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User Guide

Florizz is your personal digital florist which helps people in Singapore to curate flowers to create bouquets for all occasions.

Table of Contents


Viewing help: help

Shows a list of commands and its corresponding function

Format: help

Expected output:

Here is the table showing a list of commands you can use:
| No. | Command                                        | Explanation                            | Example                      |
|  1  | new <bouquetName>                              | Add a bouquet                          | new Birthday Bouquet         |
|  2  | delete <bouquetName>                           | Delete a bouquets                      | delete Birthday Bouquet      |
|  3  | mybouquets                                     | List current saved bouquets            | mybouquets                   |
|  4  | info <flowerName>                              | Provide information on chosen flower   | info Rose                    |
|  5  | add <flowerName> /c <colour> (optional) /q     | Add flower to a bouquet                | add Rose /c Red /q 5 /to     |
|     | <quantity> /to <bouquetName>                   |                                        | Birthday Bouquet             |
|  6  | remove <flowerName> /c <colour> (optional) /q  | Remove flower from a bouquet           | remove Rose /c Red /q 5      |
|     | <quantity> /from <bouquetName>                 |                                        | /from Birthday Bouquet       |
|  7  | flowers                                        | Shows a list of flowers that can be    | flowers                      |
|     |                                                | added into mybouquets                  |                              |
|  8  | flowers <occasion>                             | Shows a list of flowers associated     | flowers Valentines           |
|     |                                                | with said occasion                     |                              |
|  9  | occasion                                       | Shows a list of occasions associated   | occasion                     |
|     |                                                | with available flowers                 |                              |
| 10  | save <bouquetName>                             | Saves a bouquet to an external         | save Birthday Bouquet        |
|     |                                                | <bouquetName>.txt file                 |                              |
| 11  | recommend                                      | Recommends a bouquet based on the      | recommend                    |
|     |                                                | chosen occasion and colour             |                              |
| 12  | compare <1st flowerName> /vs/ <2nd flowerName> | Show information regarding two flowers | compare Rose /vs/ Lily       |
|     |                                                | side-by-side for comparison            |                              |
| 13  | bye                                            | Exits the programme                    | bye                          |

Create a new bouquet: new

Creates an empty bouquet to add flowers to later

Format: new NAME

  • Bouquet name must not already exist
  • Bouquet names are not case-sensitive i.e. For Girlfriend = for girlfriend

Examples: new For Girlfriend

Expected output:

Added new bouquet to list: 
For Girlfriend

Delete existing bouquet: delete

Deletes a bouquet from the bouquet list

Format: delete <bouquetName>

  • Bouquet of that name must exist in the list

Example: delete For Mother

Expected output:

Deleted bouquet: 
For Mother

View existing bouquets: mybouquets

Views all the bouquets in the list

Format: mybouquets

Expected output:

Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Girlfriend :
      No flowers added so far

List all available flowers: flowers

List all available flowers in the database currently, also able to filter presented flowers according to occasion, colour (coming soon) and meaning (coming soon).

Shows at most five flowers at once, type next to see flowers on the next page, and back to view a previous page.

Format: flowers <occassion>

Example: flowers

Expected output:

Showing page 1/6 of all the flowers you can add:
1. Orchid (White)
2. Rose (Dark crimson)
3. Rose (Red)
4. Rose (Yellow)
5. Lily (White)
Type 'next' to go to the next page.

Example: flowers Funeral

Expected output:

Here is page 1/1 of all the flowers related to Funeral:
1. Rose (Dark crimson)
2. Lily (White)
3. Chrysanthemum (White)

View detailed info of a flower: info

Get detailed info (colour, meaning and related occasions) about a specific flower in the database, will show all colours and their associated meanings (specifying colours will come soon).

Shows at most five flowers at once, type next to see flowers on the next page, and back to view a previous page.

Format: info <flowerName>

Example: info Lily

Expected Output:

Here is a table of information about the flower Lily:
| No. | Flower Name | Colour | Occasion         | Meaning   | Type        | Price ($) |
|  1  | Lily        | White  | Funeral, Wedding | Innocence | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.50 |
|  2  | Lily        | Orange | -                | Hatred    | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.50 |

Add flower: add

Adds a flower into a bouquet

Format: add <flowerName> /c <colour> (optional) /q <quantity> /to <bouquetName>

  • Flower must exist in the database
  • Quantity must be a positive integer
  • Bouquet must exist in the database
  • If flower has several colours available, but user did not enter a colour in the command, user will be prompted to choose a colour from the available colours
  • If flower only has one colour available, user does not need to enter a colour


  • add Rose /c red /q 3 /to For Girlfriend

Expected Output:

What can I do for you?
add Rose /c red /q 3 /to For Girlfriend
You have successfully added the following:
    - 3 x Rose (Red) -> Bouquet: For Girlfriend
Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Girlfriend :
    - 3 x Rose (Red)
  Total estimated price = $6.00
  • add Rose /q 3 /to For Girlfriend
The flower you're looking for has more than one colour available, each with their own vastly different meanings.
Here is a table of information about the flower rose:
| No. | Flower Name | Colour       | Occasion                         | Meaning                                | Type        | Price ($) |
|  1  | Rose        | Dark crimson | Funeral                          | Mourning                               | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  2  | Rose        | Red          | Valentines, Wedding, Mothers day | Love                                   | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  3  | Rose        | Yellow       | -                                | Jealousy, Decrease of love, Infidelity | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
Type the colour you want to add into the bouquet, or 'cancel' to return to the main menu.
You have successfully added the following:
    - 3 x Rose (Red) -> Bouquet: For Girlfriend
Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Girlfriend :
    - 3 x Rose (Red)
  Total estimated price = $6.00
  • add daisy /q 3 /to For Girlfriend
You have successfully added the following:
    - 3 x Daisy (White) -> Bouquet: For Girlfriend
Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Girlfriend :
    - 3 x Daisy (White)
    - 3 x Rose (Red)
  Total estimated price = $7.50

Remove flower: remove

Removes a flower from a bouquet

Format: remove <flowerName> /c <colour> (optional) /q <quantity> /from <bouquetName>

  • Flower of that colour must exist in the database and the bouquet specified
  • Quantity must be between 1 and the current amount of flowers in the bouquet (inclusive).
  • Bouquet must exist in the database
  • If multiple flowers of that colour exist in the bouquet and colour is not specified, user will be prompted to choose a colour from the ones available


  • remove Carnation /q 1 /from for mother

Expected output:

The flower you're looking for has more than one colour available, each with their own vastly different meanings.
Here is a table of information about the flower carnation:
| No. | Flower Name | Colour | Occasion    | Meaning                   | Type        | Price ($) |
|  1  | Carnation   | Pink   | Mothers day | Gratitude, Love           | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  2  | Carnation   | Red    | Valentines  | My heart aches, Deep Love | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
Type the colour you want to add into the bouquet, or 'cancel' to return to the main menu.
You have successfully removed the following:
    - 1 x Carnation (Red) -> Bouquet: for mother
Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Mother :
    - 1 x Carnation (Pink)
  Total estimated price = $2.00
  • remove carnation /c pink /q 1 /from for mother
You have successfully removed the following:
    - 1 x Carnation (Pink) -> Bouquet: for mother
Here is the list of your saved bouquets:
1. For Mother :
      No flowers added so far

List occasions: occasion

Shows a list of occasions that the flowers in the database are associated with.

Format: occasion

Expected output:

Here are all the occasions associated with the available flowers: 
- Funeral
- Wedding
- Valentines
- Mothers day

Recommend A Bouquet: recommend

Recommends a bouquet based on the occasion and the recipient's preference. Will enter user into 'recommend mode'. Type cancel to exit recommend mode.


  1. Type command: recommend

    Expected output:

     For what occasion are you buying flowers for?
     Here are all the occasions associated with the available flowers:
     - Funeral
     - Wedding
     - Valentines
     - Mothers day
     Type 'cancel' if you would like to exit the recommendation page
  2. Type occasion: Funeral

    Expected output:

    What colour would you like your bouquets to be?
    Here is the list of colours available for the occasion:
    - Dark crimson
    - White
     Type 'cancel' if you would like to exit the recommendation page
  3. Select colour of bouquet: WHITE

    Expected output:

     Great we managed to find some flowers for you!
     Before we carry on what would you like to call your bouquet?
     Note: please take note 'cancel' cannot be used as a bouquet name
     Type 'cancel' if you would like to exit the recommendation page
  4. Type bouquet name: for grandma

    Expected output:

     What size would you like your recommended bouquet to be?
     1. Small
     2. Medium
     3. Large
     Type 'cancel' if you would like to exit the recommendation page
  5. Select bouquet size: Large

    Expected output:

     Would you like to save this bouquet to your list?
     Here is the full list of flowers in for grandma:
     - 2 x Pittosporum
     - 2 x Freesia
     - 1 x Dusty Miller
     - 3 x Chrysanthemum
     - 1 x Pistacia
     - 2 x Lily
     Type 'yes' to save, 'no' to discard
     Type 'cancel' if you would like to exit the recommendation page

    Note: The flowers in the bouquet are randomly generated and may differ from the example

  6. Confirm whether you want to add the recommended bouquet to your mybouquets list: yes

     Added new bouquet to list:
     for grandma
     What can I do for you?

Save a bouquet to device: save

Saves chosen bouquet, if it exists, locally to the users device

Format: save <bouquetName>

  • Bouquet must exist before it can be saved


  • save moms bouquet

Expected Output:

Successfully saved moms bouquet. You can find it at 'florizz-out/saved/moms bouquet.txt'

Compare two flowers: compare

Compares the colour, occasion, meaning, type and price of flowers based on flower names

Format: compare <flowerName1> /vs/ <flowerName2>

  • Both flowers must exist in the database


  • compare Rose /vs/ Lily

Expected output:

Here is a table of comparison between the two flowers:
| No. | Flower Name | Colour       | Occasion                         | Meaning                                | Type        | Price ($) |
|  1  | Rose        | Dark crimson | Funeral                          | Mourning                               | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  2  | Rose        | Red          | Valentines, Wedding, Mothers day | Love                                   | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  3  | Rose        | Yellow       | -                                | Jealousy, Decrease of love, Infidelity | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.00 |
|  4  | Lily        | White        | Funeral, Wedding                 | Innocence                              | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.50 |
|  5  | Lily        | Orange       | -                                | Hatred                                 | MAIN_FLOWER |      2.50 |

Exit programme: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

Expected output:

Enjoy your bouquet! Thank you for using Florizz!

Fuzzy Logic

Florizz uses a type of fuzzy logic that rectifies typos in user input by utilising the Damerau-Levenshtein Distance to measure the similarity between the user input and a valid command/flower/colour/occasion.

The Damerau-Levenshtein distance measures the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one string into another. These edits can be insertions, deletions, substitutions and transpositions of individual characters.

When a typo is detected, Florizz will make a calculated guess as to the valid command that a user is actually referring to.

Examples of typos that Florizz can rectify include:

  1. Typo in spelling
    • flowerz Vlentine
    • ads Ross /c ret /q 10 /to mybouquet1
  2. Incorrect placements of whitespaces
    • c o m p are R ose /v s/ L i ly
    • m y b ouq ue ts
  3. Absence of whitespaces
    • flowersmothersday
    • infoDaisy

Note: Fuzzy Logic only works for commands, flower names, colours and occasions, and it cannot rectify typos which combine no. 1 with no. 2 or no. 3.

Expected output:

flowerz Vlentine
--> Your input is [flowerz] but I am guessing you mean [flowers]
--> Your input is [Vlentine] but I am guessing you mean [Valentines]
ads Ross /c ret /q 10 /to mybouquet1
--> Your input is [ads] but I am guessing you mean [add]
--> Your input is [Ross] but I am guessing you mean [Rose]
--> Your input is [ret] but I am guessing you mean [Red]
c o m  p are R ose /v  s/ L i ly
--> Your input is [c o m  p are R ose /v  s/ L i ly] but I am guessing you mean [compare Rose /vs/ Lily]
--> Your input is [flowersmothersday] but I am guessing you mean [flowers Mothers Day]


Florizz automatically backs up all your bouquet data onto your device in a FlorizzBouquets.txt file. As such the user can transfer their bouquet data between devices by simply moving the text file to the florizz-out/data/ folder. However, editing this text file is not recommended as the format is very specific, so users should do so at their own risk