config
    • Fixed mypy errors (missing types, clashes etc)
    • Updated typing to use consistent NDArray and remove edge case code to handle scalar inputs. Users now expected to provide arrays.
    • Using importlib to single source package version from pyproject.toml
    • Moved test/ to tests/ and added - module paths in testing.
    • Partial restructure of TModel code and extended test suite
    • Extended test suite for hygrometric functions, bug fix in HygroConst.
    • Better definition and handling of class attributes to avoid unnecessary Optional types in init methods.
    • Updated docstrings, particularly class attributes now docstringed in place.
    • bounds_checker module merged into utilities module
    • Huge file split into a pmodel module and pmodel, functions, isotopes and competition submodules. All members still exposed via pyrealm.pmodel for ease of use/backwards compatibility. References to API links updated.
    • used as the basis for a new constants module with smaller better documented files and XYZConst naming scheme.
    • '(pmodel)_params' style arguments updated to 'const', docs updated to match.
    • C3C4 competition private functions now exposed as stand-alone functions with cleaner docs and demo usage.
    • Reorganisation of website index and page structure, nitpicking of links turned on and broken links fixed.
    • Switch away from astrorefs to sphinxcontrib.bibtex, which now supports author_year citation styling.
    • Constrain estimation of g_s to exclude VPD = 0 and ca - ci = 0, which give values tending to limit of infinity.


  • Updates and fixes and docs on soil moisture optimal chi methods (lavergne20_c4)
  • Shifting package management to using poetry and implementing better QA toolchain including pre-commit suite.
  • Moving docs out of root and into docs/source, docs/build etc.


  • Addition of a parallel C4 method for the lavergne20 CalcOptimalChi method. The methods are now called lavergne20_c3 and lavergne20_c4.
  • Addition of default theta model parameters for lavergne20_c4 giving beta predictions as 1/9 of those for C3.
  • Update of soil moisture option handling in PModel to avoid conflicting approaches (rootzonestress, soilmstress, lavergne20_cX).
  • Updated docs for the CalcOptimalChi methods and soil moisture page.
  • Addition of an explicit ExperimentalFeatureWarning - currently rootzonestress and lavergne20_c4.


  • Implementation of alternative methods for CalcOptimalChi, including Lavergne et al 2020 soil theta estimation of beta, c4 with negigible photorespiration.
  • Addition of optional soil theta to PModelEnvironment, underpinning the lavergne2020 CalcOptimalChi method.
  • Alteration of PModel arguments. Since there are now different options for simulating C3/C4, the c4 argument is replaced with method_optchi, which sets C3/C4 status internally from the method selected.
  • Refactor and integration of Alienor's CalcCarbonIsotopes and C3C4Competition models, from:
  • Refactor of utilities TemporalInterpolator and DailyRepresentativeValues to handle multiple dimensions and ragged arrays of indices.
  • Extended pytest framework to include TemporalInterpolator, DailyRepresentativeValues, CalcCarbonIsotopes and C3C4Competition.


  • Breaking change to inputs to CalcOptimalChi - now uses PModelEnvironment object directly, not named args for kmm etc.
  • PModel testing update: new set of input test values of 100 values across envt space, not just 4 arbitrary values. Updated R outputs.
  • Restructure of test_pmodel - much cleaner use of parameterisations args.
  • Addition of units to utilities.summarize_attr and extensive addition of units throughout docs.
  • Flexibility in the units of PPFD - previous versions were agnostic about However, that leads to nonsensical values of Jmax and Vcmax, which must the units of PPFD - so that the scaling of GPP could be set by the user. be in µmol m-2 s-1. So, PPFD now must also be in µmol m-2 s-1.
  • Bug in Jmax calculation - not carrying ftemp_kphio correctly into calculation - corrected by baking ftemp_kphio correction to kphio early.
  • Breaking change to calculation of Jmax and Vcmax. Previous versions followed rpmodel in using a more complex calculation for Jmax and Vcmax that allowed Stocker's empirical soil moisture effects (beta(theta)) to be worked back into Vcmax then Jmax, rd and gs. pyrealm no longer does this: the soil moisture correction is applied only to LUE and the getter function for vcmax, jmax, gs and rd issue a warning that they are uncorrected when soil moisture effects are applied.
  • Internal changes - the CalcLUEVcmax class has been retired. This structuring was integral to the soil moisture correction approach, but with that change, a simple JmaxLimitation class replaces it.
  • Updated value of param_classes.PModelParam.soilmstress_b to published default


  • Bugs in calculation of Jmax and g_s fixed.
  • Fixed issue with utilities.summarize_attr with masked arrays containing all NaN values


  • Fixing the calculation of stomatal conductance for C4 plants - not infinite
  • Added in docs to show behaviour of those variables for C3 and C4 - revealed some issues!


  • Updated CalcOptimalChi to return an actual estimate of chi for C4 plants, not just 1.0. Updated documentation and examples to illustrate.


  • Replaced ConstrainedArray and masked arrays with input_bounds_checker and 'masking' using np.nan. See notes in pyrealm/ This was revisited even before release to remove built in masking completely and just provide some warnings on sane ranges. A hard limit for temps < 25°C is imposed due to the behaviour of calc_density_h2o.


  • Fix for critical bug in mj calculation - using masked arrays is fragile, need to consider this - and the constraint approach which generates masked inputs.


  • Minor tweaks to utilities param classes
  • Backtrack on constrained_arrays - unexpected issues with chained use. Currently just turning off a single constraint.


  • Refactor of constrained_array modules to use a class factory that acts as both a constraint and a check on existing constraint types.
  • Implementation of the utilities module, currently including some hygrometric conversions and shared utility functions.
  • Refactor of PModel and Iabs scaling
  • Better repr and new summarize() functions in pmodel module.


  • Refactor of the PModel to separate calc of gammastar etc, from the pmodel itself: PModelEnvironment and PModel classes.
  • Implementation of ConstrainedArray class to clip inputs to biologically meaningful ranges and to identify that clipping has occurred. Particular issue with serious numerical instability in calc_density_h2o, but now adopted a general solution to clipping inputs.
  • Expansion of PModel testing to include a global array giving a wider range of inputs including edge cases.
  • Created option for using a rootzonestress option (Rodolfo Nobrega)


  • Restructure of requirements and install_requires for better pip install


  • Refactor of parameter classes into param_classes module with consistent ParamClass baseclass for import/export and dataclass based interface.


  • Implementation of the T model


  • Rescaled ftemp_kphio to remove double division error
  • Disabled C4 pytests while rpmodel retains this issue.


  • Clipping negative values in calc_ftemp_kphio


  • Fixing problems with setup for PyPi publication.


  • (aka hotfix/bad_setup). Fixing problems in


  • First release of pyrealm. Implementation of P model