diff --git a/plugins.json b/plugins.json
index 1e93784a..773ff9ac 100644
--- a/plugins.json
+++ b/plugins.json
@@ -906,5 +906,15 @@
"variant": "both",
"creation_date": "2024-04-19",
"new_repository_format": true
+ },
+ "bunch_o_screenshots": {
+ "title": "Bunch o' Screenshots",
+ "author": "0Key",
+ "description": "Take screenshots of all your models by just pressing one button (or hotkey!)",
+ "tags": ["Screenshots", "Automation"],
+ "version": "0.0.2",
+ "min_version": "4.9.0",
+ "variant": "desktop",
+ "creation_date": "2024-04-28"
diff --git a/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/about.md b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/about.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b3d37bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/about.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Bunch o' Screenshots
+## TLDR: This plugin allows you to take a screenshots of a bunch of models at a time.
+### **Very useful for Java to Bedrock sprite making.**
+## How to use:
+### Save modes:
+- **direct**:
+ - (Fastest! Most recommended ;) )
+ Directly saves every single screenshot into your computer in the designated output directory (check the plugin's settings for that).
+- **justSave**:
+ - (Not so fast...)
+ Will prompt you a directory selection for every screenshot taken, might be annoying if you have multiple screenshots to take.
+- **fullConfirmation**:
+ - (Slowest :c)
+Will prompt you the default Blockbench screenshot window for every screenshot (with the `Clipboard`, `Save`, `Edit`, `Cancel` buttons), super annoying for multiple screenshots.
+### **Steps**
+1. Confirm that your settings are fine (most importantly the **output directory**)
+2. Open a model (or multiple models at the same time).
+3. Use the action button (`Tools > Screenshot all models`) or the hotkey (defaults to `Shift + Alt + S`)
+## Future features:
+- Select output directory with GUI.
+- Change width and height of the output image.
+- Friendlier save mode names? maybe if requested.
+- Beautify this about section lol
Yes, I took big part of this about from Ewan Howell's title generator, sorry, it looked cool
diff --git a/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/icon.png b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf4b9a4f
Binary files /dev/null and b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/icon.png differ
diff --git a/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/members.yml b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/members.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdc9f3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/members.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ - "0Key (discord: 0key2)"
+ - Me! (0Key)
diff --git a/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/plugin.js b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32636b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/bunch_o_snapshots/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+// Set width and height options
+(function () {
+ doLog = (str) => {
+ console.log(`[BoS] ${str}`);
+ };
+ var pluginData = {
+ title: "Bunch o' Screenshots",
+ author: "0Key",
+ description: "Take screenshots of all your models by just pressing one button (or hotkey!)",
+ tags: ["Screenshots", "Automation"],
+ version: "0.0.2",
+ min_version: "4.9.0",
+ variant: "desktop",
+ creation_date: "2024-04-28"
+ }
+ const fs = require("fs");
+ const os = require("os");
+ const path = require("path");
+ var runAction, runKeybind, options, allSaves;
+ var BosSettings;
+ var currentSettings;
+ const defaultSettings = {
+ devMode: false,
+ outputDirectory: null,
+ saveMode: "direct",
+ };
+ function deleteSettings() {
+ delete Settings.structure["BoSetings"];
+ delete Settings.dialog.sidebar.pages["BoSetings"];
+ Settings.dialog.sidebar.build();
+ for (const name in BosSettings) {
+ BosSettings[name]?.delete?.();
+ doLog(`Deleted setting: ${name}`);
+ }
+ BosSettings = null;
+ }
+ function updateCurrentSettings() {
+ function invalidDirectoryFallback(fallbackDirectory) {
+ Settings.openDialog();
+ Settings.dialog.close(0);
+ BosSettings["BoSoutputDirectory"].set(fallbackDirectory);
+ Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ confirm: 1,
+ cancel: 0,
+ title: "[BoS] Invalid directory",
+ message:
+ "The given directory is invalid, the previous set directory was restored in settings.",
+ icon: "report",
+ width: electron.getCurrentWindow().getContentBounds().width / 10,
+ });
+ }
+ currentSettings.devMode = BosSettings["BoSdevMode"].value || false;
+ if (!BosSettings["BoSoutputDirectory"].value) {
+ const homeDir = os.homedir();
+ const docsDirectory = path.join(homeDir, "Documents");
+ invalidDirectoryFallback(docsDirectory);
+ } else
+ fs.stat(BosSettings["BoSoutputDirectory"].value, (err, stats) => {
+ if (err) {
+ if (err.code === "ENOENT") {
+ invalidDirectoryFallback(currentSettings.outputDirectory);
+ doLog("Directory does not exist.");
+ } else {
+ invalidDirectoryFallback(currentSettings.outputDirectory);
+ console.error("Error checking directory:", err);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+ currentSettings.outputDirectory = BosSettings["BoSoutputDirectory"].value;
+ } else {
+ invalidDirectoryFallback(currentSettings.outputDirectory);
+ doLog("Path exists, but it is not a directory.");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ currentSettings.saveMode = BosSettings["BoSsaveMode"].value;
+ }
+ function loadSettings() {
+ currentSettings = {
+ devMode: currentSettings?.devMode || defaultSettings.devMode,
+ outputDirectory: currentSettings?.outputDirectory || defaultSettings.outputDirectory,
+ saveMode: currentSettings?.saveMode || defaultSettings.saveMode
+ };
+ Settings.openDialog();
+ Settings.dialog.close(0);
+ Settings.addCategory(
+ "BoSetings",
+ (data = {
+ name: pluginData.title,
+ })
+ );
+ if (BosSettings == null) {
+ doLog("create settings");
+ BosSettings = {
+ BoSdevMode: new Setting("BoSdevMode", {
+ name: "BoSdevMode",
+ description:
+ "Developer mode, disables the actualy usage of the plugin, testing purposes only, DO NOT USE.",
+ category: "BoSetings",
+ value: currentSettings.devMode,
+ type: "toggle",
+ onChange(value) {
+ updateCurrentSettings();
+ },
+ }),
+ BoSoutputDirectory: new Setting("BoSoutputDirectory", {
+ name: "BoSoutputDirectory",
+ description: "Where all your screenshots will be saved.",
+ category: "BoSetings",
+ value: currentSettings.outputDirectory,
+ type: "text",
+ onChange(value) {
+ updateCurrentSettings();
+ },
+ }),
+ BoSoutputDirectorySelection: new Setting(
+ "BoSoutputDirectorySelection",
+ {
+ name: "Change directory",
+ description:
+ "Open a directory selection window to change your BoSoutputDirectory",
+ category: "BoSetings",
+ value: false,
+ type: "click",
+ click: function () {
+ let dialog = new Dialog({
+ title: "WIP",
+ id: "dirSelectionWIP",
+ width: img.naturalWidth + 50,
+ lines: [
+ "This is a work in progress...
Can't change the directory like this yet, you'll have to write the directory manually.",
+ ],
+ buttons: ["dialog.close"],
+ onButton(result_index) {
+ dialog.delete();
+ return true;
+ },
+ });
+ dialog.show();
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ dialog.close(0);
+ dialog.delete();
+ }, 10000);
+ },
+ }
+ ),
+ BoSsaveMode: new Setting("BoSsaveMode", {
+ name: "BoSsaveMode",
+ description:
+ "Set the screenshot saving mode, more info about modes in Plugin's documentation.",
+ category: "BoSetings",
+ value: currentSettings.saveMode,
+ type: "select",
+ options: {
+ direct: "direct",
+ justSave: "justSave",
+ fullConfirmation: "fullConfirmation",
+ },
+ onChange(value) {
+ updateCurrentSettings();
+ },
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ updateCurrentSettings();
+ Settings.openDialog();
+ Settings.dialog.close(0);
+ }
+ // When updating, apply meta data changes to plugins.json entry!
+ BBPlugin.register("plugin", {
+ title: pluginData.title,
+ icon: "icon.png",
+ author: pluginData.author,
+ description: pluginData.description,
+ tags: pluginData.tags,
+ version: pluginData.version,
+ min_version: pluginData.min_version,
+ variant: pluginData.variant,
+ onload() {
+ loadSettings();
+ allSaves = [];
+ doLog("Plugin loaded");
+ function notifyAllDone() {
+ Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ confirm: 1,
+ cancel: 0,
+ title: "All screenshots created!",
+ message: `Paths for screenshots:\n${allSaves
+ .map((saved) => `
- ${saved}`)
+ .join("")}`,
+ icon: "icon-saved",
+ width: electron.getCurrentWindow().getContentBounds().width / 2,
+ });
+ }
+ function takeScreenshot() {
+ if (currentSettings.devMode !== false) return;
+ let savePath;
+ options = {
+ width: 320,
+ height: 320,
+ };
+ let preview = main_preview;
+ let prevTarget = new THREE.Vector3();
+ preview.camera.getWorldDirection(prevTarget);
+ const oldData = {
+ isOrtho: preview.isOrtho,
+ axis: preview.camOrtho.axis,
+ position: preview.camera.position.clone(),
+ target: prevTarget,
+ };
+ const captureData = {
+ isOrtho: true,
+ axis: null,
+ position: new THREE.Vector3(-1, 1, -1),
+ target: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
+ };
+ function rollbackPreview() {
+ preview.isOrtho = oldData.isOrtho;
+ preview.camOrtho.axis = oldData.axis;
+ preview.camera.position.copy(oldData.position);
+ preview.camera.lookAt(oldData.target);
+ }
+ function fixPreview() {
+ preview.isOrtho = captureData.isOrtho;
+ preview.camOrtho.axis = captureData.axis;
+ preview.camera.position.copy(captureData.position);
+ preview.camera.lookAt(captureData.target);
+ preview.resize();
+ }
+ let cb = null;
+ fixPreview();
+ Canvas.withoutGizmos(function () {
+ preview.render();
+ let frame = new CanvasFrame(preview.canvas);
+ frame.autoCrop();
+ if (options.width && options.height) {
+ let new_frame = new CanvasFrame(options.width, options.height);
+ let width = frame.width;
+ let height = frame.height;
+ if (width > options.width) {
+ height /= width / options.width;
+ width = options.width;
+ }
+ if (height > options.height) {
+ width /= height / options.height;
+ height = options.height;
+ }
+ new_frame.ctx.drawImage(
+ frame.canvas,
+ (options.width - width) / 2,
+ (options.height - height) / 2,
+ width,
+ height
+ );
+ frame = new_frame;
+ }
+ let dataUrl = frame.canvas.toDataURL();
+ let img = new Image();
+ img.src = dataUrl;
+ img.className = "allow_default_menu checkerboard";
+ const projectName = Project
+ ? Project.name.replace(/\.geo$/, "")
+ : "screenshot";
+ savePath = `${currentSettings.outputDirectory}\\${projectName}.png`;
+ // Show screenshot (+options to handle it)
+ function fullConfirmation() {
+ Screencam.returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb);
+ }
+ // Confirm saving...
+ function justSave() {
+ let is_gif = dataUrl.substr(5, 9) == "image/gif";
+ Blockbench.export(
+ {
+ startpath: savePath,
+ type: tl("data.image"),
+ // extensions: [is_gif ? 'gif' : 'png'],
+ extensions: ["png"],
+ name: Project
+ ? Project.name.replace(/\.geo$/, "")
+ : "screenshot",
+ // content: is_gif ? (isApp ? Buffer(dataUrl.split(',')[1], 'base64') : blob) : dataUrl,
+ content: dataUrl,
+ // savetype: is_gif ? 'binary' : 'image',
+ savetype: "image",
+ resource_id: "screenshot",
+ },
+ function (path) {
+ doLog(`Saved in ${path}`);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // Direct saving into directory from settings
+ function directSave() {
+ // Direct save
+ Blockbench.writeFile(
+ savePath,
+ {
+ content: dataUrl,
+ savetype: "image",
+ },
+ function (path) {
+ doLog(`Autosaved in ${path}`);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ switch (currentSettings.saveMode) {
+ case "direct":
+ directSave();
+ break;
+ case "justSave":
+ justSave();
+ break;
+ case "fullConfirmation":
+ fullConfirmation();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ doLog("save triggered!");
+ rollbackPreview();
+ allSaves = [...allSaves, savePath];
+ }
+ function doForProjects(func) {
+ Blockbench.setStatusBarText(`Creating screenshots... `);
+ const initial = Project;
+ const numProjects = ModelProject.all.length;
+ if (numProjects < 1) {
+ Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ confirm: 1,
+ cancel: 0,
+ title: "Open a project",
+ message:
+ "You need at least 1 project currently opened to use Bunch o' Screenshots",
+ icon: "icon-objects",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ let currentProject = 1;
+ ModelProject.all.forEach((e) => {
+ Blockbench.setStatusBarText(
+ `Processing screenshot (${currentProject}/${numProjects})`
+ );
+ Blockbench.setProgress(
+ parseFloat((currentProject / numProjects).toFixed(3))
+ );
+ e.select();
+ func();
+ currentProject++;
+ });
+ initial.select();
+ if (currentSettings.devMode !== false)
+ doLog("Process finished in dev mode");
+ else notifyAllDone();
+ savePath = "";
+ Blockbench.setStatusBarText(`All screenshots done!`);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ Blockbench.setProgress();
+ Blockbench.setStatusBarText();
+ }, 3000);
+ }
+ runAction?.delete?.();
+ runKeybind?.delete?.();
+ runKeybind = new Keybind({ key: "s", shift: true, alt: true });
+ runAction = new Action("runBos", {
+ name: "Screenshot all models",
+ description: "Take a Screenshot of all currently opened models.",
+ icon: "photo_camera",
+ // condition: null,
+ category: "tools",
+ keybind: runKeybind,
+ click: () => doForProjects(takeScreenshot),
+ // color: "",
+ // linked_setting: "",
+ // children: [],
+ // label: "",
+ });
+ MenuBar.addAction(runAction, "tools");
+ },
+ onunload() {
+ runAction?.delete?.();
+ runKeybind?.delete?.();
+ },
+ oninstall() {
+ loadSettings();
+ doLog("Installed!");
+ },
+ onuninstall() {
+ // Delete our settings from user's config
+ // actually just aesthetics, bc BB handles it anyway after restart.
+ deleteSettings();
+ },
+ });