OpenTitan is an open-source silicon root-of-trust, please refer to the official website for more details.
In the following, we explain how to start fuzzing OpenTitan AES IP using libAFL.
cd fuzzers/opentitan-fuzzer-vcs
bash ./
Note: The docker build is deprecated.
The environement variable 'TMPDIR' is used to set the workdir for the different fuzzers. By default /tmp/presifuzz_*/
For every seed, the generated VCS files are saved in a dedicated folder whose name starts with 'backup_{id}', and where 'id' is a unique identifier. These directories contain the 'vdb' structures with coverage data. A merged report for all the 'vdb' can be generated using the following command:
urg $(find -maxdepth 2 -name "Coverage.vdb" -exec echo "-dir " {} \;) -format both -metric tgl -report urg_report
If you prefer getting a report per test:
find -maxdepth 2 -name "backup_*" -exec urg -dir {}/Coverage.vdb -format both -metric tgl -report urg_report_{} \;
This example replicates the work from Timothy Tripple, et all, except that we use vcs for simulating hardware. The seeds provided in the 'seeds' comes directly from this repository.
The RTL code comes from the OpenTitan team.