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Golang BoilerPlater



  • This template is build on gofiber.

  • To sync go packages you need to run following command.

    go mod vendor

  • Copy .env.example as .env for environment variables.

  • To add new package you can run following command.

    go get {package_url}

  • You need to run go mod vendor after running above command to sync your pacakage with vendor directory.

  • Following command is use to remove unused package from your go.mod and go.sum files.

    go mod tidy

  • Please make sure you set proper database configuration to connect.

Add Storage Drivers

Multiple Database System Support

  • We are supporting 3 types of database at this time postgres, mysql & sqlite3

  • It allows us to switch to database without changing too much stuff (but it requires to change function that are varies based on system.)

  • goqu package allows us to do that.

  • we have environment variable DB_DIALECT where you can set to database system type.

Kick Start Commands

  • This commands are define inside Makefile.

Note: Make sure you change this file if you are going to use this boilerplate with different folder structure.

for ex: start commands run go run app.go api if your app.go is somewhere else then you need to update this file for paths to work properly.

  • make start-api-dev : This will start your app with nodemon which watch for changes in your directory and reload go.

  • make start-api : To start api, it basically runs go run app.go

  • make migrate file_name={MIGRATION_FILE_NAME} : This command will create migration up and down both respectively, you need to pass file_name={migration_name}

  • make build app_name={BINARY_NAME} : It will build binary of your project.

  • make install app_name={BINARY_NAME}: It will generate optimized binary with -s and -w ldflags.

  • make test : To run testcase for entire project, .env.testing env need to use while writing testcase, you need to load

  • make test-wo-cache: To run testcases with without cache.

  • make swagger-gen : To genrate swagger docs, This command will download binary if not exist.

  • make migrate-up : To run Up migrations.


Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to define and share the application's database schema definition. If you have ever had to tell a teammate to manually add a column to their local database schema after pulling in your changes from source control, you've faced the problem that database migrations solve.

Kratos Integration

Ory Kratos provides the user identity management service and different flows for user management (signup/sign in, forgot password, reset password, etc.). For more, you can see the official documentation.

Ory Kratos doesn't provide UI, You have to specify the endpoints for different UI pages inside the configuration and Kratos will use them. There are some other services that you can use for demo UIs. for example kratos-selfservice-ui-node.

Note: ory Kratos is an optional integration to the boilerplate, if you want to use it you need to follow the below steps.

  • Inside the .env you'll have to set the KRATOS_ENABLED for enabling the kratos integration.
  • According to your config requirements, you will need to change the corresponding files inside the /pkg/kratos folder.
  • Then after that for all the endpoints you want Kratos authentication you'll have to add middlewares.Authenticated. After that, you can add your own handle and write business logic over there using user details.
  • For more details, you can see the documentation section.


  1. Run docker-compose up to spin up the database and admire. In the case of a Kratos Enabled user this command docker-compose --profile kratos up.
  2. Open localhost:8080, select system to PostgreSQL and put username and password.
  3. Build image using docker build -t golang-api .
  4. Run docker run golang-api to run the container.

Another Way:

  • For starting All services including kratos, runinng databse migrations and starting up golang server all together, run the script inside /pkg/kratos.
    cd pkg/kratos

Note: Use this for local development environment.

Flipt Integration

Flipt is an open-source feature flag management tool that allows you to enable or disable features in your application without deploying new code. It provides a simple way to control the availability of features to your users, perform A/B testing, and gradually roll out new features.

Note: Flipt is an optional integration to the boilerplate, if you want to use it you need to follow the below steps.

  1. Set the FLIPT_ENABLED environment variable to true to enable Flipt support.
  2. Set the FLIPT_HOST (e.g., localhost) and FLIPT_PORT (e.g., 9000) environment variables to communicate with the Flipt backend.
  3. For setting up the Flipt service with other services, you have to execute docker-compose --profile flipt up.
  4. Now you can access flipt UI on http://localhost:8081


  • CREATE : To create migrations i have discribed details in Kick Start Commands section.
  • RUN : To run migration there is two command make migration-up && make migration-down.
  • Migration needs -- +migrate Up and -- +migrate Down respectively in starting of files, this is required because we are using sql-migrate package

Messaging Queue

  • We are using watermill package for messaging queue.

  • Watermill is a Golang library for working efficiently with message streams. It is intended for building event-driven applications.

  • Multiple Message Queue Broker Support

    • We are supporting 5 types of message queue broker at this time rabbitmq, redis, googleCloud,sql(postgres,mysql) & kafka
    • It allows us to switch to message queue broker without changing too much stuff.
    • Watermill package allows us to do that.
    • We have environment variable MQ_DIALECT where you can set to message queue broker type.
    • Need to change env accoeding to message queue broker.
  • Creating An Worker

    • All of the workers for your application are stored in the cli/workers directory.
    • To create a new job add a new file into the cli/workers directory.
  • Class Structure

    • Workers class are very simple, consisting of a single method Handle. Handle executes when a message is received.
    • The Handle() method should return an error if the job fails.
      type WelcomeMail struct {
          FirstName string
          LastName  string
          Email     string
          Roles     string
      // Handle executes the job.
      func (w WelcomeMail) Handle() error {
          return nil
  • Register Worker

    • After creating the struct, you need to register it in cli/workers/worker_handler.go, so that it can be called correctly.
    • To register a new worker add struct to RegisterWorkerStruct function.
      func RegisterWorkerStruct() []interface{} {
          return []interface{}{
              // ...
  • Command to run worker

    go run app.go worker --retry-delay 400 --retry-count 3 --topic user
    // --retry-delay 400 --retry-count 3 are optional
    // --retry-delay 400 means it will retry after 400ms
    // --retry-count 3 means it will retry 3 times
  • Publish Message

    • The InitPubliser function initializes a WatermillPubliser based on the provided configuration.
      pub, err := watermill.InitPubliser(cfg)
      if err != nil {
          // Handle error
    • The Publish method on WatermillPubliser is used to publish a message to a specific topic(queue name). The message is encoded using the Go encoding/gob package before being sent.
      // Worker struct must be registered before publishing
      err := pub.Publish(topic, workerStruct)
      if err != nil {
          // Handle error
  • Dead Letter Queue

    • The dead letter queue, also known as the poison queue in watermill, is a designated destination for messages that have failed to undergo processing by a consumer.
    • The name of this queue is specified in the DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE environment variable, we are storing failed job into database.
    • Command to run dead letter queue
      go run app.go dead-letter-queue

Code Walk-through

  • Config:

    • We are using envconfig which binds env values to struct elements.
        type Config struct {
            AppName string `envconfig:"APP_NAME"`
    • In above example APP_NAME is bind with AppName element of struct so further when it is used it will have value from env.
    • To load env variables from .env we are using gotdotenv, which basically initialized when app starts main.go.
    • We have also create a seprate method LoadTestEnv() in config which helps to load envs from .env.testing
  • Command:

    • We are using cobra for commands, you need create seprate file for your command.
    • To register your command add in cli/main.go
    • After registering your command you can run that by following syntax go run app.go {your_command_name}
  • Route:

    • If you are building api then you need to add routes in routes/main.go.
    • In that we have Setup() which will be initialized while starting app so all routes that are required need to register their.
    • Currently we are using seprate method to register routes, that sepration is based on controller. e.g If your controller have multiple or single we will create separte function to register it.
        func setupAuthController(v1 fiber.Router, goqu *goqu.Database) error {
            authController, err := controller.NewAuthController(goqu)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            v1.Post("/login", authController.DoAuth)
            return nil
    • Above function will be created inside routes/main.go, and that function will be called in Setup().
    • Why we do this ? because every model does required database object that will perform database operation. We will be using same connection for all the database operation.
    • controller.NewAuthController(goqu) This line at starting of function calls controller method which calls initialize method of model.
    • So when we routes will register we will initialize method of controller, that will initialize model struct with database object.
  • Middleware:

    • Currently we have two middleware http_logger & jwt
    • http_logger: This middleware enusres that it logs every incoming request to logger.
    • jwt: JWT validates the user authentication, in routes we need to set which routes need authentication, so middleware will check for auth on that request.
  • Service:

    • Also known as the Business Layer, contains the functionality that compounds the core of the application, thus becoming highly reusable for controllers, workers, jobs, and CLI.
  • Model:

    • Model refer to database tables, currently we have followed structure that one table have one model.
    • When you create a model it should inside of models folder.
    • Create a model struct with initialize method.
    type UserModel struct {
        db *goqu.Database
    func InitUserModel(goqu *goqu.Database) (UserModel, error) {
        return UserModel{
            db: goqu,
        }, nil
    • Above code snippet represent model struct and its init method that will be call in controller method to initialize database object.
    • When you create new method after initialization that function should be object of UserModel in current example. If you didn't do that then function will not able to access to database object.
    • Define struct that will represent your table columns.
    type User struct {
        ID        string `json:"id"`
        FirstName string `json:"first_name" db:"first_name" validate:"required"`
        LastName  string `json:"last_name" db:"last_name" validate:"required"`
        Email     string `json:"email" db:"email" validate:"required"`
        Password  string `json:"password,omitempty" db:"password" validate:"required"`
    • Above example represent fields that table have (we have added limited fields here)
    • json - in struct represent key name when it will be returned in json format.
    • db - represents name of database column, it's supported by goqu package.
    • validate - if you want to validate fields that are required you can set validate:"required"
    • omitempty - this will be used with along side of json, if value will be empty then that element will be trimmed from response of json.
  • Controller:

    • As descirbed in route controller init method should be call in route.
    • Each controller must have their struct which contains model object, that will be use to call function of models.
  • Utils:

    • We have define some common methods inside utils like json response.
    • We need common function which handles json response that's why we have created json_response.go
    • Similarly we have created different files for different use in utils.


  • Test file should be available within the same package.
  • It is advisible to create one TestMain() for one package.
  • TestMain() should initialize everything you need in testcase.
  • After that you can call m.Run() which executes all testcases that are available in testcases, Also m.Run() return exit status code.
  • After m.RUN() we must delete data that was inserted.
  • When you run testcase with make test it will also display code coverage which helps you to determine percentage of code covered in your testcases.


We are using mockery for generate mock functions for interface. We can generate mock using below command.

$> go generate ./...